Recreating your smile by removing the gaps with dental implants Clapham

Implants – what are they?clapham-dental-implants

In order for a tooth to be secured within the mouth, the root of the tooth whether natural or synthetic needs to be firmly in place. This is precisely what a dental implant is. A small, titanium post which acts as the stable root for a tooth replacement. Whether having a crown or bridge attached, the small screw made of titanium is inserted carefully into the jawbone. Whilst this may sound somewhat invasive, in truth, this small procedure is carried out numerous times a day by dentists around the world.

The small, titanium root which is implanted within the jaw stimulates the surrounding bone to grow and secure it into place. This in turn helps preserve your healthy facial definition through natural bone regeneration and of course, provides you with a healthy, natural looking smile. Whether in the replacement of a single tooth or replacing multiple teeth, dental implants Clapham are considered one of the more popular methods of tooth restoration, as they provide a sense of stability. Dental implants Clapham could be the missing piece to your smile.

The impact of tooth loss

As a child, the loss of a tooth can be exciting when it is one of your baby teeth. As an adult, the experience can be quite different both physically and mentally. The adult tooth which may have been accidentally damaged, or lost through oral disease, can impact you very negatively.

On the physical side, the surrounding teeth of the gap can begin to shift and lean towards it creating a slant. The smile that once was straight can shift and you are left with a series of misalignments. On top of that, over time, the gum can begin to recede creating changes to the facial structure and compromising the surrounding stability of the teeth left behind. On top of that your own feelings about your smile may alter and therefore, should you wish to replenish your smile, reach out to your dental team at Clapham South Dental Centre and open up your possibilities. By booking an appointment to discuss your options you will be getting your case assessed and preventing further complications down the line.

Considering all your options

Whilst dental implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement, this does not mean that it is the perfect choice for you and therefore there are a number of different aspects to consider. For instance, if suffering from poor dental hygiene, the jawbone can in time suffer and break down, this then impacts the depth of bone available for the implant to be inserted into. Therefore, should a bone graft, whether using natural bone or a synthetic material, not be suitable or wanted, an alternative restoration method may be more appropriate.

No matter what restoration method is chosen, discussing your options with our dental team will ensure that you fully understand the wide variety of options available and together you can come up with a plan going forward. Whether having dental implants Clapham, or some other restoration method, here at the practice, our dental team will ensure they have your best interests at heart and work with you to re-create a happy, healthy smile.