Author: Clapham South Dental Centre

How and who can clear braces help?

Clear braces are a popular treatment option for uneven or crooked teeth, with people of all ages enjoying the benefits of this means of improving their smile. They are made up of a soft plastic in the form of trays. These trays are made for the patient on an individual basis (after the creation of moulds during the preparation process), so that they fit over the teeth easily and comfortably. They are transparent, which makes them very appealing to those patients who may be a little self-conscious about embarking on an orthodontic treatment.clear-braces-clapham

How do they work?

Clear braces, also known as aligners, are designed to be worn for the majority of every 24-hour period (usually around 22 hours). They gently move the teeth into a better position during the period of treatment. Aligners are usually worn for around two weeks, after which the teeth will have moved into a slightly different position. After this time, they are replaced with a new set which encourages the teeth to move further, with each time getting closer to the desired result. This process usually takes a few months, making the braces a relatively quick way of improving their smile.

Can anyone get these braces?

Whether or not a patient is a suitable candidate for these braces very much depends on their individual circumstances. However, it is worth noting that age is certainly no barrier to getting this kind of treatment; with many adults of all ages opting to get their teeth straightened with aligners. Rather, the crucial factors determining whether or not they are suitable are the complexity or severity of the individual case, and the commitment of the patient to the treatment process.

Commitment to the process

The importance of this should not be underestimated. If the patient is not disciplined about the wearing of the braces and oral hygiene, then this may not be the best option. Those who are unsure about wearing the trays for most of the day, every day, should think carefully before opting for invisible braces. Keeping the braces, the teeth and gums clean is also of utmost importance in order to ensure the best possible result.

Are they expensive?

Clear braces in Clapham can be very affordable. We discuss the cost and how it can be paid before starting treatment, allowing our patients to feel confident and relaxed throughout the process.

Find out more about what we can do for you and your teeth

Read more about all the ways we can help patients to achieve a better smile through orthodontic treatments like invisible braces, improved oral hygiene and much more.  Getting the teeth straightened can allow the patient to keep their teeth cleaner and healthier, as misaligned teeth can make it difficult to remove plaque and food debris. Regardless of age or the condition of the teeth and gums, there are ways we can help everyone to feel more confident about their appearance, as well as promoting good oral health that can be beneficial for general health.

Can smokers get Invisalign in Clapham?

Invisalign has become a popular means of straightening teeth in recent years. It’s often chosen by patients here at Clapham South Dental Centre because it’s discreet and convenient, offering great benefits in a relatively short time period. Those who smoke may wonder if this kind of treatment is a viable option for them, so here we explore the facts relating to aligners and being a consumer of tobacco products.invisalign-in-clapham

What are the main factors to consider?

Those who have smoked for any length of time will know that tobacco can cause staining to the nails, hands and teeth. This is also true of aligners, which can become discoloured as a result of tobacco use.

If the individual requires to smoke during the course of wearing the clear moulds, they should take care to remove these before smoking. While this is not necessarily problematic in itself, it’s time that is a significant factor. The success of invisalign in Clapham depends on the patient being able to wear the aligners for most of every 24 hour time period; only removing them in order to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. If smoking time is added on to that, then the efficiency of the treatment can be diminished. This can mean that the patient does not get the results that they were hoping for at the end of the treatment.

Is vaping with aligners ok?

Vaping, or smoking an e-cigarette, is a relatively new activity. The result of this is that not a lot is known about how it can affect aligners. However, the time factor is an issue as with cigarettes: removing the aligners to vape can decrease the effectiveness of treatment and mean that the results aren’t quite what they should be.

What to do

Talk to us to find out more about Invisalign in Clapham: we want to help all of our patients to achieve the best possible smile. As well as advising about aligners or other suitable treatments, we can also advise on how best to take care of the teeth and gums. Stopping smoking can help to improve oral health quite significantly, so here are our tips for getting started stopping.

You may want to consider nicotine replacement therapy. This can take the form of patches, gum, lozenges or oral sprays. The purpose of these is to help people to wean themselves off nicotine in a gradual manner, with the aim of making being a non-smoker more achievable.

Talk to the doctor if you think you may need more assistance! There are various medications available on prescription that can help support the patient in stopping smoke. You should investigate alternative ways to relax and try to relieve stress. Meditation, mindfulness and yoga can all help to keep people calm and resolve stress as they transition into being a non-smoker.

We understand that it is not easy to quit smoking, but if that is not possible; it is still well worth talking to us to investigate all options for improving the look of the teeth. Invisalign may remain the best choice, and with support from us, patients can expect great results!

