Been told you aren’t suited for Invisalign? Five reasons to try Damon braces today!

When you decide to undertake a brace as an adult, it can feel more than a bit intimidating.

clear-braces-claphamOn the one hand, you are paying for a treatment that may affect your outward appearance for a while, but on the other hand, you have had enough of putting up with your crooked smile.

Luckily, when you choose an adult orthodontic treatment, you will be happy to know that the majority of options are either clear aligners or invisible braces. Specifically designed to be discreet and easy to maintain, these options fit easily around your life and don’t require excessive numbers of dental trips. Perfect!

At Clapham South Dental, our dental team is proud of our range of adult orthodontic options, which includes clear braces in Clapham like the Damon system. Designed for misalignments that require a bit more work than an invisible brace can handle, these braces can help correct a more complex dental situation in less time than you might think!

But what are the advantages of clear braces in Clapham? Is the Damon system suitable for you? Read on to find out!

Better results

As the old saying goes: ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating.’

While we could focus on how these clear braces in Clapham work, you are probably more concerned about the final result; we don’t blame you!

The Damon system has an exceptionally high success rate long term (5 years post-treatment), over 97% of patients who have used these braces are happy with how their teeth look and have experienced no unwanted movement. If someone told you that there was a 97% chance you could win the lottery, we bet you would buy a ticket!

Reduction in treatment time

Of course, the adult world is very short on time.

With work, children and other commitments, we know you don’t have the free time to be going backward and forwards to see our dentist for months and months.

If you are suitable, the Damon clear brace requires minimal check-ups with our team and uses a different technique for realigning your teeth. There is no excess adjusting or tightening required from our team, so you are free to get on with your life. Brilliant!

Applicable to complex cases

While other aligners like Invisalign are great, they often fall short when it comes to more complex dental issues.

If you have a more severe misalignment or orthodontic issue, the Damon system is more equipped to correct it, meaning a better long term outcome for your smile!


As mentioned earlier, this brace does not use force (tightening) to achieve its results and therefore, it is more comfortable for everyday wear.

While there may be some initial adjustment after it has been fitted,  during the treatment, it should not create any discomfort. If it does, call us immediately for an assessment!

Enhanced facial aesthetics

If you have misaligned teeth, it is likely your facial appearance may be affected too.

Using the Damon clear brace will straighten your teeth and improve the aesthetics of your face.

Have you heard of the health benefits of Invisalign braces? The top four from Clapham South Dental Centre

There are many issues to be had with teeth that are misaligned; they are harder to brush, they get food stuck in them easily and, of course, they impact on your smile and confidence.invisalign-braces-clapham

Even if you have had crooked teeth all your life, it can feel like a huge step to approach a dentist to do something about it; after all, cosmetic dental options are new to many people and of course, what is new may be considered with trepidation.

But before you decide that any cosmetic dental work is purely, well, cosmetic, there are many health benefits to be had too. Unlike other cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, realigning your teeth can have great benefits for your health too.

At Clapham South Dental, our team is able to offer our suitable patients a range of adult orthodontic options, including Invisalign in Clapham. This world-famous brace is removable, fast-acting and is perfect to fit around your busy adult life. It can help correct a variety of orthodontic issues, such as crowding, protrusions, and even overbites! Perfect!

But are there any health benefits of undertaking treatment with Invisalign in Clapham? Read on to find out!

No more headaches!

It has been known for a while in dentistry that if you have misaligned teeth, you are more likely to suffer from both headaches and migraines. Inconvenient to say the least!

The reason for this is simple; teeth that do not fit together well are more prone to being ground together as we sleep. This, in turn, causes tired, sore muscles in the jaw, which impacts on the neck and head. Ergo, you will have a headache when you wake up.

As Invisalign in Clapham realigns your teeth, the nocturnal grinding will reduce and with it, so will the headaches and migraines. Perfect!

Better digestion

We have already mentioned that teeth that do not sit together are more likely to grind against each other in an uncomfortable fashion; this also occurs when we chew food.

