Author: Clapham South Dental Centre

What does Invisalign treatment actually entail?

A smile is amongst the first things that someone else notices about you, so it should be something that you are proud to show off. If you are insecure about your smile because of gaps or crooked teeth then booking a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners at Clapham South Dental Centre will allow you to find out what you can do to straighten out your smile. We provide Invisalign in Clapham which is a simple way to straighten your teeth in as little as six months. With no messy bite impressions needed and no unsightly metal brackets attached to the surfaces of your teeth, it is an ideal treatment for those who wish for their treatment to be as simple as possible and do not want to have an appliance permanently attached to their teeth for several years. It is easy to book a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners over the phone or through our website, and our friendly team will explain everything as fully as possible to you as well as answering any questions that you may have.Invisalign in Clapham

Appliances designed by technology

When you decide that you are going to have Invisalign in Clapham you will have a consultation appointment where a 3D scan is taken of your entire mouth. This image will show the current positioning of your teeth, but it will also produce several other images that are predictions of how your teeth will need to move to become straight and even. You will have a set of clear, plastic aligners custom made for each stage of the movement, and these aligners will gradually move your teeth into new positions. They should be comfortable to wear and fit snugly over your own teeth. Our dental practitioner will issue you with a few sets of your aligners at a time, having regular appointments to make sure your treatment is working effectively and to provide you with your next lot of aligners.

Six months to get your new smile

Invisalign in Clapham generally takes between six and twelve months to complete, depending on how severe your individual situation is. The aligners that you are provided with must be worn for at least twenty-two hours of the day, otherwise, you risk your treatment not working properly and taking longer to complete overall. Each set will need to be worn for around two weeks, but this can sometimes vary depending on your personal circumstances too. Once your treatment has finished you will have another appointment at our practice where your dental practitioner will issue you with a retainer. This is an appliance similar to your aligners but is designed to prevent your teeth from returning to their original crooked positions. Retainers need to be worn continuously for a period of seven days after your treatment has come to an end, but after this, they can be worn just at night whilst you are asleep. Sometimes people will only need to wear a retainer at night for a matter of months, but in some cases, a retainer will be required for several years after treatment has ended.

Bring back the smile that you loved with dental implants

When you lose a tooth it is easy to feel like you will never smile again, but at Clapham South Dental Care we will endeavour to do whatever we can to make sure you not only smile again but never want to stop. With treatments available to replace however many teeth you need, you can forget about having gaps in your smile. We offer dental implants in Clapham, which is a way of restoring teeth so that they look, feel and behave exactly like your original ones. Unlike other tooth replacement options, they are extremely durable and could even last you the rest of your life. If you have lost a tooth or all of your teeth, then booking an appointment with one of our dental practitioners today will allow you to discover what we can do for your smile. It’s easy to book an appointment through our website or over the phone, and if you have any general questions about the treatment this will give you an opportunity to ask

Capable of replacing as many teeth as you need

When someone loses a singular tooth through an accident they often do not consider replacing it because they are not aware of the options that are available to them. A lot of people believe that one missing tooth is not “bad enough” to need to be replaced, but devaluing their issues does not eradicate their insecurities, and they are often left incredibly unhappy with their smile. Having dental implants in Clapham could restore your smile, whether it is one tooth, three or every single one. Some patients even choose to upgrade to implants from their dentures, for a variety of reasons. This treatment permanently fixes your new teeth into your mouth by using small titanium screws that have been inserted into your jawbone to act as the roots of your teeth. Once your mouth has healed around these screws you will then have your required appliance attached to it.

What appliance you need will depend solely on how many teeth you are missing. One crown or a few crowns may be attached to your implants if you are missing one tooth, or a few teeth in random places. If a few teeth are missing in a row or on either side of a remaining tooth, it is likely that a bridge will be used to provide the original teeth with extra support. Partial or full dentures will be used in the circumstances where you are missing the majority or all of your teeth, but when you are replacing this many teeth you will not necessarily need to have one screw per new tooth, as they are capable of supporting multiple teeth. A whole set of teeth can be replaced with between four and twelve screws, depending on the individual circumstances.

A smile that lasts

If you get dental implants in Clapham then it is important to take care of them properly. Looking after them will mean they last you as long as possible, which in some cases can be upwards of ten years. Your dental practitioner will be able to explain how to clean your new teeth and recommend which products would be ideal for you to use.

