Decided Invisalign braces are for you? The 5 clear benefits of choosing this aligner

When you are looking to straighten your smile, the idea of braces can feel slightly off-putting.

While many people automatically envision large, metal aligners when they hear the word brace, in modern dentistry, there are many alternatives available.

invisible-braces-claphamOf course, many dental patients are only aware of metal braces and therefore, there is a natural caution related to any other type of orthodontic procedure; do clear braces work? What are the benefits? And, more importantly, how are they different from regular braces?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we know all about clear and invisible braces in Clapham and can suggest the perfect aligner for you from our wide range of options.

Designed to help you get that straighter smile in minimal time, many cosmetic braces are perfectly suited to adult life and will ensure that there is no undue attention drawn to your smile; the only people who will know are you and us!

But what are the other advantages of invisible braces in Clapham? Read on to discover the top 5!

Better hygiene

When many people think of braces, they remember that one child in school who had to attend multiple hygienist visits to make sure his teeth didn’t deteriorate.

While this is still standard practice for orthodontic braces, with invisible braces in Clapham, many patients find that their oral hygiene improves.

As brands like Invisalign require you to brush your teeth after each meal (before you put the aligner back into your mouth), you will be reducing plaque and bacteria accumulation. This will reduce the likelihood of you developing tooth decay or gum disease.


Another benefit of Invisalign? It is fully removable.

Provided you wear the aligner for up to 22 hours each day, you will be able to remove it to brush your teeth, consume food and if you are playing sports.

The advantage? No food stuck to your gums, better oral hygiene and a lifestyle-friendly alternative. What more could you want in a brace?

Accelerated treatment

Of course, many patients who undertake Invisalign are amazed at how quickly the brace realigns their teeth.

Designed to straighten misalignments, correct spacing or overcrowding, Invisalign treatment is often completed in 6 months or less, meaning that your dream smile could be less than a year away; compared to orthodontic braces which can take up to 2 years, it is a win-win situation!


At Clapham South Dental Centre, many of our patients worry that Invisalign will be uncomfortable; after all, there has to be a catch somewhere!

After the first tray is placed over your teeth, you may notice a tight feeling. This is completely normal and should not be painful. If you notice a high level of discomfort while wearing Invisalign, please call our team immediately, so we can assess the cause.

Exceptional results

And finally, once the treatment is over, your newly aligned teeth will last a lifetime!

Provided that you wear the retainer post-completion, your new smile will be yours to keep! Fantastic!