Category: Dental Implants

Dental Implants

The differences between dental procedures such as the bridge or crown and the implant are its integration with the jaw. It is a substantial treatment, taking between 4-6 months to complete. Here at the Dental? ?Center, we have been performing dental implants in Clapham? ?since 2011.  dental-implants-clapham

What is an implant

There are three components to our dental implants in Clapham; the titanium implant, placed below the gum line which is osseointegrated into the jaw bone, the connector that sits at the gumline, and the prosthetic itself, which may be an individual tooth similar to a crown, or a bridge. A complete set of implants can be used to anchor a whole set of dentures.

The titanium implant

Since the ’50s, titanium has been the standard surgical metal due to an effect called osseointegration. When a piece of titanium is placed next to or in living bone, new bone growth occurs at the interface of the metal. This new bone is so closely associated with the titanium that it is glued or fused into place. This takes time and the delay between fitting the implants and them being fully osseointegrated is the biggest factor in determining the length of the treatment.

The connector

The earliest implants did not have connectors, forcing the patient to avoid solid food as the implants ‘set’. The next generation of locking connectors allowed the patient to have their implants set below the gum line, with very little risk that they would disturb them. When the prosthetic was attached it would permanently be locked in place. If a prosthetic became damaged or needed to be replaced the whole implant would have to be extracted.

The modern connectors we use with our dental implants in Clapham are non-locking, so that in the event a prosthetic needs to be replaced, it can be taken off of the implant and a new one fitted without the implant being extracted.

The prosthetic

The prosthetic is highly variable depending on the patients’ needs. Five implants can be used to immobilize a set of dentures, fixing them to the jaw and eliminating rubbing. Or an implant can be used as the artificial root for a single prosthetic tooth.

Maintaining implants

After setting, the maintenance of implants is very similar to that of natural teeth, check-ups every 6 months are still recommended along with normal brushing and dental hygiene. This is one of the biggest attractions for patients who seek out dental implants in Clapham, as they are the closest replacement available to natural teeth. With colour and translucency matching goes unnoticed.

Counter indications

If you have a blood clotting condition, low bone density, severe gum disease or receding gums, implants may not be right for you. But you should talk to our dentist to find out what your options are, as special arrangements can be made or a referral to a specialist.

For further information, you can contact us at or call on 0208 673 3250. We are located at 15 Balham Hill, SW12 9DY.

Restoring your confidence with dental implants in Clapham

Gaps in your smile or loose, ill-fitting dentures can do a lot of damage to your confidence, so much so that low self-esteem can even lead to depression, all because you are afraid to smile and laugh in public. For those with a normal and complete set of teeth this may seem silly, but at Clapham South Dental Care we understand how those of you with missing teeth must be feeling. However, this doesn’t have to be a life sentence, especially for those of you who have endured dentures for a long time. With dental implants in Clapham, we can restore your smile in order for you to lead a healthy and happy life to its fullest potential, never having to hide your laughter behind your hand but rather join in with all the joys your family and friends

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a small titanium screw that is implanted into the bone of the jaw. An abutment is connected to the implant and a false tooth or row of false teeth are connected to the abutment. Dental implants in Clapham serve two functions:

1 – Support false teeth.

2 – Support the bone structure of the jaw. Once a tooth or multiple teeth come out, the bone that they are anchored to no longer serves a purpose so the body begins to dissolve it. By securing a titanium implant in the tooth’s place we are able to ensure that the bone not only remains in place but is encouraged to grow back due to the nature of titanium, combined with the human bone matter.

What types of implants are there?

All dental implants in Clapham are more or less exactly the same, the difference is that they can serve a multitude of functions:

Single – A single dental implant can be used to support and replace a single missing tooth.

Multiple – Two dental implants can be used to support a bridge of teeth should a few teeth in a row be missing.

All on 4 – This is a procedure that is used to support an entire set of dentures on only 4 implants (2 at the top and 2 at the bottom) by fixing dentures into place. Those wearing them can be more confident about their life without having to worry about their teeth falling out at an embarrassing moment.

What is involved during surgery?

Once you have been cleared for dental implant surgery we will numb the areas of the face that need to be worked on. It is important to note for nervous patients that this surgery can be performed under sedation, so that you can get through it without any anxiety. Once the area is numb we will cut open the gum so that we can drill a hole into the bone big enough for the implant to be screwed in. Once the implant is in, we will close it up again and send you home for 6 months in order for the healing and fusing process to be complete, but don’t worry, you will be provided with a temporary crown or denture for that time.

