Category: Invisalign

Do you know everything about Invisalign in Clapham?

As an alternative to regular metal braces, Invisalign has gained much popularity in recent years. This treatment is a leap forward in discreet teeth straightening since it is made of transparent, plastic, removable aligners that help move your teeth into position.

Invisalign in Clapham is a very popular treatment, but not many people are familiar with its exciting history and development. At Clapham South Dental Centre, we run assessments for Invisalign all year through and we will be happy to help you decide if this treatment is suitable for you.

Invisalign in ClaphamInvisalign treatment is customised for each patient

Invisalign comes with an innovative technology that enables your dentist to create a personalised treatment plan based on your dental problems and the results you want to achieve. Invisalign technology allows your dentist to predict your tooth movements precisely so that your teeth move steadily into position over a prescribed period of time.

Invisalign is reliable

Invisalign technology not only enables your teeth to become straighter over time, but also helps create a preview for your new smile. This prediction is really important for your dentist, who will use it as a foundation for your treatment. In any case, you will know exactly what to expect at every stage of your treatment with Invisalign in Clapham.

Invisalign aligners aren’t made of regular plastic

Invisalign aligners are made of plastic, but this type of plastic is not the same as those used in everyday life. In fact, Invisalign aligners are made from a special thermoplastic material that’s known as SmartTrack. The aligners are customised for each patient and they are comfortable to wear because they fit perfectly on each patient’s teeth.

Invisalign could help you lose weight

Invisalign is not a diet tool, but many users over the years have noticed that their eating habits have improved due to this treatment. Since you have to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours per day, eating should be carefully planned and many people find that this prevents them from snacking. As such, they end up losing some weight while improving their smile.

Want to know more about Invisalign in Clapham? Get in touch as soon as possible.

Are you a perfect match for Invisalign?

When you find the perfect fit, you just know it. Whether it’s a person, the right spice combo in a dish or a cosmetic treatment that will change the way you look, you need to trust your instincts. However, our natural leanings sometimes need a bit of a helping hand such as someone who can tell you exactly how good the option you are considering can be.

Invisalign in ClaphamWhen it comes to Invisalign in Clapham, the team at Clapham South Dental Centre can help you discover whether this treatment is your ideal option.

Do you like to stay in control?

Invisalign in Clapham is a patient-led straightening treatment. This means that you are in control of various aspects of the procedure. We offer you plenty of guidance and support, so you know what to do. When you start the treatment, you will receive a set of aligners. We show you how to insert and remove these comfortably.

From day one, you need to wear the first in your series of aligners for 20-22 hours a day. This includes while you sleep but not while you eat or clean your teeth.

About 7-10 days after starting treatment, you will change your first aligner for the next in the series. It will feel noticeably more snug than the previous aligner. 7-10 days later, you will do the same again. We’ll also expect to see you around this point and every 6 weeks during treatment so we can check how you are getting on.

Do you like a flawless look?

When you wear Invisalign in Clapham, it has very little impact on your appearance. One of the major patient concerns when it comes to teeth straightening is usually their look. This is something we completely understand at Clapham South Dental Centre. No one wants to spend months having to explain their adult braces to curious friends, colleagues and even strangers. With Invisalign, you only need to talk about it if you want to. Before you know it, your treatment will be finished and the only reason you will talk about your smile is to say ‘thank you’ for the compliments that come rolling in.

What types of problems can Invisalign in Clapham fix?

Invisalign is a clear, removable and discreet teeth-straightening treatment that has created a buzz ever since its introduction in dentistry in the late 1990s. In recent years, Invisalign has become a very popular treatment, since it allows people to straighten their teeth discreetly and effectively.

invisalign-in-claphamWhich problems can Invisalign in Clapham treat?

Invisalign can be used to treat certain teeth-straightening problems on their own or combined, provided they are not too serious. Apart from moderately crooked teeth, Invisalign can also deal with underbites, overbites, open bites, crossbites and gapped teeth. Again, these problems need to be moderate for Invisalign to intervene, otherwise the dentist may recommend braces or a different teeth-straightening treatment.

Invisalign in Clapham can also fix crowded teeth, a condition where there is not enough room in the jaw to accommodate all of an adult’s teeth. All these dental problems can cause further oral health problems (i.e. gum disease and tooth decay) and that’s why it’s important to treat them before they deteriorate.