Straighten your teeth discreetly with invisible braces

A lot of people do not get the chance to straighten their teeth as a teenager, and at Clapham South Dental Centre we understand that as an adult having unsightly metal brackets attached to the front surfaces of your teeth is not always an appealing option, with some adults preferring to keep their teeth as they are. However, there are now alternatives for you to choose from that are incredibly difficult to notice. The possibility of getting invisible braces in Clapham has changed the way that adults feel about straightening their teeth, and the range of appliances that we offer at Clapham South Dental Centre means that you can opt for a straightening treatment that compliments your lifestyle instead of hindering it.invisible-braces-in-clapham

We have more than one appliance for you to choose from

Once you have decided that you wish to have invisible braces in Clapham one of our dental professionals will explain all of the different appliances that are available to you. Whilst all of them remain difficult to spot by other people because of their invisible nature, some of the appliances are fixed to the surfaces of your teeth and others are completely removable. This means that you should take some time deciding which treatment is most suited to your lifestyle. Some appliances will not be suitable if your teeth need moving drastically, so having severely crooked or gapped teeth may limit your options slightly, but this is something that your practitioner will discuss with you.

A removable appliance for minor issues

In the circumstances where your situation is not too severe, Invisalign is often a popular choice as the appliance itself does not need to be permanently fixed to your teeth whilst you are undergoing treatment. Instead, it is completely removable, meaning that brushing your teeth, eating food and drinking certain drinks is just as easy as it usually is and you do not need to worry about having any stain marks left on your teeth after you stop wearing your appliance. This treatment generally takes between six and twelve months to complete but is only suitable for minor problems as it focuses mainly on straightening your six or eight front teeth. It is very difficult to spot if someone is undergoing Invisalign treatment as the aligners are made of completely clear plastic and fit closely over your own teeth.

Go incognito and straighten your teeth secretly

Amongst your options when getting invisible braces in Clapham is Incognito braces. These differ from Invisalign in the way that they are permanently attached to the surfaces of your teeth, but they cannot be seen as it is the inside surfaces of your teeth that they attach to. They are capable of sorting out nearly all types of misalignment, making them a popular choice for those people who are trying to straighten severely crooked teeth. Generally speaking, treatment time can vary between twelve months and twenty-four, but this is something that will always vary depending on your individual circumstances.

Clear braces in Clapham

Over time, more and more people are wanting to straighten their smile, but without drawing added attention to their mouth during the process. This is why clear braces in Clapham are only growing in popularity, and our results can prove this. You can choose between a fixed or removable appliance, each one bringing their own advantages. Our removable appliances, such as Invisalign, are great if you are looking for more mild movement. The fixed brace is great for more severe cases, as it uses more force to move your teeth.clear-braces-in-clapham

Our dentists at Clapham South Dental Care are dedicated to helping you achieve the look you want, whilst feeling welcome and comfortable when you visit our practice. Our mix of high-quality braces, with a friendly service from our staff, is the perfect route to straightening your smile.

What’s the process?

When you choose to have our Clapham clear braces, you will firstly have a consultation appointment with us. These appointments are important in ensuring that you are eligible for the treatment, and it can allow us to examine your teeth to see what movement is needed.

If all goes well and you are eligible, we will plan out which teeth are being moved and apply the braces accordingly. Attaching the brackets includes us applying a small amount of glue to the center of the tooth. The brackets are then attached in between these and tightened as they should be. This will be done in one appointment, and then you will most likely have tightening appointments every now and again to further move your teeth. The treatment time always varies depending on your needs, and the severity of the case.

Once you have completed the treatment and had your braces removed, we can clean the teeth to finish off your new look. You will really see the difference that these clear braces at Clapham make. We recommend that you use retainers once you have completed the treatment to make sure that your teeth don’t try and move back to their original position.

Advantages of clear braces

The ability to mix the effectiveness of fixed braces, whilst keeping a discreet look throughout, is what makes this such an ideal treatment for those who don’t want to draw extra attention to their mouth. If you are someone who has a more active social life, or meet a lot of people within your job, it is always nice to feel as confident as possible, and this treatment can help with this, both during and after the treatment.

The durability of these braces is also an advantage that you can enjoy, the wires and brackets used are strong and can withstand maximum usage. This technique of using the two to create a brace has been used for a long time, and is known to be effective.

Due to these braces giving a more mild movement of your teeth than some other options, it means that they are more comfortable. This is a great benefit when you are wearing the braces all day, as you don’t want constant discomfort whilst trying to straighten your teeth.

How does Invisalign work?

We understand that it can be upsetting if you have teeth that are crooked, as it can really affect your confidence. If you are looking for a way to straighten your smile, without drawing attention to your teeth, then Invisalign in Clapham could well be the treatment for you. Clear, plastic aligners are used to gradually move your teeth over time.