After 6 months an abutment will be fitted to the dental implants in Clapham upon which a false tooth or set of false teeth can be fixed and then your treatment is complete.

Bone Grafting for at dental implants in Clapham

In order to secure a set of dentures with dental implants in Clapham, we need to ensure that you have enough bone to do so from the get-go in order to have a successful surgery. However, if you have been wearing loose dentures for years, you may be at risk of having lost too much bone and will first require bone grafting before we can proceed with implants. At Clapham South Dental Centre, we want you to be able to enjoy everything that life has to offer, and we understand that a secure set of teeth will really help you with this which is why we will always ensure that you are a good candidate for implants before you undergo


At your consultation appointment, we will use a number of X-rays and scans to determine how much bone you have in your jaw and whether you are a good candidate to receive dental implants in Clapham immediately or not. However, if you are not a good candidate for the dental implant procedure right away it is not the end of the line but instead the very beginning; we can still help the process along with a bone grafting surgery that will help provide you with enough bone to stabilise implants.

Time consuming treatments

If you are willing to undergo a bone graft as well as dental implant surgery you need to first know and accept that it is going to be at least a year before you will be able to wear a securely fixed set of teeth. This is because each of these major surgeries has a long recovery period that needs to be adhered to if it is going to be successful.

The two surgeries

Bone graft – A bone graft surgery will be done in a hospital under general anaesthetic. We will first determine where the best area will be to implant new bone and then a piece of your own bone, that is either taken from the hip or chin, will be implanted into the upper jaw. When we use your own tissue to do this, your body is far less likely to reject it than some other foreign organic matter like an animal bone thus ensuring that the surgery is a success. In a case where we cannot take your own bone, we will use a synthetic substitute that is determined to work just as well. After the surgery, you will need to wait 6 months for your body to heal and regrow new bone.

Why is this surgery needed? The length of time you have gone without teeth has caused your jaw bone to dissolve substantially enough that it can no longer support the dental implants in Clapham implant.

Dental implants – after the 6 months is over, there will have been enough bone growth in your jaw so that we can perform the implant surgery; we insert titanium implants into the jaw which will support your dentures after they have had another 6 months to fuse with your new bone. We cannot secure a set of dentures to newly fitted implants as they are not stable enough to do so but we will let you use a temporary set of dentures during this waiting period. This way you can still eat and speak as usual until we are ready to fix them to the implants thus stabilizing them so they will not fall out.

Want to conceal gaps in your mouth? FAQs about dental implants answered by Clapham South Dental

Whether you are 17 or 70, having missing teeth can put a real dent in your confidence. While teeth are not only great for showing off when you meet new people or attend interviews, they are also essential for healthy digestion and consumption of food. In the past, many people have approached their dentists for dentures or bridges to cover both of these bases, only to find that fitted bridges can put additional pressure on the teeth that they are attached to and of course, no matter how well fitted dentures are, they can

The alternative is to leave these gaps in your smile as they are and to manage as best as you can. But, unfortunately, this can allow plaque and bacteria to accumulate, especially if there are natural teeth either side of the gap. Also, as the gum and jaw shrink due to the lost tooth, any nearby natural teeth may move and even fall out!

Luckily, there is a solution. When you come to our team at Clapham South Dental, we may be able to offer you dental implants in Clapham. Designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and more functional than dentures, these prosthetics are the perfect solution for missing teeth. Perfect! Want to know more about dental implants in Clapham? Read on!

Can anyone have them fitted?

Unfortunately, no. While many people are suited to having dental implants in Clapham, you have to have a good level of oral health and have enough jaw bone to make this option viable.

While our team at Clapham will always endeavour to meet your cosmetic requirements, if you are a smoker or consume alcohol regularly, then your implants are unlikely to last.

Are they uncomfortable?

Many patients worry that having implants fitted will be painful but, as many of our previous patients have told us, it is no more uncomfortable than having a tooth extracted. Also, our team will ensure that your mouth is sufficiently numbed before we begin this process and afterwards, the implant site may feel tender for a few days. If you find the discomfort is not controllable with over-the-counter pain relief, contact our team.

How long does the fitting take?

This depends on how many implants you are having fitted. For one implant, you can expect to be in the dental chair for up to or over an hour. However, once fitted, you will need to wait for 3-6 months for it to fuse to your jawbone so the crown (tooth) can be attached.

How long do they last?

With proper care and healthy lifestyle choices, a correctly fitted implant can last up to 40 years! Remember, smoking, alcohol consumption and poorly managed oral health will shorten this substantially.

Do they need special aftercare?

