Author: Clapham South Dental Centre

‘Invisalign is painful’ The truth behind the myths surrounding this brace by Clapham South Dental

If you are an adult or teenager who wants to improve the straightness of your smile, you may feel a bit stuck.

invisalign-claphamYou have, of course, heard about these new cosmetic braces which promise to straighten your smile within six months but you have also read that they may not be suitable for your unique clinical situation.

As dentistry has changed over the years, dental teams are becoming less reliant on traditional orthodontic methods, and have begun to explore more discreet and fast-acting alternatives to help as many people as possible get the smile that they deserve.

So, what’s the truth?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists will help you choose your most appropriate aligner, to get you that straighter smile that we feel everyone deserves. One of our most popular methods of helping our patients involves treatment with Invisalign in Clapham, a simple but effective brace that can change both your smile and your confidence!

But isn’t Invisalign in Clapham the brace that can only help moderate misalignments? Read on to find out the facts behind the myths that surround this talked about brace.

Myth 1- Invisible braces are painful

While pain is a subjective experience, our dental team at Clapham South has never been told by our patients that Invisalign in Clapham is painful.

It is true that you can expect a degree of pressure while your teeth move due to this brace but in comparison to the pressure that is caused by traditional, orthodontic braces, this will be minimal. Also, as invisible braces do not have metal wires or brackets, there will be no discomfort associated with the aligner rubbing against the inside of your mouth.

Myth 2- Invisible braces can only help minor misalignment issues

When they first hit the dental market, invisible braces had a limited range of action.

Today, however, our dentists are able to treat more complicated cases of misalignment and protrusion, resulting in you getting a straighter smile with less hassle.

Myth 3- I will have to change my diet to use this brace

As this brace is removable, you will not have to alter your diet or dental hygiene in any way.

Of course, to ensure that your teeth stay in top condition and avoid staining throughout treatment, always make sure that this brace is clean and that you brush your teeth after every meal or snack, to prevent plaque being pushed against your teeth and gums.

Myth 4- The results of this brace don’t last

If you adhere to the aftercare of this brace (typically a retainer), the results of this brace can last the rest of your life!

If you become worried that your teeth are reverting to their former positions, come in and see our team as soon as possible.

Myth 5- The same brace is available online and it is cheaper

To undertake correct treatment with any cosmetic brace, you need to see a trained dentist and should avoid purchasing aligners off of the internet whether it appears to be cheaper or not.

Want oral implants but put off by hearsay? The top 5 myths debunked by Clapham South Dental

You are likely to have heard the buzz about oral implants.

A long term solution to missing teeth, implants have taken the cosmetic dental world by storm, with more dental patients than ever having them fitted. And it is easy to see why.

dental-implants-claphamLong-lasting, hardy, natural appearance combined with a stronger bite, what else could you want in a dental prosthesis?

However, like most things that are new, it is likely that you have also read some tall tales about oral implants, which have deterred you from approaching your dentist about them.

If you want to have implants fitted but are worried about these myths, come to us. Our team at Clapham South Dental can set the record straight in relation to dental implants in Clapham, ensuring that you are well informed about this procedure and feel comfortable having implants fitted.

But what are some of the more persistent myths surrounding dental implants in Clapham? Read on to find out.

Oral implants are really painful

It is easy to see where this myth came from.

Rest assured that when you come to us for dental implants in Clapham, you will be completely numbed before we begin fitting the implants into your jaw bone.

While pain is subjective, many patients have compared the sensation to a dental extraction; therefore, any discomfort should be easily managed with over the counter painkillers. If you become concerned about the amount of pain you are experiencing, you should contact us as soon as you can.

Oral implants look really fake

False teeth or prosthetics don’t have to look false and with the improvements in dental technology, it is not a very difficult thing to achieve.

The prosthetic teeth fitted to an implant will have been colour, shape, and size-matched to any remaining natural teeth that you have. Simply put, any teeth you have attached to an implant will not look fake. If you have no remaining natural teeth, if you have any old photographs of your smile, show them to our dental team and we will try our hardest to give you that smile back!