One benefit of Invisalign in Clapham compared with conventional braces is that fewer visits to the dentist are needed. It is also a pretty straightforward process. If patients follow their dentist’s instructions, by wearing their aligners for 20-22 hours a day and only taking them out to eat or drink, their teeth will stay healthy throughout the treatment.

However, Invisalign in Clapham is not the ideal treatment for everyone. To fix some dental problems, other treatments such as metal braces could be more suitable and that’s why it’s really important to have your teeth examined by our well-experienced dentists at Clapham South Dental Centre.

Limitations of Invisalign in Clapham

Unfortunately, Invisalign cannot fix all teeth-straightening problems, since it is considered more of a cosmetic treatment. Invisalign aligners do not provide the same force or versatility of metal braces, therefore complex cases that require significant movement of the teeth cannot be completed with Invisalign. In some cases, past dental work can prevent patients from using Invisalign to straighten their teeth (e.g. many missing teeth replaced by dental bridges or dental implants). Invisalign is not a good option for patients who need extractions before or during treatment.

The feel of Invisalign

If you have heard anything about Invisalign in Clapham, then you will know that much of the buzz is focused on the way that they look. One of the primary benefits of working with clear aligners is that they keep the smile looking clean and clear. Professionals and people who value the way that they look often ask about Invisalign when they visit Clapham South Dental Centre.

Invisalign in ClaphamThis is why, today, we want to focus on the way that Invisalign in Clapham feels during treatment. The benefits of this innovative realignment method do not stop with aesthetics. When people comment on the experience, they will often talk about the physical experience of this method as well.

You are in control

People who use Invisalign in Clapham retain control of their treatment process. If you want to take advantage of this method for this reason, it is important that you know that there are still guidelines that you need to follow in order to realign your smile in the timeframe we will discuss with you at the beginning of treatment.

It is true that you will be able to take your aligner out whenever you like but you will need to wear it for most of the day and night. The only exception to this is when you eat as your Invisalign aligner should be removed whenever you have a meal or snack.

You are in charge of changing your aligner for the next in the series and you do not need to visit us every time this happens. However, the onus is on you to do this within the timeframe we will talk to you about during your induction appointment.

Comfortable equipment

When you feel the outside of an Invisalign aligner, you will notice it is smooth and firm. This means that it is comfortable against the inside of your lip and on your tongue. Each aligner is custom-made to fit you and to achieve a portion of your treatment goal using pressure. The fit is therefore very snug. It should feel secure and very low-profile, so you never need to worry about conspicuous slippage or your aligner interfering with normal activities like speaking, smiling and kissing.

Invisalign in Clapham – what to do and what to avoid

If you have decided that Invisalign is the right treatment for you, then it’s time to book a consultation appointment with our experienced dentists at Clapham South Dental Centre. Once we help you determine that Invisalign in Clapham is the right treatment for you, we will guide you through the process and all give you all the details you are after.

invisalign-in-claphamInvisalign aligners are very easy to wear and maintain and there is very little discomfort associated with them. However, Invisalign requires responsibility and not following a few rules can hinder the entire treatment.

Eating with Invisalign

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign aligners are removable and allow you to eat and drink whatever you like. However, you must always remove your aligners before you eat and not forget to clean your teeth before re-inserting them in your mouth.

Your oral hygiene doesn’t have to change

Another great benefit of Invisalign in Clapham is that you can continue taking care of your teeth as you normally would. Simply remove your aligners when you are ready to brush and floss your teeth and your smile will always be healthy and free of plaque.

Don’t neglect your aligners

To keep your aligners in great shape and help ensure that they work properly, always keep them stored appropriately when you remove them for eating or brushing your teeth. Only drink water when you wear them and when you remove them make sure to rinse them with water or a special solution before re-wearing them. This will prevent the build-up of plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Meanwhile, treat your aligners gently – they are made from a durable material but they are not resistant to destruction.

Don’t wear your aligners in dangerous situations

If you play contact sports or you are about to do an activity that could harm your mouth, you are advised not to wear your aligners. However, don’t forget to wear them at least 22 hours per day – any less and you may be compromising the progress of your treatment.

We are here to help you

Do you want to learn more about Invisalign in Clapham? Give us a call and we will answer any questions you may have about this fascinating treatment.