Not really. After fitting, be careful not to irritate the implant site and eat soft foods to enable faster healing. Apply minimal to no pressure, avoid mouthwash and use salt water to clean the implant site until the inflammation eases.

Want to speed up the healing time after oral implants? Five tips designed to help you recover

When many dental patients consider undergoing oral implants, many have concerns about the aftercare and the potential for complications to

Of course, many dental procedures carry risks and oral implants are no exception; patients often worry about discomfort after the implants are fitted, and frequently ask their dental practitioners about how they can speed up the healing time and avoid infection. Because, the sooner that the implants heal, the sooner they are likely to fuse and the sooner you can get those glorious prosthetics fitted!

Oral implants are not only a way to fill the gaps in your smile, but they also offer benefits such as improving oral health, allowing you to bite into food with confidence and can stabilise any natural teeth surrounding them. So, we understand that you want them in and healed as soon as possible.

When you come to see us to have dental implants in Clapham, our team at Clapham South Dental Centre will ensure that the fitting process is plain sailing, to decrease the risk of complications arising. However, you have to do your part too with the aftercare and in this article, we will discuss the best ways to improve the healing time!

So, here are five key tips for faster healing after having dental implants in Clapham!

No smoking!

As our team at Clapham South Dental will tell you, smoking is best avoided altogether when it comes to having dental implants in Clapham.

Smoking creates an entire barrage of problems for your mouth in general and after you have had minor surgery for your implants, this habit can cause a longer healing process due to oxygen deprivation. So, if you want your oral implants to heal without fuss, cut out smoking.

Healthy foods

Foods that are high in nutrients and minerals are beneficial after you have had your oral implants.

If you deprive your body of nutrients, you are inadvertently putting your body under stress and can weaken your immune system. Having a weak immune system is not something you want to endure when you have had surgery, as the risk of infections increases; it’s best to eat your greens!

Salt wash

Where would dentistry be without salt water?

Our team at Clapham South Dental Centre will advise you to wash your mouth out with lukewarm salt water up to 3 times a day while your implant site heals.

This will reduce inflammation, discomfort and the risk of infection.

No pressure

For the first few weeks post-implant fitting, avoid eating harder foods that could add pressure to the implant site. Harder foods like carrots or fruits may cause the implants to move under your gum, which will have a detrimental impact on the healing time.


And finally, after your implant fitting, you need to rest to aid the recovery.

Skip the gym, avoid strenuous exercise and if you need to sleep, do. Take it as easy as possible and try to avoid all unnecessary forms of stress. Just relax.

Dental implants – the long road to a long-lasting beautiful smile

When investing in your appearance, whether its a gym membership, cosmetic surgery or even dentistry, we at Clapham South Dental Centre know that you want that investment to be worthwhile. You will also want it to last for as long as possible and with dental implant surgery, your overall oral health and smile aesthetics is our top priority by giving you a new healthy set of teeth that can last 20 years to a implants-clapham

What are implants?

A dental implant is a titanium post or screw that is surgically fitted into and fuses with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a false tooth like a crown, bridge, or denture. This fusion that occurs with modern dental implants in Clapham is called osseointegration and is a natural biological process, titanium is something that bones love to attach to as they grow so it is the best material dentists can use for this procedure.

What is the process?

The process from beginning to end is a long one but well worth it, dental implants in Clapham may first require that a decayed or broken tooth be removed; the socket where the root fits into the jaw must be empty and cleaned out before the implant cant be placed.

The tooth extraction and the implant procedure is performed under local anaesthetic so you will not feel anything and after the extraction is complete, your dentist will decide if you will need a bone graft to ensure a solid base is present which is necessary for the implant to fit into. If the bone graft turns out to be a long procedure, you may need to wait 2-6 months for the area to heal properly before the actual implant surgery but if there’s enough bone, to begin with, your dentist can place the implants immediately.

By using specialised equipment, your dentist will place the titanium implant into the bone of your jaw or skull after which the gum is stitched up. Then you are sent home to heal before your next appointment but not before a temporary denture is placed in the gap to ensure your smile still looks good during the healing process. Depending on the quality of your bone, healing time can take 2-6 months, but the process will make the implant strong enough to fit a false tooth to without risking damage.


When our natural teeth are missing or have to be taken out because of decay, there is nothing left for the jawbone to hang onto therefore there is nothing to encourage new bone growth; your body can sense this and it simply begins to dissolve away. This is a natural part of ageing but results in the rapid deterioration of the facial structure making you look much older than you actually are as your lips and teeth seem to fold in, wrinkles develop around the mouth and even your chin shape changes but with dental implants in Clapham at the right time, you can take years off your smile by reforming the original structure.

