Been told you need clear braces? Your 5 top questions answered by Clapham South Dental Centre

If you are new to the area of cosmetic dentistry, it can feel a bit like trying to navigate a mountain without a map, especially when it comes to looking through the different types of cosmetic braces.

clear-braces-claphamYou may assume that the words braces and cosmetic don’t belong together; how on earth can a brace be cosmetic? And how does it differ from a traditional brace? Can anyone have a cosmetic brace?

And then, you will inevitably come across the different brands of cosmetic aligners; Invisalign,

Damon and even Incognito. What’s the difference?

Not to worry; we can help!

If you are an adult who is yearning for a straighter smile, our team of cosmetic dentists at Clapham South Dental can offer you one of our invisible or clear braces in Clapham. Designed to give you that dream smile promptly, we will choose the perfect aligner for you, so all you have to do is sit back and smile.

But is there a difference between invisible and clear braces in Clapham? Read on to learn more about our most popular clear aligner, the Damon System.

Does the Damon System hurt?

Of course, nobody wants to undertake any kind of treatment that is going to hurt, even if they are clear braces in Clapham.

With traditional orthodontic braces, many patients experience a great deal of discomfort as their teeth are moved; this is due to the brace pulling the teeth into their new position. As the Damon System gently pushes your teeth throughout the duration of the treatment, there is minimal to no discomfort, meaning no brace tightening and no pressure.

What does the Damon System look like?

Designed to be visually discreet, the Damon system is made of a thin piece of metal wire placed across the front of the teeth and, usually, brackets that are either clear or tooth coloured.

Although this is not invisible, it is tough to spot and certainly offers more discretion than some orthodontic alternatives.

How long will I need to wear them for?

While the answer to this will be up to the discretion of a member of our team, it is likely that when you wear the Damon aligner, your treatment will be completed in around 6 months.

Alongside this, treatment with the Damon aligner involves fewer trips to our surgery, allowing you to get on with your busy life.

Is it as effective as regular braces?

The Damon System is extremely effective at treating dental issues and, while there may be some limitations to the conditions it can treat, there is no tooth removal, no tightening and it allows your teeth more room to move, without being too restrictive..

What conditions can it treat?

This aligner can treat complex cases of misalignment, excess spacing or crowding and protrusions.

If you have an over or underbite, our team at Clapham South Dental Centre will decide if you are suited to this brand of aligner, depending on the severity and complexity of your orthodontic presentation.