Oral implants are too pricey

The price tag affixed to oral implants can leave many dental patients feeling dizzy.

However, at Clapham South Dental, we are proud to be able to offer our oral implant patients an affordable payment plan to help spread the cost of treatment.

Oral implants require a lot of extra care

Aside from an initial set of follow-up appointments to check for infection, oral implants can be treated the same as natural teeth. Just brush, floss and attend dental check-ups twice a year!

Oral implants cause infections in your jaw

Yikes, what an off-putting myth!

Oral implants, if fitted by a qualified and experienced implant dentist, should not cause any infections in your jaw or elsewhere. If you are concerned about an infection post-fitting, contact a member of our team immediately.

Need a cosmetic brace with more flexibility? 5 FAQs about the Damon System at Clapham South Dental

The role of dentistry in many people’s lives is changing.

What was once a biannual visit fraught with anxiety and lectures has evolved into a more friendly, warmer atmosphere that can offer patients much more than a simple check-up.

invisible-braces-claphamMore and more adult patients are approaching their dentist for cosmetic procedures and, due to dental surgeries offering more affordable and flexible treatment plans, these once high-end treatments are now in the reach of more patients than ever before.

At Clapham South Dental, we are exceedingly proud of our cosmetic dental team and the smiles that we have helped to create. If you have a naturally misaligned smile in need of some straightening, our team can offer you invisible braces in Clapham; specifically, the Invisalign aligner and Damon system, depending on your unique presentation and requirements.

While you have probably heard about the Invisalign aligner, the Damon system is a lesser-known group of invisible braces in Clapham, which can offer you a more targeted treatment plan for straightening your smile.

Read on to find out more!

How long will I need the treatment for?

While our other invisible braces in Clapham offer a fast treatment, the Damon System may take a bit longer than Invisalign.

On average, this brace is worn for between ten to twenty months. While it is not as fast as Invisalign or some other cosmetic braces, it is specialised to resolve more complicated cases of misalignment.

Will it be uncomfortable?

Of course, as with most braces that offer faster treatment deadlines, patients become concerned about excessive force being used to achieve this.

However, the Damon System does not rely on an excessive force being put on your teeth and jaw; instead, the brackets are designed to apply low levels of friction to your teeth. Therefore, while you are wearing this brace, there may be some discomfort but it will be minimal and manageable.

Will this brace be expensive?

At Clapham South Dental, we know how much of an impact cost can have when searching for an adult orthodontic treatment.

Although cosmetic aligners appear fairly expensive, our dental surgery is able to offer our patients options to spread the cost; depending on your suitability, we may be able to offer you a flexible payment plan or low-cost financing options.

Does this brace need adjusting or tightening?

Differing from other cosmetic braces, the Damon System will require adjusting and tightening.

As mentioned previously, this is beneficial if you have a more complex clinical presentation and provides a faster solution to your misalignments.

Do the results last?

Yes, they do.

After you have completed treatment with the Damon System, our team will provide you with a custom-fitted retainer, to prevent your teeth from relapsing into their previous positions.

Provided that you wear your retainer for the required time-span post-treatment, your straighter, healthier-looking smile will last for years to come.

Worried about your teeth relapsing? Contact a member of our team today.

Want straighter teeth without the hassle? Four reasons to try clear braces with Clapham South Dental Centre

As an adult, life can be tough. Especially when you are faced with cosmetic decisions.

Many people wrongly assume that cosmetic procedures equate to vanity when in actuality, cosmetic treatments relate to higher levels of happiness, pride and most of all, higher confidence levels. The same is true for cosmetic dentistry.

clear-braces-claphamAs cosmetic options become more affordable and accessible for everyday people, more and more people are turning to their dental surgeries to give their smiles a boost. If you have a less than perfectly aligned smile, you may think that there is no cosmetic option that can help you achieve that perfectly straight, white smile.

Luckily, you are wrong!

At Clapham South Dental, we are able to offer cosmetic dental treatments to everyone! From a simple tooth whitening to clear braces in Clapham, as long as your teeth and gums are healthy, we can help you improve your smile!