How long is the entire procedure for dental implants in Clapham?

Getting dental implants in Clapham is a lengthy procedure, but absolutely necessary if you are missing a tooth. However, that doesn’t mean that you will be living with an unsightly gap for months on end while you wait for your body to do its part of the treatment. There are various ways we at Clapham South Dental Centre can save your image and help you remain confident, while you wait for the treatment to be complete.

dental-implants-claphamThe procedure explained

Implants are often the best dental restoration option if you have lost one or more teeth, the procedure is approved by the FDA and involves surgery and recovery time. Once you have been to a consultation and are approved for surgery, your dentist will remove any bits of damaged tooth that remain or in some cases, if a tooth needs to first be removed because it’s damage is irreparable, they will perform that surgery first.

Once the area is properly cleaned, a bone grafting procedure may need to take place, if it is necessary, in order to create the correct space in which to anchor the implant, once this part of the jaw has been properly prepared then the titanium implant is set in place. Titanium is used as it is an alloy that is least likely to be rejected by the body, in some cases a special coating is used to encourage bone growth.

The area over the newly placed implant is covered for protection and a temporary crown or denture is set in place in the gap to match your other teeth, while you wait for your body to heal. This temporary covering may be secured to other teeth without damaging them, ensuring that your day to day life is not affected by a gap.

Why it takes a while

The surgery for dental implants in Clapham only takes a couple of hours, but then it is up to your body to do the rest of the work. This regeneration takes time depending on each person, as your jawbone needs to grow around the implant to secure it in place, as it would a regular tooth. This bone growing process is called osseointegration and depending on the age and health of each person’s bones the time it takes may vary.

Once this healing time is complete, your dentist may need to place an abutment to the implant, this is the piece that the final crown will be secured to. It involves a small surgery where the gum is reopened and the abutment is attached.

The final result

Your dental implants in Clapham will finally be complete when a permanent false tooth, crown or bridge of teeth is attached to the implant. These will be custom created to match your other teeth in size, shape, and colour and look as believable as real teeth, as the porcelain used in their creation mimic a natural tooth’s translucent appearance. By practicing good oral hygiene, maintaining these new teeth is as simple as maintaining your own, the implants are designed to last almost a lifetime and may very well do so for you.

Do you have missing teeth? Get dental implants in Clapham!

Dental Implants in Clapham are a viable option for those who seek to replace lost teeth. This treatment can be used to improve the overall look and structure of the mouth, missing teeth can be replaced, improving the look of your smile. This treatment is classed as restorative dentistry. The implant is placed at the jaw bone and crowns can then be built up on top. These crowns can fit perfectly as they can be moulded to match your other teeth. This is also true of the colour of the new crowns, these crowns come in natural-looking shades so the appearance of your smile can be uninterrupted. They also act as functional teeth and so can help you gain back the full usage of your mouth. These implants can be long-lasting providing that they are well looked after. This includes keeping up with regular brushing and flossing. Regularly attending dental check-up appointments can also help with the long-lasting nature of these

What is the procedure?

Dental Implants in Clapham follows a carefully planned procedure to allow the most effective results. If you choose to have an implant fitted you will need to participate in a consultation, where you will receive an individual treatment plan. This treatment is specific to you and the procedure that you will undergo. Your dentist will answer any questions that you may have and outline any costs and the expected time taken for the procedure. On the second appointment, you will be fitted with the implant, provided that you have enough bone. Time is then needed for your bone to fuse with the new implant, this process can take around six months. When you return after these 6 months the final crown, bridge or denture is used to complete the work. If you do not have enough bone for the process to take place, artificial bone can be used – however, this does lengthen the time the procedure takes.

What are the benefits of this treatment?

Dental Implants in Clapham can offer you many different benefits. The replaced teeth act like natural teeth and so you can gain function of your mouth again. Your remaining teeth are not damaged during the process and there is no pressure, making it an accessible option. These implants can also offer other benefits besides just convenience. The overall appearance of the mouth is improved, by looking and feeling just like your own teeth. Because the overall structure of the mouth will be improved your speech and level of comfort can be improved. You can also find that eating becomes easier with the improved structure of the mouth. Oral health can be improved as teeth and gums can become easier to clean. This treatment option can be durable for many different patients. Many of our patients have been very happy with the results of this treatment. They have reported feeling much better about themselves and their smile following the treatment as their self-esteem had been boosted as a result of a better appearance for their smile.

Forgot to ask a question at your oral implant fitting? Top 5 FAQs answered by Clapham South Dental

So, you did it.

