Straighten your teeth discreetly with invisible braces

A lot of people do not get the chance to straighten their teeth as a teenager, and at Clapham South Dental Centre we understand that as an adult having unsightly metal brackets attached to the front surfaces of your teeth is not always an appealing option, with some adults preferring to keep their teeth as they are. However, there are now alternatives for you to choose from that are incredibly difficult to notice. The possibility of getting invisible braces in Clapham has changed the way that adults feel about straightening their teeth, and the range of appliances that we offer at Clapham South Dental Centre means that you can opt for a straightening treatment that compliments your lifestyle instead of hindering it.invisible-braces-in-clapham

We have more than one appliance for you to choose from

Once you have decided that you wish to have invisible braces in Clapham one of our dental professionals will explain all of the different appliances that are available to you. Whilst all of them remain difficult to spot by other people because of their invisible nature, some of the appliances are fixed to the surfaces of your teeth and others are completely removable. This means that you should take some time deciding which treatment is most suited to your lifestyle. Some appliances will not be suitable if your teeth need moving drastically, so having severely crooked or gapped teeth may limit your options slightly, but this is something that your practitioner will discuss with you.

A removable appliance for minor issues

In the circumstances where your situation is not too severe, Invisalign is often a popular choice as the appliance itself does not need to be permanently fixed to your teeth whilst you are undergoing treatment. Instead, it is completely removable, meaning that brushing your teeth, eating food and drinking certain drinks is just as easy as it usually is and you do not need to worry about having any stain marks left on your teeth after you stop wearing your appliance. This treatment generally takes between six and twelve months to complete but is only suitable for minor problems as it focuses mainly on straightening your six or eight front teeth. It is very difficult to spot if someone is undergoing Invisalign treatment as the aligners are made of completely clear plastic and fit closely over your own teeth.

Go incognito and straighten your teeth secretly

Amongst your options when getting invisible braces in Clapham is Incognito braces. These differ from Invisalign in the way that they are permanently attached to the surfaces of your teeth, but they cannot be seen as it is the inside surfaces of your teeth that they attach to. They are capable of sorting out nearly all types of misalignment, making them a popular choice for those people who are trying to straighten severely crooked teeth. Generally speaking, treatment time can vary between twelve months and twenty-four, but this is something that will always vary depending on your individual circumstances.