However, a set of misaligned teeth are not able to grind and chew food correctly, meaning that once it is swallowed, our bodies find it harder to absorb the nutrients. We also have more issues with digestion, like heartburn, acid reflux and bloating.

Realigning your teeth with an invisible brace prevents incorrect chewing and enables for more comfortable and effective digestion of food.

Improved oral hygiene

Crooked, gapped and crowded teeth are harder to clean effectively.

Teeth that are not clean are more prone to both gum disease and tooth decay, simply because pockets of bacteria in the mouth are missed.

Straightening your smile will reduce your risk of both oral decay and periodontal disease, meaning your mouth will look great and be healthier too.

Temporomandibular joint disorder

A fairly rare disorder that can be helped and partially corrected with an invisible brace is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

This disorder causes pain, clicking and even bone erosion in the jaw and is caused by misalignment of the teeth or excessive crowding.

These are just a few reasons to consider Invisalign at our practice.

Forgot to ask a question at your oral implant fitting? Top 5 FAQs answered by Clapham South Dental

So, you did it.

You took the plunge and got oral implants fitted; good for you!

dental-implants-claphamNot only have you invested in a cosmetic option that will improve your smile, but oral implants have been linked to improved oral health, better digestion, and improved speech. What’s not to love about that?

As you leave your dental surgery post-fitting, you may have some questions that you either forgot to ask your dentist or have only just thought of. After all, you have undertaken a large procedure and, of course, you want to know how to keep the implants, your gums and your mouth healthy for the next few months, so you can have the prosthetic teeth fitted.

If you came to Clapham South Dental to have your dental implants in Clapham, then you chose an experienced dental team who can help you through the next few months with confidence and experience. Our team has fitted thousands of oral implants and are knowledgeable about the healing process and beyond.

But, what are some of the most frequent questions we are asked by our patients about dental implants in Clapham? Read on to find out!

Can I brush my teeth after the fitting?

This is a common question we are asked and, as odd as it may sound, our team will recommend that you do not brush the implant site until the stitches have healed.

While this may seem counterintuitive, brushing the area may cause additional inflammation and even cause the stitches to open, creating further complications.

If there are any natural teeth in your mouth, brush them as you normally would, but be very careful. To keep the implants and the surrounding site clean, gargle salt water as required. This will also speed up the healing and reduce the chance of infection.

Will it be painful?

You may experience some discomfort after having, but this should be minimal.

Sensations akin to those of having had extractions or root canals are common, along with some soreness of the gum. dental implants in Clapham

What should I look out for?

Keep an eye out for excessive inflammation and discolouration at the implant site. These are indicative of an infection. Look out for swelling to the face, jaw or neck, as these are also symptoms of an infection that requires urgent treatment.

If you are in an excessive amount of pain, call our team immediately.

Can I smoke or drink after they are fitted?

Once fitted, do not smoke any substances or drink alcohol for two weeks minimum.

To avoid discomfort, do not consume any hot liquids, such as soups or teas and avoid ice-based products too.

Is there any food I should avoid?

Once your implants are fitted, avoid eating spicy foods like curries; these will aggravate your gums and encourage inflammation.

Avoid eating hard foods, like fruits and raw veg, and eat lukewarm foods that are soft and easy to chew; additional pressure caused by hard foods may cause the implants to come loose or detach completely.

Heard the buzz about invisible braces? A brief introduction to our braces at Clapham South Dental

In the world of modern dentistry, it seems that what was once considered impossible is now possible.

invisible-braces-claphamIn decades gone by, many dental patients wished that there were fixed, stable teeth that could replace lost ones and now, dental implants are used across the globe to do just that. In a similar vein, if you needed braces as an adult in the past, you had the choice of either large, metal ones or none at all; hardly a choice with great appeal!