You took the plunge and got oral implants fitted; good for you!

dental-implants-claphamNot only have you invested in a cosmetic option that will improve your smile, but oral implants have been linked to improved oral health, better digestion, and improved speech. What’s not to love about that?

As you leave your dental surgery post-fitting, you may have some questions that you either forgot to ask your dentist or have only just thought of. After all, you have undertaken a large procedure and, of course, you want to know how to keep the implants, your gums and your mouth healthy for the next few months, so you can have the prosthetic teeth fitted.

If you came to Clapham South Dental to have your dental implants in Clapham, then you chose an experienced dental team who can help you through the next few months with confidence and experience. Our team has fitted thousands of oral implants and are knowledgeable about the healing process and beyond.

But, what are some of the most frequent questions we are asked by our patients about dental implants in Clapham? Read on to find out!

Can I brush my teeth after the fitting?

This is a common question we are asked and, as odd as it may sound, our team will recommend that you do not brush the implant site until the stitches have healed.

While this may seem counterintuitive, brushing the area may cause additional inflammation and even cause the stitches to open, creating further complications.

If there are any natural teeth in your mouth, brush them as you normally would, but be very careful. To keep the implants and the surrounding site clean, gargle salt water as required. This will also speed up the healing and reduce the chance of infection.

Will it be painful?

You may experience some discomfort after having, but this should be minimal.

Sensations akin to those of having had extractions or root canals are common, along with some soreness of the gum. dental implants in Clapham

What should I look out for?

Keep an eye out for excessive inflammation and discolouration at the implant site. These are indicative of an infection. Look out for swelling to the face, jaw or neck, as these are also symptoms of an infection that requires urgent treatment.

If you are in an excessive amount of pain, call our team immediately.

Can I smoke or drink after they are fitted?

Once fitted, do not smoke any substances or drink alcohol for two weeks minimum.

To avoid discomfort, do not consume any hot liquids, such as soups or teas and avoid ice-based products too.

Is there any food I should avoid?

Once your implants are fitted, avoid eating spicy foods like curries; these will aggravate your gums and encourage inflammation.

Avoid eating hard foods, like fruits and raw veg, and eat lukewarm foods that are soft and easy to chew; additional pressure caused by hard foods may cause the implants to come loose or detach completely.

Curious about dental implants in Clapham? Three alternative types that our team may offer you

When looking for a way to restore your smile, you may feel that the only way to close the gaps is with dentures or bridges; after all, people have used these prosthetics since ancient Egypt, so they must be the best!

dental-implants-claphamHowever, if you are more interested in oral implants to restore your smile to its former glory, but have been told by your dentist that you are unsuitable for the traditional endosteal implants, it may seem that the only options left are bridges or dentures.

Not to worry! As implant dentistry has advanced, so have the different types of implants that cosmetic dentists can use and now, even if you have a weak jawbone or have less bone than necessary for the endosteal fittings, there are other options available to you.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our team is experienced in using dental implants in Clapham and can offer you different types depending on your unique clinical situation. Ensuring that you are informed every step of the way, we can help you get your smile back to its former glory, with a permanent and natural-looking solution.

But what are the different types of dental implants in Clapham that you may be suitable for? Read on to find out.

Micro or mini-implants

Typically 1.8 to 3.3 mm wide and 10 mm in length, as the name suggests, micro or mini dental implants in Clapham are smaller versions of the traditional endosteal implant.

The micro implants that we typically use are made from two parts; the titanium post that has a ball on the end and a socket with a ring made of rubber, which attaches to the titanium post.

Suitable for dental patients who have either lost too much jawbone or do not want to undertake the lengthy and invasive surgeries that accompany endosteal implants, micro-implants can be fitted in one visit and will not require any sutures or stitches.

Zygomatic implants

Only used for those who need implants on their top jaw, zygomatic implants are about 3 times longer than traditional endosteal options.

Fitted to the zygoma or cheekbone, this implant is used if the dental patient has insufficient jawbone in their upper jaw and is also a more successful alternative to bone grafting procedures.

Placed diagonally into the cheekbone, these implants can hold a complete upper denture with ease, meaning there will be no rubbing or movement. Brilliant!

Subperiosteal implants

Typically made out of a light, metal framework, subperiosteal implants are used when the jaw bone has atrophied or has been extensively damaged.

Fitted under the gum line but placed on top of the jaw, these act as a root system for your new prosthetic teeth. Once in place, our team will then attach your new teeth to this framework, meaning there will be no drilling into your jaw, lengthy recovery time or extensive surgery.

Think oral implants might be for you? Contact our team at Clapham South Dental for more information about these restorative procedures.