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Dental implants are long-term means of replacing a missing tooth or teeth. They are a popular alternative to dentures, and can be a great option for patients who want a solution that is durable and reliable for many years to come. Composed of titanium, they mimic the natural root of the teeth, and fuse with the patient’s own jaw bone over time, replacing missing teeth in an unobtrusive manner. For those interested in dental implants in Clapham, we can discuss individual options for tooth replacement at the convenience of the

As natural as possible

Because implants are a permanent fixture that integrate with the teeth and gums, patients can expect an improved appearance that feels natural and just like the teeth that remain. This can help to develop greater confidence in both how the individual looks, and in their ability to speak normally (without any slurring or difficulty in speech that can be the result of sliding dentures).

Patients can eat as they please

A missing tooth or teeth can make it difficult to eat, as can some kinds of dentures. Instead of being limited to a small range of foods, and having to rule out some things because of concerns about biting and chewing, patients who have had implants fitted can enjoy total freedom with meal times. Implants give back the ability to bite and chew food as normal, and this can be very liberating when the patient has previously struggled with eating.

Helps to keep the jaw bone healthy

When a tooth is lost, the bone around that area (particularly where the root previously resided) is reabsorbed back into the body. If there is no corrective treatment for this, the jaw bone can become diminished which impacts on the oral health and physical appearance of the patient. Dental implants can correct this by replacing the root of the tooth and encouraging the jaw to become firmer and healthier.

A solution that lasts

Alternatives to implants, such as dentures and bridges, usually have to be replaced every 5-10 years or so. This is a solution that patients can rely on for many years to come. The implants may need occasional adjustments, but otherwise have the potential to endure for decades. This is especially true for patients who are committed to taking good care of their teeth and gums, and at Clapham South Dental Centre, we can advise on how best to do this.

Who is a good candidate?

Patients with a regular oral hygiene routine and who have good bone density are often suitable candidates for implants. If this is not the case, and for example, there is some gum disease present or the jaw bone is not as healthy as it should be, we can advise on a course of treatment to resolve any issues before commencing with an implant treatment. We want our patients to have the best possible outcome at every stage of treatment, so why not find out more about what we can offer?

Eating with invisible braces

Invisible braces have allowed people to improve their smile in a discreet and relatively rapid manner in recent years, but what are they exactly and what do they involve?invisible-braces-in-clapham

Composed of trays of clear plastic aligners that fit over the teeth, these kinds of braces have been a popular choice since they first became available in the late 1980s. They are designed to be worn for most of the time like other kinds of braces; though they have the advantage of being removable for convenience. They are particularly popular with adult orthodontic patients because they are barely noticeable, which is ideal for those who don’t want it to be obvious that they are having this kind of treatment done.

Here at Clapham South Dental Centre, we are always happy to answer any questions our patients might have about this or any of the other treatments we offer. One of the most commonly asked queries is ‘how can I eat with these braces?’ Here, we explain how you can continue to enjoy food while getting your teeth straightened in this manner.

Don’t wear them when eating or drinking

If you’re undergoing treatment with aligners, it’s fine to drink cold water while wearing them. This won’t do any harm, and it’s a good idea for the general health to ensure that the body is well hydrated throughout the day. However, if the patient is having anything else to drink; such as tea, coffee, fruit juice or even a glass of wine, the braces should be removed beforehand. This is because drinks other than water can cause the aligners to become stained, which could damage them as well as potentially giving them an unsightly appearance.

The trays should also be taken out before eating any meals or snacks. This is to prevent bits of the food becoming trapped within the aligners. If this was to happen, they could become damaged and also compromise the patient’s oral health when worn – potentially encouraging the growth of bacteria and plaque.

Keep aligners clean

After enjoying a meal or snack, we advise our patients to give the trays a good rinse with warm water before putting them back in. It’s also a good idea to floss or use interdental brushes and give the teeth a good clean before replacing the aligners. Completing these steps will mean that the braces will remain almost invisible and the patient’s mouth is fresh and bacteria free.

Get organised

In order for this kind of treatment to be most effective, patients should wear the trays for around 22 hours each day. This means planning meal and snack times so that the braces can be worn as much as possible.

We offer invisible braces in Clapham to many of our patients. Find out more about this treatment and the other available treatment options we have, which should be able to improve your smile! We assess our patients on an individual basis, which means they can be confident of getting the right kind of help to improve their smile.

Do clear braces really work?

Yes; we have offered clear braces (both the Invisalign based transparent aligners and the glass-ceramic options) for many years, seeing patients from the first assessment to completion of orthodontics. One of our medical team Dr Recheal Ibbotson has made Invisalign her speciality. So why would there be any downside to invisible braces?clear-braces-clapham

Why are there doubts about clear aligners?