As with the replacement of teeth, there is now a modern solution to correcting orthodontic issues in adults, in the form of clear braces and invisible aligners. With brand names like Invisalign, the Inman aligner, the Damon system and Six Month Smiles, you can now achieve a straighter smile as an adult, without resorting to heavy orthodontic treatments.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists can offer suitable patients both clear and invisible braces in Clapham. We have used these aligners to help thousands of patients get a straighter, healthier smile and, with the different braces we can offer, you could get a straighter grin in as little as six months! How great is that?

Want to know a bit more about the clear and invisible braces in Clapham that our team can offer? Read on!

How do they work?

Firstly, you are probably curious to know how clear and invisible braces in Clapham work.

Let’s start with how our first brace, Invisalign, moves and realigns teeth.


Treatment with Invisalign consists of a set of clear, plastic trays, which are custom-fitted to your teeth and will need to be changed, on average, every two weeks.

But don’t worry! Our team at Clapham South won’t need to stick this aligner to your teeth; it is removable and once one tray is loose, you move on to the next one in the set. It’s that simple!

However, not all patients are suitable for Invisalign due to either their clinical presentation or their age; as this brace needs to be worn for a minimum of twenty-two hours a day to work, our team is reluctant to offer this treatment to younger patients who may not commit to this.

Similarly, if you have a severe misalignment or spacing, then you may be more suited to a traditional orthodontic brace.

Damon system

You may be wondering what the difference is between an invisible aligner and a clear brace.

Simply put, a clear brace is fitted to the teeth in the same way a traditional brace is and is not removable.

The Damon system uses a clear brace, which has clear or tooth coloured brackets and a metal wire to realign your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, it does not use force (tightening) to straighten your teeth, but uses a slide mechanism to allow your teeth to move more freely into the desired position. Due to this, our team may prefer to use the Damon system brace over Invisalign aligners if you have a more complex clinical presentation.

Been told you need clear braces? Your 5 top questions answered by Clapham South Dental Centre

If you are new to the area of cosmetic dentistry, it can feel a bit like trying to navigate a mountain without a map, especially when it comes to looking through the different types of cosmetic braces.

clear-braces-claphamYou may assume that the words braces and cosmetic don’t belong together; how on earth can a brace be cosmetic? And how does it differ from a traditional brace? Can anyone have a cosmetic brace?

And then, you will inevitably come across the different brands of cosmetic aligners; Invisalign,

Damon and even Incognito. What’s the difference?

Not to worry; we can help!

If you are an adult who is yearning for a straighter smile, our team of cosmetic dentists at Clapham South Dental can offer you one of our invisible or clear braces in Clapham. Designed to give you that dream smile promptly, we will choose the perfect aligner for you, so all you have to do is sit back and smile.

But is there a difference between invisible and clear braces in Clapham? Read on to learn more about our most popular clear aligner, the Damon System.

Does the Damon System hurt?

Of course, nobody wants to undertake any kind of treatment that is going to hurt, even if they are clear braces in Clapham.

With traditional orthodontic braces, many patients experience a great deal of discomfort as their teeth are moved; this is due to the brace pulling the teeth into their new position. As the Damon System gently pushes your teeth throughout the duration of the treatment, there is minimal to no discomfort, meaning no brace tightening and no pressure.

What does the Damon System look like?

Designed to be visually discreet, the Damon system is made of a thin piece of metal wire placed across the front of the teeth and, usually, brackets that are either clear or tooth coloured.

Although this is not invisible, it is tough to spot and certainly offers more discretion than some orthodontic alternatives.

How long will I need to wear them for?

While the answer to this will be up to the discretion of a member of our team, it is likely that when you wear the Damon aligner, your treatment will be completed in around 6 months.

Alongside this, treatment with the Damon aligner involves fewer trips to our surgery, allowing you to get on with your busy life.

Is it as effective as regular braces?

The Damon System is extremely effective at treating dental issues and, while there may be some limitations to the conditions it can treat, there is no tooth removal, no tightening and it allows your teeth more room to move, without being too restrictive..

What conditions can it treat?

This aligner can treat complex cases of misalignment, excess spacing or crowding and protrusions.

If you have an over or underbite, our team at Clapham South Dental Centre will decide if you are suited to this brand of aligner, depending on the severity and complexity of your orthodontic presentation.