What to do when undergoing treatment with Invisalign in Clapham

When compared with traditional braces, Invisalign has a clear advantage. Invisalign in Clapham is easy to wear, does not cause any irritation or discomfort and can be removed from time to time to brush your teeth and eat your favourite foods.

Invisalign in ClaphamAt Clapham South Dental Centre we recommend Invisalign in Clapham to patients with minor or moderate alignment problems. Whether you suffer from crooked, gapped or overcrowded teeth, Invisalign can help move them into their correct position and alleviate pain and discomfort.

Treatment with Invisalign, however, requires attention and responsibility.

Clean your aligners every single time you take them out

As the saying goes, a clean mouth and honest hand will take a man through any land. Cleaning your aligners every time you remove them will ensure that no food particles are trapped in-between them and that they remain in shape for longer. Every time you remove your aligners to brush and floss your teeth, put them in a glass of water and cleaning solution to sanitise them. You can either buy Invisalign’s branded solution or a mild solution for dentures. Be careful not to use a toothbrush or anything abrasive on your aligners, since they can be easily scratched and destroyed.

Never keep your aligners in your mouth while eating and drinking

It goes without saying that every time you want to eat or drink something – unless it’s water – you must remove your aligners. While the material used for the construction of your Invisalign aligners is durable, they are not made to withstand the continuous pressure of chewing and biting and can easily bend or break into pieces. Equally, drinking hot or cold liquids can bend your aligners out of shape and stain them.

Wear your aligners as much as possible

Wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours per day is a prerequisite for successful treatment. Any less and you could be compromising the entire treatment. If you are not sure about the amount of time you go around without your aligners daily, time yourself and try not to exceed 4 hours in total.

You can do it

Want more advice before you start your treatment with Invisalign in Clapham? Our helpful dentists are always here for you.

When a brace isn’t a brace

If you’re thinking about having a brace to correct overbite or unaligned teeth, you may be put off by the idea of having a fixed, metal brace. However, thanks to advancements in technology, it is possible to have bespoke, removeable aligners that will achieve results without having to be fixed in place. These removeable aligners are call Invisalign and in addition to being removable, are also completely clear. So how can Invisalign in Clapham improve your look with minimal fuss?

Invisalign in ClaphamInvisalign in Clapham has great benefits

There are many benefits to Invisalign. Firstly, you can remove the aligners with ease. Although you do need to wear them throughout the day and night, you can take them out for short periods. If you have a special date, an interview or you want to enjoy an hour or two without them, this is entirely possible and will not affect your treatment plan.

Invisalign aligners are also completely clear, made from plastic and designed precisely to fit the shape of your teeth and gums. They stay in place with no wires or brackets and are almost invisible. So even when you are wearing them, your look will not be compromised.

Your overall oral health will not be affected, no teeth will be damaged or removed to fit the brace. As mentioned, you remove them fully for brushing and flossing.

The technology behind Invisalign aligners enables you and your dentist to view the end result before treatment begins, with a 3D digital treatment plan.

How do they work?

Our dentists at Clapham South Dental Centre will take photos, x-rays and digital scans or a dental impression. Then they create a treatment plan, showing you how your teeth look now and if using the digital version, how they will look after treatment. The journey from start to end result is mapped, creating incremental steps along that path. Each step represents the next pair of aligners that will gently nudge your teeth along, with each set worn for 7-10 days. Within 18 months, your teeth will be realigned and corrected, completing their journey with Invisalign in Clapham.

Call into the surgery today and find out if Invisalign in Clapham are the braces for you.

Discreet alignment with Invisalign

Many people suffer with some degree of misalignment when it comes to their teeth. Very few people are lucky enough to have perfectly straight teeth. Those of you who have slightly crooked, gappy or overcrowded teeth don’t have to put up with them though. The answer could be to invest in treatment with Invisalign in Clapham.

Invisalign in ClaphamAt Clapham South Dental Centre, we have helped many patients to correct moderate alignment or bite issues, with the use of Invisalign clear aligners. There are different types of Invisalign in Clapham, and the system can be used to treat a wide range of orthodontic problems.

Why bother straightening your teeth?

