More options with clear braces in Clapham

With technology at the forefront of human augmentation, why would any adult still be opting for traditional braces as a solution for their orthodontic issues? There are so many options available to you nowadays that you don’t need to endure years of unsightly treatments that scar your confidence rather than improve it, you could have straight beautiful teeth in a matter of months and this can greatly improve your self-esteem as there is so much in your life that could possibly be affected by your smile. At Clapham South Dental Centre we offer two types of clear braces in Clapham to suit your needs, wallet and self-esteem.clear-braces-in-clapham

The two types

Today, people from different walks of life come together in a multicultural hub of experiences, but one thing remains universal and that is a friendly and beautiful smile, but what are your options nowadays with regards to orthodontics and clear braces in Clapham?

Removable – We offer a system called Invisalign which has taken the orthodontic world by storm and transformed 8 million smiles around the world as of February 2020! A removable system is ideal for active people partaking in contact sports or professionals who do public speaking and give presentations, removable appliances like these clear aligners allow you to eat as you normally would and clean your teeth normally too, making it the most convenient appliance on the market.

Fixed – the Damon system that we used as a fixed appliance offers clear braces in Clapham which work under the same principle as traditional braces but much quicker and are far less noticeable as the brackets that are secured to the teeth are clear or tooth coloured.

Both systems can take less than a year to get the results you’re looking for with many being complete in 6 months depending on the severity of your orthodontic issues in the first place. By changing your smile you can change the opinions that people may have of you particularly with first impressions.

The psychology behind a stunning set of teeth

While your teeth may work just fine to bite into and chew food, logically there should be no reason for their crookedness to be worrying you, but there is, in fact, a psychological reason why they are and that is natural selection. It is ingrained in humans to choose a mate that is ‘of the best stock’ the most attractive and healthy that we can find in order to continue our genes and people in society are constantly making unconscious observations about those around them; observations based on our base instincts in finding partners, people with good teeth automatically outrank those with seemingly ‘bad teeth.’ These perceptions that society makes based on our smiles are not something we can avoid, which is why so many people like you are looking to improve their features starting with their teeth. This psychology extends further than romantic relationships, it could affect our work and who prefers to work with you, trust you with important decisions and in pretty much all cases where a first impression is paramount.

There is nothing to lose when investing in orthodontics, you only stand to gain more beautiful teeth and a smile that makes a stronger impression with the Invisalign and Damon systems.