But why should you consider clear braces in Clapham as an option for straightening your teeth?

No dietary restrictions

We all remember that one child at school who wore orthodontic braces who seemingly couldn’t eat anything sticky or sugary, for fear of it becoming stuck to their braces.

As any invisible aligner we fit for you at Clapham South Dental will typically be removable, there are no dietary restrictions, you can eat whatever you wish without worrying about repercussions.

No prolonged dental visits

As an adult, you are busy juggling work, family life, and other social commitments; you don’t have time on your schedule for anything long-winded!

When you have clear braces in Clapham fitted, you will need to see a member of our dental team every 6-8 weeks. During these visits, your aligners will not need adjusting, it is to ensure that your teeth are moving as predicted.

Easier to maintain

Remember how we mentioned being able to take out your brace when eating?

As long as you wear any invisible braces for up to 22 hours a day, you can remove them to eat, clean your teeth, play sports – whatever you want!

Also, as our clear aligners are usually made from durable but malleable plastic, they are easy to care for and require nothing more than a quick rinse under the tap to keep them clean! Now that’s convenient!

Comfortable to wear

After reading that you will need to wear any clear aligners for 22 hours a day, you will probably have worked out that that will inevitably include wearing them overnight.Not to worry!

Unlike traditional aligners that have bits of metal that can rub against your inner cheeks and tongue and cause irritation, our clear and invisible braces are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth like a glove. They are also extremely smooth and thin, so there is no bulkiness or protruding bits of metal to worry about as you put your head down for the night!

Contact our team today for more information about clear aligners and to book a consultation.

Call us today!

Redefine your smile with Invisalign in Clapham

Ask anyone what makes a smile beautiful, and many of the answers may reference ‘straight teeth’. Having perfectly aligned teeth is the dream of many, which can come true with Invisalign in Clapham.

Our practice, Clapham South Dental Centre are providers of this advanced aligner system that does the work of standard braces, but provides so much more with regards to the overall user experience.

invisalign-claphamWhat Invisalign in Clapham offers you

As the aligners we use comprise of clear plastic, Invisalign or invisible braces are practically undetectable to those who do not know that you wear a straightening aid, which is an appealing feature for many of our patients.

We also use 3D technology that helps us create a series of aligner trays that appropriately match the unique shape of your teeth and their position in your mouth. This means faster treatment time and accurate results predicted before your treatment has begun.

Name some of the benefits I can enjoy as an Invisalign user

Design and overall experience

We have made mention of one of Invisalign’s benefits, and that is its subtle look. The design of Invisalign in Clapham was created so as not to draw attention to its user.

Braces are effective, but the user’s journey is not all its cracked up to be, especially with regards to the way it looks and how it feels.

Invisalign has revolutionised this journey because it is incredibly user-friendly.

Fits around your lifestyle

Put off braces at the thought of never being able to take them off, even to eat or brush your teeth? Next to their invisible appearance, Invisalign users love the freedom of removing the device when they need to, the operative word being ‘need’. You should wear the device for 22 hours a day to maximise their effectiveness.

You can take them out to perform everyday activities, like eating and brushing your teeth. By wearing them, you will not have to worry about getting food stuck in your wires or tooth discolouration, which is unavoidable with metal braces.

You can have your progress carefully monitored.

Like with any device, there may come a time where you grow tired of wearing them.

During these times, when you feel like there isn’t any progress being made, we can show you how your treatment is going using our advanced technology.

Treatment times are generally shorter.

Using conventional straightening aids, you may be given an approximate treatment time, which may change. Generally, braces are worn for one to two years, which for some people, is far too long a time to wait.

For the most part, treatment times for invisible braces are shorter, spanning a couple of weeks to a few months or a year depending on the severity of your dental issue.

Are there any downfalls or limitations?

Invisalign may be limited in the malocclusions and alignment issues that it can address. For example, if you have a severe overbite, invisible braces may not be the most suitable device for you.

Revive your smile with clear aligners today!

Reasons to consider dental implants in Clapham

Modern-day dental implants in Clapham may be recently invented. However, humans have used innovative methods of restoring teeth since ancient times.

