New to clear braces as an adult? 5 top advantages of Damon System braces

When you are an adult or teenager, there are many options open to you relating to realigning your teeth.clear-braces-in-clapham

And, as you will probably be glad to hear, few of them involve the wearing of metal braces!

As technologies have changed relating to dental realignments, it is now more comfortable, faster and convenient to have your teeth straightened, regardless of your stage of life, all the while being exceedingly visually discrete too! Perfect!

In this article, we are going to focus on one of the lesser-known of adult braces that we at Clapham South offer; the Damon System.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we are exceedingly proud of the range of orthodontic options that we can offer, including this ingenious set of clear braces in Clapham. Moving your teeth gently and without the uncomfortable force of a regular brace, the Damon System is suitable for the majority of adult patients and can handle more complex orthodontic issues that Invisalign can’t! Brilliant!

But what are some of the other advantages of wearing these clear braces in Clapham? Read on to find out!

Less appointments

When it comes to using traditional braces, many people become weary of having to attend appointments every 2-4 weeks for adjustments. And as an adult, this can be hard to accomplish around the demands of work and family.

With the Damon System clear braces in Clapham, there are fewer appointments to attend; on average, we will see you every 6-8 weeks to make minor adjustments. So, you have more time for yourself and your family!

Improved oral health

While the Damon System braces are attached, they are generally easier to maintain, thus keeping your oral health in better condition.

With thinner wires and brackets, it is easier to spot where food particles may be trapped, allowing you to clean with more accuracy and precision. If you or our team have concerns about the level of plaque in your mouth, we will refer you to our hygienist for an appointment who will advise you on cleaning methods.


You should see improvement in around 10 weeks, but in relation to the complete treatment time, it can work up to 30 times faster than regular braces.

That means that the average treatment time for wearing this brace is between 6-9 months but it may be slightly longer depending on the severity of the misalignment you have.

Visually discrete

The Damon brace is fitted and thus non-removable but, compared to regular braces, it is discrete.

Its wires are thinner and the brackets on the teeth can either be clear or enamel coloured, so it will blend in with your smile.


While you will need to have the brace adjusted and the wires tightened so to speak, the Damon brace is far from uncomfortable.

It gently pushes the teeth while the adjustments gently pull, creating less overall pressure in the jaw. Ergo, you will be less likely to need pain relief and the entire process will be more comfortable.