For a well-established treatment method, it seems strange to us at Clapham South Dental Centre that there would be any doubts but there seems to be confusion in the public consensus. Invisible orthodontic procedures are not a new or untested treatment- the first of the aligners called plastic sprinters were trialled in the ’60s, with there being attempts to fashion clear braces from glass for over 100 years before this.

These earlier attempts were unsuccessful but many decades of iteration has gone into creating the approved treatments which we use in our clinic today.

Aligners to your door

What has developed in dentistry over the last 5 or so years is DIY or at-home orthodontics. It’s a variation on the method that Invisalign uses to produce clear aligners. After registering and making a payment online, a manufactured dental mould kit is sent out to you; these are simplified compared to the ones that we use in our surgery.

You’re expected to take your own dental mould and post back the kit, so the scanning and creation of the aligner can take place.

Bigger picture

The idea of sending of mould to have various pieces of dental equipment made in a dental lab by a technician or a 3D printer is not out of the ordinary- we do it all the time. But taking that mechanism and lifting it out of dental practitioners hands causes some obvious problems.

The first is the underlying motive of the practitioner; the dentist has a full array of treatment options available and, even if the best option for your teeth is to do nothing, they will not be paid compensation to inform you of that fact. An aligner manufacturer does not and has a more financially based interest in you using their service.

Our Clear Braces in Clapham come from local dentists, serving their local community and must put their reputation above making a quick sale.

Clear aligner lawsuits

Different nations regulate orthodontics differently, one of the largest providers of at-home aligners globally has run afoul of this. By moving all aspects of the pre-screening and suitability assessment to a company owned mobile app, they have lost the right to provide orthodontic aligners in USA and India.

This matter of business law and regulation seems to have had a damaging effect of the perceived trustworthiness of Clear Braces in Clapham. This is uncalled for, as it is not the effectiveness of the treatment when used appropriately which is in question. Only the business practises of the manufacturers who choose to work outside the established dental institutions and their safeguards.

We are more than happy to provide Invisalign to our patients, as this company works exclusively within dental clinics.

A bit of clarity on clear aligners

So you’ve heard about clear aligners? If so, it was probably from a TV advert or maybe an online banner? The irony is the oldest and most trusted clear aligners provider only operates through dental clinics. Invisalign in Clapham has been a part of our practice for more than 5 years. So let’s talk about what they are and how they work.

What are clear aligners?invisalign-clapham

The clear aligners are a very cleverly shaped thin plastic mouth guard, like a very thin transpiration gum shield. Its simplicity hides a lot of designers work and showcases a progressive approach to orthodontics.

The organising or alining of teeth is achieved by pressure exerted on the tooth surface by the aligner, under tension. This constant mild pressure is far less intrusive than a traditional brace, which is far from subtle in form or function.

Aligners are used in succession, with each one achieving a small milestone on the route to an overall straighter smile.

How we use aligners in our clinic

Before you can get too excited about getting aligners, it’s important to have a level headed conversation with our dentists. This is where Invisalign in Clapham diverges from an online mail-order aligner, who will happily send out home dental mould kits with little or no exploration of your needs or suitability.

Aligners are suitable for minor or cosmetic orthodontic issues. They could be used at the end of treatment using other orthodontic tools, like metal braces or a palate block if required. Alignment is only recommended for healthy teeth without cavities or decay, requiring treatment and resolution before fitting of aligners can start.

Once you receive your aligners, you will have to wear them as much as possible; 22 hours a day is recommended. The only time you would remove them is when eating. It is recommended that when using aligners, you brush your teeth after eating before placing your clear aligners over your teeth. The aligners restrict the flow of saliva over your teeth, and trapped food under the aligner can quickly cause cavities

In general, we find most of our patients are very happy with the daily ease of using an aligner, with most of the time the aligners going completely unnoticed by others and becoming a small aspect of their daily routine.

Clear aligners in the mail

The mail-order aligner providers have been condemned for their business model by the BOS British Orthodontic Society and we would not be involved with any manufacturers who operate without a dentists supervision, due to risks of damage caused by inappropriate use. This can be magnified in nervous patients who are much less inclined to attend an appointment with our dentists and may feel more at ease with online services. Unfortunately, nervous patients tend to have multiple or complex dental conditions at the same time, due to a lack of early intervention. We are always considerate of the needs of our patients and would strongly recommend you contact us before pursuing Invisalign in Clapham or any orthodontic treatment.

Are dental implants worth it?