Do Invisalign braces hurt? Your questions answered by Clapham South Dental Centre

There are many ways in the modern world to improve your appearance if you want to; you can buy new clothes, get a haircut and….get your teeth straightened? Really?

invisalign-claphamYes, really, Unlike 20, or even 10 years ago, more adults than ever are benefiting from cosmetic and orthodontic procedures, through the use of invisible braces.

Made from a malleable and clear plastic, invisible braces are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth, straightening them painlessly and gradually, without drawing unwanted stares from strangers, colleagues or family members.

When you come to Clapham South Dental for invisible braces, like Invisalign in Clapham, our team can help you make your straighter smile a reality. Experienced at using the computer programs linked to these braces and thoroughly knowledgeable about required aftercare, our team will make sure that your new smile is something to, well, smile about!

But, how does Invisalign in Clapham work; is there a trick that isn’t being mentioned? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and some of our other FAQs.

How do these invisible braces work?

Different from traditional braces that use force to move your teeth into their new position, Invisalign in Clapham uses a customised set of clear trays, to gently push your teeth into the desired location. Using a combination of shaped aligners and gently opposing metal coils, these braces work at an accelerated rate to move your teeth and are very comfortable to wear.

Using the 3D scan technology, our team will take an in-depth image of your mouth, to predict the shape that these aligners will need to be and how many you will require to get that straighter smile.

How long will I need to wear them for?

This will depend on your unique clinical situation.

However, on average, our team has found that the majority of those fitted with these braces wear them for around 6 months but, depending on the severity of your misalignment, spacing or crowding, you may complete the treatment in 3 months or even 12; it can be quite variable!

Will they hurt?

Once you put the first tray into your mouth, you may feel slight tightness or pressure on your teeth; this is completely normal and is part of the process.

Generally speaking, as invisible braces do not pull your teeth, there should be minimal (if any) discomfort when wearing the aligners.

Can I have them if I have crowns or bridges?

As crowns are bonded to your teeth, they should not be a factor in the use of invisible braces but, ultimately, our team will decide if they are likely to impact on the success of the brace.

As bridges are fixed in position, they will probably impinge on the effectiveness of the aligner and so, alternative treatments may be required.

What about the aftercare?

Once your teeth are straightened, our team will provide you with a retainer, to prevent your teeth from relapsing back into their old positions. That is the only aftercare required for this aligner; brilliant!

Curious about dental implants in Clapham? Three alternative types that our team may offer you

When looking for a way to restore your smile, you may feel that the only way to close the gaps is with dentures or bridges; after all, people have used these prosthetics since ancient Egypt, so they must be the best!

dental-implants-claphamHowever, if you are more interested in oral implants to restore your smile to its former glory, but have been told by your dentist that you are unsuitable for the traditional endosteal implants, it may seem that the only options left are bridges or dentures.

Not to worry! As implant dentistry has advanced, so have the different types of implants that cosmetic dentists can use and now, even if you have a weak jawbone or have less bone than necessary for the endosteal fittings, there are other options available to you.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our team is experienced in using dental implants in Clapham and can offer you different types depending on your unique clinical situation. Ensuring that you are informed every step of the way, we can help you get your smile back to its former glory, with a permanent and natural-looking solution.

But what are the different types of dental implants in Clapham that you may be suitable for? Read on to find out.

Micro or mini-implants

Typically 1.8 to 3.3 mm wide and 10 mm in length, as the name suggests, micro or mini dental implants in Clapham are smaller versions of the traditional endosteal implant.

The micro implants that we typically use are made from two parts; the titanium post that has a ball on the end and a socket with a ring made of rubber, which attaches to the titanium post.

Suitable for dental patients who have either lost too much jawbone or do not want to undertake the lengthy and invasive surgeries that accompany endosteal implants, micro-implants can be fitted in one visit and will not require any sutures or stitches.

Zygomatic implants

Only used for those who need implants on their top jaw, zygomatic implants are about 3 times longer than traditional endosteal options.