You may think you can just live with your crooked teeth, there are several advantages to correcting them with Invisalign in Clapham. Misaligned or overcrowded teeth are harder to clean, with more nooks and crannies where plaque and bacteria can build up. This increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Why choose Invisalign in Clapham?

The Invisalign system is incredibly advanced and very popular. It enables you to straighten your teeth without it being obvious to everyone. The clear aligners are comfortable to wear, unnoticeable to people looking at you, and are designed to be removed when eating. They need to be worn for around 22 hours a day in order to be successful, but there is no reason why you can’t remove them to play an instrument or have your photograph taken.

With Invisalign’s innovative system, we can plot your treatment digitally and predict every step. This means you can change the aligners yourself every 2 weeks and will only need to come in every 4 to 6 weeks. The advanced technology Invisalign uses means we can give you a good idea of what your smile could look like using 3D imaging. There is even an app so you can track your progress.

Spread the cost with our finance options

With our finance options you can spread the cost of treatment over a year, so you don’t have to pay for it all at once. If you think you could benefit from Invisalign in Clapham, come in for a consultation and we will talk through the options with you.

Keep that professional look with Invisalign in Clapham

It would be nice if people were not so shallow as to make snap judgments about others based entirely on their appearance, but, they do. In a way, it’s not our fault we do this. Back in the mists of time before we could speak, we evolved to notice each’s smiles and the state of the teeth behind the grin. The smile told us if the stranger in question was friendly or likely to tear us limb from limb if we got too close. Looking at the teeth was one way to tell how healthy someone was. Dodgy teeth equal dodgy health and you didn’t want to get too close.

Invisalign in ClaphamInterestingly, the more we discover about teeth, the more this is proving to be true, with decay and gum disease being linked to all sorts of diseases and conditions of ill-health in the body. Having straight teeth means having teeth that are easier to keep free from decay and gum disease, but getting straight teeth means having a dodgy smile for quite a while. Or, at least, it used to. But not anymore, now that you can get Invisalign in Clapham from Clapham South Dental Centre.

What is Invisalign in Clapham?

Invisalign changed the face of teeth straightening when it came on the market back in the late 1990s. It did so by not changing the face of the people using it. Invisalign in Clapham uses a series of see-through, plastic devices that look like very thin mouth guards. When they go on over the teeth, they are so thin and well-fitting that they cannot be seen except by the super observant.

You get a series of these aligners. You start off with aligner number 1 and when you put it in for the first time, it will feel uncomfortable, like it doesn’t quite fit properly, with bits pressing on various teeth. But, bear with it. It is these pressing bits that are gently getting your teeth to shift position. After 7-10 days the jawbone will have dissolved and rebuilt itself to relieve this pressure. You change to the next in the series, and so on, until your teeth are aligned.

Now you see them, now you don’t, with Invisalign in Clapham

What do you want your perfect teeth straightening device to be able to do for you, apart, from the obvious, which, of course, is to straighten your teeth?

Do you want your straightening device to take over your entire mouth, your life even? Or would you prefer it to be as much in the background as possible, not interfering with either how you look or your diet, as so many braces are liable to do?

Invisalign in ClaphamIf you want your braces to be pretty much invisible and stay out of the way when it comes to food choices, then you don’t need braces, you need Invisalign in Clapham.

Never seen Invisalign in Clapham before?

Well that’s hardly surprising, considering that instead of brackets and wires you get clear plastic aligners that go over your teeth like mouth guards, only way thinner, so thin, in fact, that once they are in place, no one really notices you are wearing them.

But rest assured, here at Clapham South Dental Centre, lots of our patients with mildly to moderately misaligned teeth have used them, plenty are using them right now. You may even have sat in the waiting room and been smiled at by one of our patients wearing Invisalign in Clapham, only you’d never know, because these aligners are so discreet.

What about food?

Invisalign aligners are removable. You take them out when you want to eat or drink anything that’s not just water. You eat, brush your teeth and put your aligners back in. Having aligners gives you the freedom to eat whatever you like; there are no restrictions for fear of damaging your device. All you have to do is be sure to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, every day, during the length of your treatment. Your teeth need sustained pressure in order to move, and if you don’t maintain this, it can extend the length of your treatment, which, by the way, takes a year, on average.

Not everyone can wear Invisalign in Clapham, but the way to find out if your alignment issues are suitable is to come in for a free consultation with one of accredited Invisalign providers.