Addressing tooth loss with dental implants

Thanks to advances in dental technology it is easier than ever to replace missing teeth. If you have lost a tooth or you have undergone a tooth extraction, then you can rest assured there are excellent treatment options available to regain a fully functioning mouth. Tooth loss occurs as a result of many different reasons. Lots of people avoid visiting the dentist as a result of dental anxiety or dental phobia and develop dental issues which become irreversible and result in tooth loss. Others find that poor oral hygiene, lifestyle choices such as smoking and drug abuse, or an unhealthy diet full of sweets and fizzy drinks result in irreversible tooth decay and a tooth falls out or they need to undergo a tooth extraction. It is also common to lose your teeth as a result of a sports injury or an accident and finally people may find that their teeth become weaker in old age resulting in missing teeth. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth then contact us today at Clapham South Dental Centre and book an appointment as soon as possible to replace your missing teeth and help prevent further complications or further tooth loss. Tooth loss can weaken your remaining healthy teeth, affect the alignment of your teeth and cause bone decay. The quicker you address your missing teeth the greater chance of successful tooth replacement and dental-implants-claphammaintaining the health of your remaining teeth.

What are dental implants and how do they work?

Dental implants Clapham are a highly successful method of addressing missing teeth. Dental implants Clapham have become increasingly popular over the last few decades. They are a permanent solution for tooth replacement. Dental implants Clapham are small titanium components and they are used to replace the root of your missing tooth. The implant works by being inserted into the bone socket where your tooth once was. This is an invasive procedure and your dentist will carry out a full examination of your teeth, gums and jawbone to make sure that it is suitable for you before proceeding with the surgery. A small hole is drilled into the bone socket so that the implant can be placed into the bone. The titanium initiates a process which is known as osseointegration and causes osteoblasts to form around the implant, securing it permanently into place.This is a natural healing process and depending on your body’s ability to mend it can take between 3 to 6 months for the implant to become a permanent fixture of your mouth.

Once the implant has been successfully integrated into your jaw you are ready to replace your missing teeth. You may choose to replace your teeth with crowns or a set of dentures and this will depend on the number of teeth that you are replacing and your personal preferences. Implant retained dentures are a highly popular option which was not available for previous generations. Dentures are now more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and have a more natural feeling than ever before. Speak to us at the centre to find out more about dental implants Clapham and the advantages that they bring to our patients.