Fitted to the zygoma or cheekbone, this implant is used if the dental patient has insufficient jawbone in their upper jaw and is also a more successful alternative to bone grafting procedures.

Placed diagonally into the cheekbone, these implants can hold a complete upper denture with ease, meaning there will be no rubbing or movement. Brilliant!

Subperiosteal implants

Typically made out of a light, metal framework, subperiosteal implants are used when the jaw bone has atrophied or has been extensively damaged.

Fitted under the gum line but placed on top of the jaw, these act as a root system for your new prosthetic teeth. Once in place, our team will then attach your new teeth to this framework, meaning there will be no drilling into your jaw, lengthy recovery time or extensive surgery.

Think oral implants might be for you? Contact our team at Clapham South Dental for more information about these restorative procedures.

Decided Invisalign braces are for you? The 5 clear benefits of choosing this aligner

When you are looking to straighten your smile, the idea of braces can feel slightly off-putting.

While many people automatically envision large, metal aligners when they hear the word brace, in modern dentistry, there are many alternatives available.

invisible-braces-claphamOf course, many dental patients are only aware of metal braces and therefore, there is a natural caution related to any other type of orthodontic procedure; do clear braces work? What are the benefits? And, more importantly, how are they different from regular braces?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we know all about clear and invisible braces in Clapham and can suggest the perfect aligner for you from our wide range of options.

Designed to help you get that straighter smile in minimal time, many cosmetic braces are perfectly suited to adult life and will ensure that there is no undue attention drawn to your smile; the only people who will know are you and us!

But what are the other advantages of invisible braces in Clapham? Read on to discover the top 5!

Better hygiene

When many people think of braces, they remember that one child in school who had to attend multiple hygienist visits to make sure his teeth didn’t deteriorate.

While this is still standard practice for orthodontic braces, with invisible braces in Clapham, many patients find that their oral hygiene improves.

As brands like Invisalign require you to brush your teeth after each meal (before you put the aligner back into your mouth), you will be reducing plaque and bacteria accumulation. This will reduce the likelihood of you developing tooth decay or gum disease.


Another benefit of Invisalign? It is fully removable.

Provided you wear the aligner for up to 22 hours each day, you will be able to remove it to brush your teeth, consume food and if you are playing sports.

The advantage? No food stuck to your gums, better oral hygiene and a lifestyle-friendly alternative. What more could you want in a brace?

Accelerated treatment

Of course, many patients who undertake Invisalign are amazed at how quickly the brace realigns their teeth.

Designed to straighten misalignments, correct spacing or overcrowding, Invisalign treatment is often completed in 6 months or less, meaning that your dream smile could be less than a year away; compared to orthodontic braces which can take up to 2 years, it is a win-win situation!


At Clapham South Dental Centre, many of our patients worry that Invisalign will be uncomfortable; after all, there has to be a catch somewhere!

After the first tray is placed over your teeth, you may notice a tight feeling. This is completely normal and should not be painful. If you notice a high level of discomfort while wearing Invisalign, please call our team immediately, so we can assess the cause.

Exceptional results

And finally, once the treatment is over, your newly aligned teeth will last a lifetime!

Provided that you wear the retainer post-completion, your new smile will be yours to keep! Fantastic!

Want a straighter smile as an adult? 5 reasons to choose clear braces with Clapham South Dental

When one undertakes orthodontic treatment as an adult, you are more aware than you would have been as a child that there are long-term advantages to this procedure.

clear-braces-claphamAfter all, if you are choosing to wear a brace as an adult, it is likely that you have had enough of the health and social issues that your misaligned smile creates. Therefore, orthodontic treatment is going to boost your confidence, while also giving you a smile that is easier to look after.

At Clapham South Dental, we have extensive experience working with adults who wish to have their teeth straightened. We are able to provide a myriad of treatment options, including clear braces in Clapham, and can provide you with a step-by-step guide to how your brace is going to change your smile. We will also offer you personalised maintenance tips to keep your teeth and gums at their healthiest during the procedure.