We have come a long way since the days of hammering wood and seashells into gums without anaesthesia. Now we dentists excel at giving people a reason to smile again, with a prosthesis that really works as a natural tooth.

dental-implants-claphamHave you lost some teeth recently due to an unfortunate accident? Or perhaps the side effects of ageing has resulted in tooth loss? Dental implants in Clapham provide a permanent solution to a very real and severe problem.

What is a tooth implant?

While the procedure has been around for a few decades, many are still unaware of the outstanding features of its groundbreaking implications. They choose devices, such as dentures, that they know and which have been around for longer.

That said, while dentures and similar restorative aids provide a good solution to a gummy mouth, they are no longer the only solution. You now have several choices at your fingertips, including dental implants in Clapham.

Put simply; implants mainly comprise of two parts, a small titanium screw to act as a surrogate tooth root and the visible crown to blend in with remaining natural teeth. They can be used to replace a single tooth, or to support a bridge or dentures replacing more.

In a surgical procedure, our team insert the screw into the jawbone and suture up the surrounding tissue once it is embedded. Then the healing begins, which takes weeks or months depending on the pace at which you recover.

How are dental implants in Clapham different from conventional devices?

Tooth implants not only bear a striking resemblance to real teeth, but they also function like them.

With implants, you can enjoy all the activities you did before you became inhibited by a missing tooth or an old, faulty denture.

Talk without worrying about your device slipping out of place and eat what you like, knowing a denture or related contraption will not break or crack.

Sign me up

As desirable as a tooth implant appears to be, there are a few considerations you should take note of, before treatment can begin.

These include:

Needing enough jawbone

A major downfall of having used dentures in the past is that these do not exercise your underlying jawbone, which means the longer you wear the device, the more bone resorbs from not being exercised.

While a tooth implant can reverse these effects, you need enough jawbone to fit the titanium piece, which may require you to undergo bone grafts if you still wish to have the device fitted.

Possessing healthy gums

Bad cleaning techniques may leave you with a gum infection. If caught early enough, it can be easily treated with a professional cleaning with our oral hygienist. Following this, you are probably a viable candidate for the treatment.

What else should I know?

Tooth implants are considered by some to be quite expensive. However, they should be treated as an investment for your teeth and worth the higher cost.

At the same time, compared to other devices, dental implants in Clapham last a long time if looked after correctly.

Tooth implants are an investment in your oral health – phone our practice, Clapham South Dental Centre for more information.

Heard that Invisalign can be bought online? Five myths about this invisible brace dispelled

As the popularity of cosmetic dentistry spreads across the UK, more people are attending their dental surgeries for makeovers than check-ups!

One of the most popular treatments seen at our clinic in Clapham South is Invisalign.

Designed to help those who have mild to moderate misalignments of their teeth, Invisalign is a cosmetic, orthodontic treatment that provides fast results with added discretion.

invisible-braces-claphamHowever, many people who could benefit from having invisible braces in Clapham are wary of pursuing them, due to the myths surrounding this aligner.

At Clapham South Dental, we are proud to be able to offer all of our suitable patients Invisalign braces and are eager to dispel some of the most common myths surrounding these invisible braces in Clapham.

Myth 1- Traditional braces work faster

Traditional braces are the standard, metal brace that is often offered to children and as Invisalign is typically offered to adults, the origin of this myth is unknown!

However, the underlying system for Invisalign is fairly different and speeds up the overall treatment time. Instead of moving the crown and the root of the tooth separately, like metal braces, Invisalign moves both at once, cutting treatment time in half.

Myth 2- I will have to give up my favourite food

Once again, the origin of this myth is unclear.

The invisible braces in Clapham that we can offer our patients are removable, so you will be able to take them out when you consume food. This also enables you to consume whatever foods you wish, as there is no concern about your braces becoming damaged.

Myth 3- I can order them online

No, you can’t!

While there are many advertisements on both the internet and television offering a similar brace to Invisalign at a reduced cost, these braces are not comparable.