Oral implants are considered the pinnacle in restorative dentistry with the capacity to replace individual teeth or a whole set of dentures. Dental Implants in Clapham are performed by Dr Aussia who holds qualifications in dental implantology and oral surgery with a very high success rate. However, there are situations which make implants

How they work

Modern Dental Implants in Clapham are formed from three components; the implant, the connector and the prosthetic.

The implant is a tapered, ridged titanium rod with a rounded tip which sits in the bone of the jaw and acts as an artificial root. It is held in place by the process of osseointegration, which happens when titanium integrates with the bone and is the reason why titanium is so widely used in surgery.

The connector attaches the titanium component to the prosthetics. This allows the implanting to occur in multiple stages, with a period left for the bone to heal. There are multiple options, as to what you may wish to fit onto the connecter from a single porcelain tooth, (not unlike a crown) to a set of dentures.

The fitting process

After an assessment and confirming that you’re suitable for the procedure, the implant treatment can be booked in. It usually takes one session to place the titanium root, then a second session 4-6 months after to have the prosthetic fitted.

What would make me unsuitable?

Most people can receive dental implants. The aspect of the procedure with the highest risk of failure is the root not ‘fixing’ into the bone. This is aggravated by bone disorders like dental imperfections, osteoporosis and medication which may prevent bone growth, like those used to treat cancer.

There is no evidence supporting age as a limitation unless there are underlying conditions, but a full set of adult teeth must be present and if below 18 parental consent must be given.

Are there other options?

Are there alternatives to Dental Implants in Clapham? Possibly – you would need to speak to Dr Aussia to make an impartial assessment and present you with your options, as it would vary on a case by case basis. If there are options to save teeth from unnecessary extraction, it should be explored first. This could involve crowns or mini-implants into a healthy root to build up a badly damaged tooth.

Implants have excellent longevity, even compared to root canal treated teeth, so in comparison, they are a superior form of restorative dentistry. There is the ability to disconnect a damaged prosthetic from the root via the converter and replace only the ceramic component, leaving the rest of the implant undisturbed in the jaw bone. This simplifies future treatments and reduces their cost and recovery time.

What is it like having a dental implant?

Most of the time, our patients find by the 2-year check-up, the implants are indistinguishable from the natural teeth. With the same care needs, 6-month check-ups and regular brushing, it’s easy to see why. Over time, the porcelain of the prosthetics may diverge from the natural enamel shade. This is due to the prosthetic being more stain-resistant than natural enamel and can be fixed by our team.

The invisible brace

Invisible Braces in Clapham are not often seen but are more common than the iconic metal braces. It’s pretty clear why! Their translucent materials are far more conducive to our modern world where all the basic needs of dentistry are met and we can indulge in the aesthetics.


The rise in popularity of subtle orthodontics has been pushed for by adult patients, but whose availability has been widely adopted by our patients of all ages.

So, are they as good as metal braces?

The ‘invisible brace’ is a bit of an ambiguous term used to describe both ceramic braces and clear aligners, and to discuss which is best we need to differentiate between them.

Also, the appropriateness and therefore the effectiveness of a particular treatment is dependent on the individual patient. One of the primary roles of our dental team Dr Ali Aussia, Dr Rachael Ibbotson and Dr Mohsin Ghor is to lay out the best options in an unbiased and clear way, so you can make an informed decision about your own care.

The Invisible Braces in Clapham are an orthodontic treatment that utilises a series of 3D printed aligners, which are worn over the teeth to straighten them over time. They are popular and considered effective on mild to moderately misaligned teeth, where minimal twisting and molar movement is required.

The ceramic brace is very similar in the way it works to metal braces, with archwire and tooth anchors. But they are made from a composite mixture of ceramic and polymers. They used to be brittle and were only recommended for adults, but with a better blend of materials, they have reached a toughness parity with the metal brace.

What’s it like to have an invisible brace?

Well, the discovery you may experience is very different depending on the treatment option. Aligners give a more consistent pressure than a metal brace, but the trade-off is a longer treatment time on average. The ceramic option will be more similar to the traditional brace.

Where they both shine is in their aesthetics, as there is a world of difference between the feeling of wearing a standard compared to an invisible brace in public. Most of our patients reporting that they forget they’re wearing them during the day unless they are eating.

What’s harder to look after- a ceramic brace or an aligner?

The anchor point of ceramic braces is not conducive to their removal and refitting outside of dental surgery. So you must cautiously eat in them and thoroughly clean them afterwards. Interdental brushes can be very helpful here in getting any bits under the wire. Aligners can be removed at will, but to be effective you need to wear them as much as possible and brush before refitting, to stop food particles becoming trapped against your teeth.

