Heard the buzz about invisible braces? A brief introduction to our braces at Clapham South Dental

In the world of modern dentistry, it seems that what was once considered impossible is now possible.

invisible-braces-claphamIn decades gone by, many dental patients wished that there were fixed, stable teeth that could replace lost ones and now, dental implants are used across the globe to do just that. In a similar vein, if you needed braces as an adult in the past, you had the choice of either large, metal ones or none at all; hardly a choice with great appeal!

As with the replacement of teeth, there is now a modern solution to correcting orthodontic issues in adults, in the form of clear braces and invisible aligners. With brand names like Invisalign, the Inman aligner, the Damon system and Six Month Smiles, you can now achieve a straighter smile as an adult, without resorting to heavy orthodontic treatments.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists can offer suitable patients both clear and invisible braces in Clapham. We have used these aligners to help thousands of patients get a straighter, healthier smile and, with the different braces we can offer, you could get a straighter grin in as little as six months! How great is that?

Want to know a bit more about the clear and invisible braces in Clapham that our team can offer? Read on!

How do they work?

Firstly, you are probably curious to know how clear and invisible braces in Clapham work.

Let’s start with how our first brace, Invisalign, moves and realigns teeth.


Treatment with Invisalign consists of a set of clear, plastic trays, which are custom-fitted to your teeth and will need to be changed, on average, every two weeks.

But don’t worry! Our team at Clapham South won’t need to stick this aligner to your teeth; it is removable and once one tray is loose, you move on to the next one in the set. It’s that simple!

However, not all patients are suitable for Invisalign due to either their clinical presentation or their age; as this brace needs to be worn for a minimum of twenty-two hours a day to work, our team is reluctant to offer this treatment to younger patients who may not commit to this.

Similarly, if you have a severe misalignment or spacing, then you may be more suited to a traditional orthodontic brace.

Damon system

You may be wondering what the difference is between an invisible aligner and a clear brace.

Simply put, a clear brace is fitted to the teeth in the same way a traditional brace is and is not removable.

The Damon system uses a clear brace, which has clear or tooth coloured brackets and a metal wire to realign your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, it does not use force (tightening) to straighten your teeth, but uses a slide mechanism to allow your teeth to move more freely into the desired position. Due to this, our team may prefer to use the Damon system brace over Invisalign aligners if you have a more complex clinical presentation.