To be fitted with an invisible aligner that is guaranteed to work, you need to visit one of our dentists, who are experienced in working with this brace and understands the technology that is used alongside it. They will be able to assess if you are suitable for the treatment, how many aligners you will require to complete the treatment and most importantly, they will be able to conduct regular check-ups to ensure the brace is working effectively.

Like most medical treatments offered online that require no consultation, television advertised aligners are unlikely to work and may actually cause more harm than good.

Myth 4- Invisalign causes cavities

Historically, there is a correlation between traditional braces and an increase in cavities, so we think this is where this myth originated.

As Invisalign is removable, you can take them out when you brush your teeth and so, your oral hygiene will not be affected in anyway.

Myth 5- Older adults can’t benefit from Invisalign

Invisalign was initially designed for use in adults and older people; Invisalign teen came afterward.

There is no upper age limit on Invisalign braces and, as long as your overall oral hygiene is good, you can try them!

Botox in Clapham: does it work? Is it safe? Is it for me?

We are Clapham South Dental Centre, a reputable clinic in London. We offer a wide range of treatments, as well as facial enhancement procedures, such as botox in Clapham to keep you looking young and fresh.

botox-treatment-claphamTired of saggy and prematurely aged skin?

When we are younger, our glowing skin practically radiates youth. Unfortunately, the older we get, the more wrinkled and lined our faces become.

Are you in your 30s, 40s and 50s and feel as though age and working hard has damaged your skin? Have you ever considered botox in Clapham?

Is botox in Clapham safe?

There are horror stories circulating online about the disastrous and potentially harmful effects of botulinum toxin when it is self-administered or injected by someone who is inexperienced or does not have the qualification or know-how to perform this procedure.

In the right hands and using the correct dosage, botulinum toxin is safe to use on the face. Only our most experienced practitioners perform this procedure, using high-quality products.

How is the procedure performed?

We inject the botulinum toxin into the skin, around the forehead and eyes where crow’s feet and character lines form. The toxin gets to work by blocking the nerves that cause the muscles in the areas to contract, which, in turn, reduces muscle activity. By relaxing these muscles, they become softer.

Am I a suitable candidate for botulinum toxin?

If the visible effects of age have started to show up on your face, then you are a candidate for this procedure. However, we must first examine the anatomy of your face before moving ahead with the treatment.

Overall our clientele comprises of women and men wanting to combat existing wrinkles and fine lines, but you can use botulinum toxin as a preventive measure. The dosage we use will be lower but works to delay the onset of wrinkles.

If you are on the fence about facial rejuvenation treatments, such as botox, take a look at the mirror and proceed to smile and then frown. Those wrinkles that you see only deepen over time, so act now if you want to maintain your youthful glow.

Is this age-defying treatment permanent?

Botulinum toxin can do a lot to smooth wrinkles, but you will need a top-up three to four months down the line because the effects do wear off over time. Maintenance is vital to keep away unwanted frown lines and wrinkles that give away your age.

Does Botox solve all skin issues?

When you get older, the collagen your body produces to keep your skin tight and moisturised slowly starts to run out, which is when the first signs of ageing appear on your skin and body.

However, these injectables are limited in what they can do, and you should consider other age-defying treatments, as well as beauty creams and serums, to use in conjunction with this treatment.

Is there a long recovery involved?

These treatments are classified as lunchtime procedures because they take less than an hour to perform. After your appointment with us, you can head back to work without anybody knowing that you have had work done.

How we use Invisalign in Clapham to straighten your smile

As we get older our teeth can naturally move and shift into slightly off-centre positions from their neighbours. Now this may not seem too bad, but it can cause quite a number of problems as these now crooked teeth become breeding grounds for plaque, tartar and bacteria, as well as potentially ruining an otherwise perfectly straight smile.

invisalign-claphamThat’s why we provide our patients with Invisalign in Clapham. This simple treatment process allows us to help you with your crooked teeth woes, so with that in mind here’s a little extra information.

What is Invisalign?

If you have never had an appointment for Invisalign in Clapham then don’t worry, it’s a fairly straightforward and simple process that shouldn’t take too much time out of your day. It involves using a custom moulded, see-through plastic brace that your dentist will fit over your teeth. This appliance slowly places a small and gentle amount of pressure onto the parts you want to straighten and over time the teeth should start to realign.

