What types of problems can Invisalign in Clapham fix?

Invisalign is a clear, removable and discreet teeth-straightening treatment that has created a buzz ever since its introduction in dentistry in the late 1990s. In recent years, Invisalign has become a very popular treatment, since it allows people to straighten their teeth discreetly and effectively.

invisalign-in-claphamWhich problems can Invisalign in Clapham treat?

Invisalign can be used to treat certain teeth-straightening problems on their own or combined, provided they are not too serious. Apart from moderately crooked teeth, Invisalign can also deal with underbites, overbites, open bites, crossbites and gapped teeth. Again, these problems need to be moderate for Invisalign to intervene, otherwise the dentist may recommend braces or a different teeth-straightening treatment.

Invisalign in Clapham can also fix crowded teeth, a condition where there is not enough room in the jaw to accommodate all of an adult’s teeth. All these dental problems can cause further oral health problems (i.e. gum disease and tooth decay) and that’s why it’s important to treat them before they deteriorate.

One benefit of Invisalign in Clapham compared with conventional braces is that fewer visits to the dentist are needed. It is also a pretty straightforward process. If patients follow their dentist’s instructions, by wearing their aligners for 20-22 hours a day and only taking them out to eat or drink, their teeth will stay healthy throughout the treatment.

However, Invisalign in Clapham is not the ideal treatment for everyone. To fix some dental problems, other treatments such as metal braces could be more suitable and that’s why it’s really important to have your teeth examined by our well-experienced dentists at Clapham South Dental Centre.

Limitations of Invisalign in Clapham

Unfortunately, Invisalign cannot fix all teeth-straightening problems, since it is considered more of a cosmetic treatment. Invisalign aligners do not provide the same force or versatility of metal braces, therefore complex cases that require significant movement of the teeth cannot be completed with Invisalign. In some cases, past dental work can prevent patients from using Invisalign to straighten their teeth (e.g. many missing teeth replaced by dental bridges or dental implants). Invisalign is not a good option for patients who need extractions before or during treatment.