What are the commonly asked questions about dental implants?

Addressing your concerns about dental implants Clapham easily helps you feel more confident about your treatment plan. We, at Clapham South Dental Centre, have found that it is only in understanding exactly what the treatment involves and their role in looking after their dental devices that patients experience better treatment outcomes. Dental implants Clapham are an excellent treatment choice for patients who have lost adult teeth and are looking for a natural-looking form of tooth replacement. Tooth replacement implants have become the go-to choice for patients because of their desirable aesthetic value, function and efficacy.dental-implants-clapham

If you are not quite sure what questions to ask when considering dental implants Clapham, here are a few commonly asked questions to help get you started.

What do I need to be eligible for tooth implants?

To be considered for implants, patients must be in good dental and physical health. Our dentist will thoroughly examine the mouth and assess dental health to determine the patient’s suitability. Some areas of concern will be gum health and jawbone quality. These two factors form the basis for successful implantation and integration of the implants into the jawbone. If poor dental health is a concern, our dentist is obliged to treat the underlying issue first before proceeding with implantation.

What are the advantages of tooth implants?

Several advantages will be of interest to patients. Tooth replacement implants offer improved quality of life and this is achieved as they can mirror the structure of natural teeth: a dental root that anchors a dental cap. This copycat design allows implants to feel and function like natural teeth, giving patients enhanced confidence when it comes to speaking, eating and smiling in social situations. Additionally, this design also works to protect oral health; the metal root offers the stimulation needed to prevent the jawbone density from diminishing and the face from developing a shrunken look.

Do tooth replacement implants need to be maintained?

Yes, patients who opt for tooth replacement implants need to be clear about the fact that they bear a great responsibility to ensure that implants remain in top condition. The good news is that tooth implants are easy to care for. They need to be cleaned in the same way that natural teeth are – brushing twice a day and flossing.

How long does it take to receive implants?

The answer to this question will vary as it will depend on factors pertinent to an individual patient’s situation. For example, a patient with no underlying issues can receive implantation a lot sooner than a patient who has to improve poor gum quality first. The healing period post-procedure is another factor that bears relevance to treatment duration and this, once again, depends on the individual.

A consultation appointment with our experienced dental practitioner at Clapham South Dental Centre is the place to start if you are interested in tooth replacement implants. We look forward to helping you achieve improved oral health and function for a better quality of life.