What’s the process?invisalign-in-clapham

Our Clapham Invisalign treatment consists of 4 steps, each one bringing you a step closer to a straighter smile! Firstly, we will take you through a Case Assessment, which is a set of photos that helps us to determine whether or not you are suitable for the treatment. We will never recommend the treatment if it isn’t right for you as it can damage your teeth and cause problems. But don’t worry, the majority of people are able to proceed with this treatment.

The second step involves taking various photos and scans of your teeth, such as x-rays. This will give us a very clear picture of your teeth, allowing us to create a digital treatment plan for you. Using the latest technology, we can show you what your teeth will look like at the end of your treatment via a 3D video. This can really help to give you an idea of what to expect, which really excites our patients.

Once all of your scans have been sent off and your custom aligners have been created, your journey can truly begin. You will be given an initial set of aligners that you wear for around 20 hours a day, you should find this easy as they are very comfortable. You will change to a new aligner every 1-2 weeks from the comfort of your own home and visit up every 4-6 weeks so that we can give you a new set of aligners as well as monitor your progress.

After around 4-6 months, the final step of the process is having one more appointment with us, to make sure everything has gone as it should and so we can give you a retainer. With any teeth straightening treatment, it is always recommended to wear a retainer afterwards so that your teeth don’t move back into their original position.

What are the benefits?

One of the main advantages that our patients love about our Invisalign at Clapham is the appearance of the aligners whilst they are in your mouth. Due to the thin, clear plastic material that is used, other people will hardly notice you have an aligner at all.

The ease of the whole process is a big appeal to our patients, as there is no invasive surgery involved. The maintenance is also simple, as all you need to do is brush the aligners with your toothbrush and give them a rinse to keep them clean.

Being able to eat whatever you want throughout this process is also a big advantage. As these aligners are removable, you can simply take them out before you eat, meaning you don’t have to restrict anything.

At Clapham South Dental Care, we take pride in giving our patients high quality treatments that can help to boost both their confidence and oral health. If you are looking to get your teeth straightened, don’t hesitate to contact us today for an appointment!

Should I get dental implants?

If you are struggling with the appearance of your smile due to gaps, then our dental implants in Clapham could be a great option for you. We understand that it can feel embarrassing when you have gaps in your teeth, which can cause you to feel insecure when you smile. The reason this treatment is so popular is because it not only fills the gaps in your teeth, it’s also durable enough to last for years, meaning it is a great combination to help bring back your

How does it work?

Firstly, as with any dental treatment we offer, we will have a consultation appointment with you so that we can examine the area to find out if you are eligible or not. This appointment involves us taking scans such as x-rays, so we can get a better look at the bone, to see if there is enough left to hold the implant post in place. This meeting also gives us the opportunity to fully discuss the treatment to make sure it is right for you. If all goes well and you are suitable for the treatment, we can book your first surgical appointment.

During your first appointment, we will open up the gum in the problem area to expose the bone. The implant post will then be inserted deep into the bone and the area will be closed back up. This will then be left to heal for several months to build up a good foundation for the crown to be attached. During these healing months, your bone will fuse to the implant post, meaning that it becomes part of your mouth, which contributes to the durability of these Clapham dental implants.

Once the area has healed and the implant post has successfully fused to your bone, you can come back for your second surgical appointment. This is when we will attach the crown to the implant post. A crown is a tooth-shaped piece of porcelain that is specifically created just for you, the colour and shape are adapted to match your other teeth. You can also choose between having a permanent or removable crown, which is simply screwed onto the implant post. Once this is completed, you can walk away with a fuller smile!

We recommend that you have a follow-up appointment around 2 weeks after the crown has been attached, so we can make sure everything is going how it should be. This is also a good time for any adjustments to be made if needed.

Here at Clapham South Dental Care, we take pride in making sure that our patients feel welcome and comfortable when they come to us for treatments. We understand that it can be nerve-wracking coming to the practice, and we do all we can to help you with this.

The advantages

The appearance of your new teeth is one of the main benefits that you can enjoy from this treatment. Thanks to the porcelain that is used, your dental implants from Clapham will look just like your natural teeth.

The durability is also a great advantage that comes from this treatment, with the right care, they can last for up to 20 years! So it is definitely worth looking into it if you are struggling with gappy teeth.

Which invisible braces do we offer?

At our practice, we are proud to offer a few different types of Clapham invisible braces to suit your needs. We understand that you may not want to draw extra attention to your teeth whilst straightening them, which is why these braces are a great choice.invisible-braces-clapham

Cfast braces

This type of teeth straightening treatment focuses on your front teeth, which is great for cosmetic reasons. As only the front teeth are moved, that treatment takes less time but can still have effective results. The average treatment time for Cfast braces is only 5 months, which is great if you are looking for a quicker way to straighten your smile.