But are there any other advantages to having clear braces in Clapham as an adult?

Improved oral hygiene

A co-occurrence that we see regularly as dentists is that people who wear fixed aligners are likely to suffer from poorer health.

As braces are placed on the front of the teeth, soft foods like breads, pasta and rice can get stuck in them, making oral health harder to maintain. So, it is naturally assumed that when one wears any kind of aligner, they will have to attend hygienist appointments to keep their teeth clean. But, with our clear braces in Clapham, you are able to remove them, and so maintaining a high level of oral hygiene is easier than you would think!

Renewed confidence

Another impressive benefit of invisible aligners is the confidence boost that the wearer experiences. As they are designed to be discreet, you can go about your day without attracting unwanted stares from strangers. You can smile away without being concerned about how your teeth look; brilliant!

Accelerated treatment

It was once stated in dentistry that if you had not undertaken orthodontic treatment by the age of 15, it would be too late for any real change to occur in the alignment of your teeth. And, if by some miracle you were suited for traditional braces; you would be wearing them for an extended period.

Luckily, in modern dentistry, all of the adult-targeted braces and aligners offer an accelerated treatment time, so you can usually get your perfectly aligned smile in under a year.


No need to worry about excessive pressure or metal rubbing against your inner cheek.

Invisible braces are usually made from clear plastic that is fitted over your teeth like a glove. Due to the inbuilt system that pushes your teeth into their new position, there is no discomfort or pressure to worry about!


Most cosmetic braces are removable, offering you the freedom to choose when you wear them. Just make sure you wear them for the required treatment time.

‘Invisalign is painful’ The truth behind the myths surrounding this brace by Clapham South Dental

If you are an adult or teenager who wants to improve the straightness of your smile, you may feel a bit stuck.

invisalign-claphamYou have, of course, heard about these new cosmetic braces which promise to straighten your smile within six months but you have also read that they may not be suitable for your unique clinical situation.

As dentistry has changed over the years, dental teams are becoming less reliant on traditional orthodontic methods, and have begun to explore more discreet and fast-acting alternatives to help as many people as possible get the smile that they deserve.

So, what’s the truth?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists will help you choose your most appropriate aligner, to get you that straighter smile that we feel everyone deserves. One of our most popular methods of helping our patients involves treatment with Invisalign in Clapham, a simple but effective brace that can change both your smile and your confidence!

But isn’t Invisalign in Clapham the brace that can only help moderate misalignments? Read on to find out the facts behind the myths that surround this talked about brace.

Myth 1- Invisible braces are painful

While pain is a subjective experience, our dental team at Clapham South has never been told by our patients that Invisalign in Clapham is painful.

It is true that you can expect a degree of pressure while your teeth move due to this brace but in comparison to the pressure that is caused by traditional, orthodontic braces, this will be minimal. Also, as invisible braces do not have metal wires or brackets, there will be no discomfort associated with the aligner rubbing against the inside of your mouth.

Myth 2- Invisible braces can only help minor misalignment issues

When they first hit the dental market, invisible braces had a limited range of action.

Today, however, our dentists are able to treat more complicated cases of misalignment and protrusion, resulting in you getting a straighter smile with less hassle.

Myth 3- I will have to change my diet to use this brace

As this brace is removable, you will not have to alter your diet or dental hygiene in any way.

Of course, to ensure that your teeth stay in top condition and avoid staining throughout treatment, always make sure that this brace is clean and that you brush your teeth after every meal or snack, to prevent plaque being pushed against your teeth and gums.

Myth 4- The results of this brace don’t last

If you adhere to the aftercare of this brace (typically a retainer), the results of this brace can last the rest of your life!

If you become worried that your teeth are reverting to their former positions, come in and see our team as soon as possible.

Myth 5- The same brace is available online and it is cheaper

To undertake correct treatment with any cosmetic brace, you need to see a trained dentist and should avoid purchasing aligners off of the internet whether it appears to be cheaper or not.