How are the braces fitted?

The fitting process is where things start to sound a little like science fiction. After being brought in for an initial consultation meeting your dentist will normally use a machine that scans your teeth using lasers or LEDs. This is to map out the topography of your teeth to provide a digital imprint that your dental team can then manipulate to show you how they will straighten your teeth.

After showing you how your realignment will work this information will then be sent off to a lab that will produce your custom fitting brace. At Clapham South Dental Centre our team will thoroughly explain your realignment process so you know exactly how we will help straighten out that smile of yours.

What are the benefits?

There are a number of great life benefits to going through with this treatment.

As an example, because the braces themselves are see-through you don’t have to worry about feeling too self-conscious as you wear them outside during your daily routine, as the clear plastic material makes it incredibly hard to spot. Another positive of this procedure is that the braces are removable, so you can pop them out for a break or to give your teeth a good clean after meals.

Tips for looking after your brace

After you leave our practice with your brand new braces the only thing you will need to do is make sure you clean them regularly. We can recommend a cleaning solution which should be lightly scrubbed across the surface of the appliance with a toothbrush. Generally you should be doing this at least once every other day to reduce staining, clear out plaque and kill any harmful bacteria that might build up throughout the day.

Also, after each cleaning you should rinse the braces with cold water and leave them to dry in a hard bodied container, to allow them to remain sterile and safe from any accidental damage.

These are just a few interesting facts about our Invisalign braces. If you’re interested in learning more about the realignment process or would like to sort out a few crooked teeth, then contact the practice and schedule an appointment with our team.

Why are dental implants in Clapham a good choice?

They might just be teeth, but losing pearly whites can have a profound impact on the way you feel about your general appearance. From the way you smile, talk, and chew, all avenues are changed for the worse.

If you are looking for a replacement solution that you can trust, discuss your needs with our implant specialist, Dr. Aussia, who will restore your old teeth with dental implants in Clapham.

dental-implants-claphamHere is how we can help you

It does not matter how your teeth loss occurred; whether it was due to an accident, age, or neglect, we can assist with growing your confidence in your smile again.

Our practice, Clapham South Dental Care, provides various services to help you to optimise your oral health while keeping your teeth bright, white, and clean.

We may offer a lot in terms of the dental procedures to our patients, but we are particularly prideful about our dental implants in Clapham. Not only do we help people not to restore their teeth, but also their quality of living in small ways.

How will dental implants in Clapham improve my life?

Missing teeth not only limit your life by making everyday tasks like eating, chewing, and talking a challenge but can also cause further tooth and bone loss.

Have you ever noticed the shape of your jaw changing, looking shriveled, and making you look prematurely aged? If you do not replace the lost teeth, the bone underneath it becomes brittle and eventually resorbs due to lack of use. As a result, if the issue is not treated, you will lose multiple teeth.

A dental implant in Clapham replaces your missing tooth at the root, which means that the underneath bone is stimulated as a result. By chewing, eating, and talking, the implant will press down on the bone, helping to regenerate lost tissue while keeping it strong and healthy.

What does dental implant surgery entail?

During the surgical procedure, we drill tiny screws, which are made of titanium, into the space where your missing pearly white once stood.

We then suture these up and leave the rest up to biology. Over the next few months, the surrounding tissue meshes with metal in a process called osseointegration, which relates to the successful integration between bone and titanium.

Are there any restrictions to getting dental implants in Clapham?

You may wonder that if implants are life changing, why are more people not turning to them as a restorative treatment?

The truth of the matter is that not everyone is healthy enough for tooth implants, either because of gum conditions or possess a lack of bone.

Having disease-riddled gums or insufficient bone might be obstacles that delay you from obtaining implants, but it will not prevent you entirely. However, you might have to wait another few months before you can boast your new teeth to the world.

Something else you should factor in if you are considering implants is the price because they are costly. However, the device can last forever and will grant you a life unrestricted by your false teeth.