As well as the quick treatment time, these braces are also less visible to other people thanks to the tooth coloured wires and clear brackets used. This is great if you don’t want to draw added attention to your mouth during the process. These braces will also not affect the way you speak or how you eat your food, which our patients love.

Incognito braces

These types of invisible braces in Clapham are similar to traditional fixed braces, but they are attached to the back of your teeth instead of the front. This can really help if you are wishing to have a more discreet way of straightening your smile. Other people wouldn’t even know you have your braces on as the front of your teeth will look normal. The treatment time for these braces can vary massively depending on your needs, but in most cases it is usually 12-18 months, but can be done in as little as 6 months.

This is a great option if you are not only wanting to straighten your smile, but improve your oral health. As opposed to our Cfast braces that are mentioned above, which focus on your front teeth, incognito braces encompass all of your teeth and bring them into the correct position.


This treatment is great if you do not want a treatment that involves surgery, as it simply consists of clear, plastic aligners that you change from the comfort of your own home. We will take accurate scans of your teeth and use them to show you what the end result will look like, as well as using them to create your custom aligners. We will give you several sets aligners which you will change every 1-2 weeks, receiving a new set every 4-6 weeks. These aligners will gradually move your teeth into a straighter position over time.

Our patients love the ease of these Clapham invisible braces, as they have the ability to change their aligners from the comfort of their own home. This is useful if you are someone who gets nervous having treatments done at the practice. The appearance of these aligners when they are in is also a great benefit, due to the clear, plastic material used, other people will never even know that you have them in.

Clear braces – an old idea in a new form

Clear, see-through or ‘invisible braces’ have been under development for almost as long as metal braces have been used in clinics; more than 100 years and counting! So why have clear braces Clapham become popular in the last 5 years or so? Why do we get so many patients asking about them?clear-braces-clapham

There are two main branches of clear or invisible orthodontic tools, these are the clear aligners (which are technically not braces but are called invisible braces), and clear ceramic braces which are braces but do have a thin archwire which is not clear! Quite confusing!

Why go clear?

The driving force behind a clear brace is aesthetics. The effectiveness of a traditional metal brace is not doubted, but its users have had to tolerate them as a means to an end, rather than finding them particularly attractive.

Clear ceramic braces were developed first and are almost identical to the standard braces, but these braces are made of a clear material. This used to be glass but is now a much tougher polymer ceramic mix.

The first clear plastic aligners were called dental splints and although they were effective, they were too expensive and fiddly to gain widespread use.

But now, our clear braces Clapham patients are quickly outnumbering our traditional orthodontic patients; why?

The metal, design and manufacturing used in invisible braces have all taken great leaps in the last 10 years, lowering costs, increasing convenience and effectiveness, while at the same time, we are seeing more adults looking for orthodontic care. And with much higher standards than adolescents who will begrudgingly put up with braces in school which work, professionals simply will not wear a metal brace in the office.

Invisalign comes to our clinic

Pushing forward, a lot of these innovations are due to one of our partners and suppliers of Invisalign. They started 3D scanning models of patients’ teeth in the ’90s with scanning studios. They then used the models as a starting point to calibrate a medical simulation of a patient’s mouth; in this simulation, treatment options could be explored and an orthodontist familiar with the software could realign the patient’s teeth as they would with a traditional brace, but doing so with the computer image.

The design software then created a series of steps, plotting the movement of the teeth from their starting to finishing positions. Then, with a little reverse engineering, the software could then calculate how much force was needed, the directions that force had to be applied to move the teeth, alongside those movement pathways. The next step was predicting the necessary shape of the aligners which, when being worn, would generate the desired forces and move the teeth!

Nowadays once the aligners are generated digitally, their 3D models are sent to a dental laboratory to be printed from UV light-cured resin, and sent out to our clinic, thus providing clear braces Clapham!

As 3D scanning, printing and computation have all improved, so have clear aligners – they have become more accurate, thinner, lighter and cheaper to make. Even any errors like bubbles or warping that can occur with regular dental moulds have been eliminated, with the adoption of intra-oral scanners making mould-taking redundant for designing a personalised aligner.

The clear aligner versus metal braces – your orthodontic options

The clear aligner is fast becoming a real contender when exploring orthodontic treatment options. Invisalign Clapham has become well known locally and by operating through local clinics, the biggest provider of aligners can ensure its products are used effectively and with the care that you can only get from your local community dental surgery.invisalign-clapham

The challenges that had to be overcome to develop an aligner which could perform as well as an affordable brace have been many and now we are proud to be an Invisalign Clapham local provider.

