Are dental implants a suitable option for replacing missing teeth?

Few patients realise that there are other undesirable repercussions that follow when adult teeth are lost. It is not just the unsightly gaps in the dental arch that are created when teeth fall out that is of concern. Losing teeth holds a great risk for overall dental health and poses a danger to physical and mental

The problems caused by a gap open in the dental arch range from an increased risk of losing more teeth, existing teeth moving out of place, problems with the bite and gums, and a loss in jawbone density. Modern dental restorations solutions like dental implants Clapham can assist in avoiding all the issues listed, as well as improve masticatory function.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, patients can look forward to innovative dental solutions to replace missing teeth. Our implant dentist is well-experienced in offering top-quality dental implants Clapham. For patients wanting to know whether tooth replacement implants are a suitable dental restoration method for them, here are a few excellent reasons why we think they are.

Excellent reasons to consider dental implants Clapham

Tooth replacement implants offer better oral health

There is no equal to dental implants to offer the much-needed support to neighbouring teeth and underlying structures such as the jawbone. When teeth move out of their natural position because gaps are left open, this can create undue wear and tear on the dental arch during biting and chewing. Without tooth roots to keep jawbone quality strong, the jawbone can lose density and bone reabsorption can take place.

Dental implants allow patients to enjoy a varied dietary menu

Patients with missing teeth do not have the same masticatory force as those with a complete dental arch. These patients often have to sacrifice eating certain types of food like nutrient-dense crunchy fruits and vegetables. With reliable dental restorations, patients can once again opt for a diverse array of food and strengthen their nutritional intake.

Tooth implants achieve a desirable natural aesthetic appeal

This missing teeth replacement solution is a great option as it comes the closest to looking and feeling like natural teeth. Patients on implant treatment plans can smile, talk, eat, laugh and socialise with undiluted confidence.

Taking care of dental implants

One of the top priorities for patients choosing tooth replacement implants is observing the recommended guidelines on how to care for them. The high efficacy of dental implants remains unquestioned, but for patients to see long-term use, they need to be vigilant about implant maintenance.

Fortunately, this is easy to do as caring for implants is as simple as caring for natural teeth. The following guidelines are non-negotiable: daily brushing and flossing, avoiding bad lifestyle behaviours, such as smoking, and routine professional dental checkups. Meet these golden dental rules and you can enjoy your implants for an extended length of time.

To discuss the benefits of dental implants further or for a professional assessment to determine your suitability, reach out to our team at Clapham South Dental Centre. Our staff at the reception desk will be happy to set up an appointment for you.