Should I get dental implants?

If you are struggling with the appearance of your smile due to gaps, then our dental implants in Clapham could be a great option for you. We understand that it can feel embarrassing when you have gaps in your teeth, which can cause you to feel insecure when you smile. The reason this treatment is so popular is because it not only fills the gaps in your teeth, it’s also durable enough to last for years, meaning it is a great combination to help bring back your

How does it work?

Firstly, as with any dental treatment we offer, we will have a consultation appointment with you so that we can examine the area to find out if you are eligible or not. This appointment involves us taking scans such as x-rays, so we can get a better look at the bone, to see if there is enough left to hold the implant post in place. This meeting also gives us the opportunity to fully discuss the treatment to make sure it is right for you. If all goes well and you are suitable for the treatment, we can book your first surgical appointment.

During your first appointment, we will open up the gum in the problem area to expose the bone. The implant post will then be inserted deep into the bone and the area will be closed back up. This will then be left to heal for several months to build up a good foundation for the crown to be attached. During these healing months, your bone will fuse to the implant post, meaning that it becomes part of your mouth, which contributes to the durability of these Clapham dental implants.

Once the area has healed and the implant post has successfully fused to your bone, you can come back for your second surgical appointment. This is when we will attach the crown to the implant post. A crown is a tooth-shaped piece of porcelain that is specifically created just for you, the colour and shape are adapted to match your other teeth. You can also choose between having a permanent or removable crown, which is simply screwed onto the implant post. Once this is completed, you can walk away with a fuller smile!

We recommend that you have a follow-up appointment around 2 weeks after the crown has been attached, so we can make sure everything is going how it should be. This is also a good time for any adjustments to be made if needed.

Here at Clapham South Dental Care, we take pride in making sure that our patients feel welcome and comfortable when they come to us for treatments. We understand that it can be nerve-wracking coming to the practice, and we do all we can to help you with this.

The advantages

The appearance of your new teeth is one of the main benefits that you can enjoy from this treatment. Thanks to the porcelain that is used, your dental implants from Clapham will look just like your natural teeth.

The durability is also a great advantage that comes from this treatment, with the right care, they can last for up to 20 years! So it is definitely worth looking into it if you are struggling with gappy teeth.