A clear aligner straightens teeth, using consistent force and relies on the same principles as a brace, but with a different method of action.


For most, braces are a way of improving their facial aesthetics and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, not having a fully closing bite can have some health implications, but they’re fairly minor if the misalignment is minimal. The use of an ‘invisible brace’ allows a patient to enjoy the advantages of orthodontic treatment without the disadvantages of 6 months to 2 years in a brace. So, it is not surprising why so many choose to pursue their treatment with aligners.

Installing a brace and fitting aligners

For the sake of simplicity, we are only going to touch on the basic installation of a standard brace, but there are many brace designs with much more complex interactions. The traditional brace moves teeth via a bracket, which is glued to the front of each tooth. There, the iconic square shape of these are linked together with a stiff, curved rod called an archwire; it is by adjusting the brackets on the archwire that the braces can be used to pull teeth towards one another or push them apart, correcting aesthetic and functional issues.

The installation can take up to an hour and when adjustments are made (the first of which will be immediately after installation), it will be slightly uncomfortable. Soft food is recommended for the next week and the use of over-the-counter painkillers is advised to combat pressure-related sensations.

The Invisalign Clapham aligner fitting is very different; an accurate 3D model needs to be made of your teeth, to begin with. This used to be carried out by sitting for a dental mould which would be used to create a plaster replica, which was then 3D scanned. As 3D scanners have improved in accuracy, it has become possible to scan the inside of a patient’s mouth directly. It is also possible to predict a 3D model from a set of X-rays, which we may also use.

How long do aligners take compared to braces?

There is no fair way to compare the treatments without some knowledge of the case they are being applied to. For orthodontic corrections that involve molars or altering the palate, an aligner would be ineffective and in general, a standard brace is used in such instances to get results quickly. In six months, your teeth will have been moved into an exceptionally good position, but it will have been a bit uncomfortable. Braces cannot be removed but aligners can be; remember, not wearing them consistently results in an extended treatment time. How long you use each aligner is based on how your teeth react to them, so while we will provide an estimated treatment time, we cannot guarantee it.

Why do people get dental implants?

Oral implants have become a real showcase for dentistry over the last 5 years, which is strange as they are not a new idea. They haven’t changed that much in the last decade, but dental implants Clapham? are now more common in our clinic. So, why are so many people seeking out oral implants when there are a plethora of other options?dental-implants-clapham

Restorative dentistry

Oral implants are an important element of the restorative procedures that we offer. A wide variety of techniques and tools are used in restorative dentistry, but always with the overall goal of returning something that has been lost both in terms of function like a strong bite, or aesthetics such as a gap-free smile. As implants offer both, it is easy to see why they are so popular.

Non-implant options

A regular oral prosthetic is usually a false tooth or teeth that closely resemble the teeth that were lost due to accident or decay. When in use, they will need to be adhered to or braced by surrounding natural teeth. A bridge requires two healthy teeth to be wired to and a crown needs to be built up over the core of a tooth, with the root undamaged to support the prosthesis.

It’s this lack of support in denture users that results in the movement and rubbing that can make dentures unpleasant or irritating. As implants require neither surrounding teeth nor a natural root to function, they are often regarded as superior by patients.

How do implants work?

Oral implants come in three parts, the first being the titanium rod which is placed into the jawbone and is referred to as the ‘implant’. On top of this is a false tooth, usually made from a mix of porcelain and polymers. This is held in place by a connector which locks the two pieces together. This allows the false tooth to be added later after the implant has fully set in place and also allows the tooth to be disconnected from the implant and replaced if damaged, without having to remove the implant from the jaw.

The maintenance of implants versus non-implanted prosthetics

Post implantation and fitting, there are significant differences in the upkeep of your prosthetics depending on whether they are implanted or not. Non-implants can be removed and are often cleaned outside of the mouth, using a denture cleaner or an overnight soaking. With removable prosthetics, there is a chance of rubbing and adhesive/padded stripes may have to be changed daily to minimise soreness and rubbing, which can be costly.

The daily maintenance of dental implants Clapham? is the same as your natural teeth; they need to be brushed twice daily and checked in the clinic every 6 months.

What is the best option?

There are pros and cons to both; although the fitting is simpler with non-implants, the long-term maintenance is much easier with implants. Implants are also not suitable for everyone and there are some pre-existing health conditions and prescription medications which would exclude you from receiving dental implants Clapham. You would have to speak with a member of our clinical team to assess your suitability.