It’s generally accepted that Invisible Braces in Clapham are far easier to keep clean. Of the two, the aligners can be removed on the fly to give a public address or presentation.

Looking to perfect your smile under the radar? Clear braces in Clapham could be for you!

As with all procedures and treatments over the last decade, there have been a vast amount of positive developments, in this case, the development of braces. Whilst traditional metal braces are still commonly used for moderate to severe realignments, Clear braces, with either fixed brackets or removable aligners are now more affordable and readily available at most dental surgeries.clear-braces-in-clapham

So how does this treatment work compared to the metal braces?

This question does not come with straightforward, one word answer. This is because it is completely dependent on which type of transparent braces we use for your treatment. Metal braces are used for the more severe realignment cases and pull the teeth into place over a fixed period of time. Invisalign, on the other hand, are clear removable braces that use pressure points inside the aligners to push the teeth into their new alignment. Another discreet, removable method of straightening the teeth is the Inman aligner. This method uses two aligner bows that gently oppose each other and guide the teeth into a new position. Each treatment has a different way of realigning the teeth but it is very dependent on the individual case as to which treatment would suit you, the patient, best.

Do the transparent braces create a pain free method of realignment?

Whenever we think of procedures or treatments there is, naturally, a fear of it being painful. As with any treatment, minimal discomfort is to be expected, particularly when your teeth are being pushed into a new position. However, should the discomfort be persistent or begins to become a problem, please discuss this with your dental team rather than suffering in silence. The idea of the use of Clear braces in Clapham  is to have an inconspicuous method of realignment that allows you to carry on with your everyday lives with little affect. We want you to be as comfortable as possible during your realignment process.

Can I start with metal braces and switch to the Clear braces?

As we have previously mentioned, Clear braces in Clapham are suited to mild to moderate cases of realignment. Therefore should your teeth be severely crooked this particular treatment will not be effective. However, if you are extremely conscious of your metal braces and do not want to be wearing them for a long period of time, once your teeth have aligned to a certain point, upon discussion with your dental team, it may be that you can switch to the transparent braces part the way through.

Does the transparent braces treatment take a set period of time?

Unfortunately it is difficult to provide an answer to this question as it completely depends on the individual. However, please be aware that we will always discuss the process and have check ups to keep an eye on the progress. Our attention to detail will ensure that you are never left out of the loop.

Please note:

As with any procedure or treatment there is a potential risk. Therefore it is important to contact your local dental team for more information about any of the procedures mentioned in this article.

What is Invisalign?

Misalignments within the mouth are very common and can be anything from misaligned teeth to bite problems such as overbite, underbite or even crossbites (a poor alignment of the dental arches). When you think of realigning your teeth, a lot of people think of the traditional fixed, wired braces. Whilst a very common method, we prefer to use clear tray aligners when possible, otherwise known as Invisalign in Clapham.invisalign-clapham

Could Invisalign be the treatment for you?

Whether you are a teenager whose teeth are still growing and changing, or an adult who has decided to perfect their smile, we have a variety of different aligners to suit our patients’ needs. Do not worry about being out of your depth with research, we will happily discuss all of the options which are open to you and answer any questions you may have whether it is before, during or after your journey with us.

The process behind creating your dazzling new smile.

To get the process started we will take you through an assessment which entails a series of photos that allow us to determine the best course of action for you.

Once we are certain that invisalign is the way forward for you we will take some more photos in the form of X-rays and digital scans. If we believe it to be beneficial, we will also take some dental impressions of your teeth. This will allow us to gain a more in depth insight into what you need to achieve the best results from your  Invisalign treatment. With this information we are then able to create a personalised, digital treatment plan for you. Technology has advanced so much that we will even be able to show you a 3D video of what the results will look like.

Once we have all the above information we will provide you with a series of aligners which you will have for an average of 1 to 2 weeks. Please note your dentist will advise you as to what suits your individual needs best so do not worry if it is longer. These should then be worn for the recommended 22 hours a day and changed at home. No need for extra appointments, diet changes, or different hygiene systems as the aligners are easy to remove and insert. As with all treatments there may be some discomfort during the re-alignment but it should always be minimal. Please discuss with your dentist if you feel too uncomfortable.

Although you can change these retainers yourself, it does not mean we hand them over and leave you to it for the duration of your treatment. We will see you approximately every 4 to 6 weeks, where we will monitor the progress made and provide you with your next set of retainers. Once the Invisalign treatment is complete you will need to wear the clear retainers to maintain your new smile but these are so discreet that they will not be noticeable.

Please note:

All dental procedures/ treatments carry a potential risk. Therefore for more information about any of the procedures mentioned in this article please contact your local dental team.