‘Invisalign is painful’ The truth behind the myths surrounding this brace by Clapham South Dental

If you are an adult or teenager who wants to improve the straightness of your smile, you may feel a bit stuck.

invisalign-claphamYou have, of course, heard about these new cosmetic braces which promise to straighten your smile within six months but you have also read that they may not be suitable for your unique clinical situation.

As dentistry has changed over the years, dental teams are becoming less reliant on traditional orthodontic methods, and have begun to explore more discreet and fast-acting alternatives to help as many people as possible get the smile that they deserve.

So, what’s the truth?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists will help you choose your most appropriate aligner, to get you that straighter smile that we feel everyone deserves. One of our most popular methods of helping our patients involves treatment with Invisalign in Clapham, a simple but effective brace that can change both your smile and your confidence!

But isn’t Invisalign in Clapham the brace that can only help moderate misalignments? Read on to find out the facts behind the myths that surround this talked about brace.

Myth 1- Invisible braces are painful

While pain is a subjective experience, our dental team at Clapham South has never been told by our patients that Invisalign in Clapham is painful.

It is true that you can expect a degree of pressure while your teeth move due to this brace but in comparison to the pressure that is caused by traditional, orthodontic braces, this will be minimal. Also, as invisible braces do not have metal wires or brackets, there will be no discomfort associated with the aligner rubbing against the inside of your mouth.

Myth 2- Invisible braces can only help minor misalignment issues

When they first hit the dental market, invisible braces had a limited range of action.

Today, however, our dentists are able to treat more complicated cases of misalignment and protrusion, resulting in you getting a straighter smile with less hassle.

Myth 3- I will have to change my diet to use this brace

As this brace is removable, you will not have to alter your diet or dental hygiene in any way.

Of course, to ensure that your teeth stay in top condition and avoid staining throughout treatment, always make sure that this brace is clean and that you brush your teeth after every meal or snack, to prevent plaque being pushed against your teeth and gums.

Myth 4- The results of this brace don’t last

If you adhere to the aftercare of this brace (typically a retainer), the results of this brace can last the rest of your life!

If you become worried that your teeth are reverting to their former positions, come in and see our team as soon as possible.

Myth 5- The same brace is available online and it is cheaper

To undertake correct treatment with any cosmetic brace, you need to see a trained dentist and should avoid purchasing aligners off of the internet whether it appears to be cheaper or not.