Invisible braces: discreetly gaining a smile you can show off!

Have you ever dreamt of having a smile that you could flash at people and not have to worry about the reaction you might get? Do you dream of a smile that can metaphorically light up a room, rather than wishing the lights could be dimmed when you do? If you have misaligned teeth, it can affect your self-esteem and at Clapham South Dental Centre, we know that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can have a smile to be proud of and we are here to make your dreams come true! Many of our patients are concerned about people seeing their braces and this may be what has put you off seeking treatment in the past. Whether you are teen heading to school with the worry of peers poking fun at you, or an adult heading into a meeting, where you want to be taken seriously, we have a range of invisible braces Clapham that can help you to get the smile you’ve been dreaming of discreetly and conveniently. Getting a fabulous smile starts right here with us! invisible-braces-clapham

The range

From removable aligners to discreet fixed braces, we have a range of treatment options that can be used for mild to moderate alignment issues and beyond. Using the latest technology, our treatments are designed to offer maximum comfort and discretion, as well as the most timely results. All that’s standing in your way of getting a great smile is choosing the right treatment for you and we can easily help you to make your mind up during an initial consultation. During this appointment, we will examine you and present the treatment options that would be suitable for you. You can ask the questions you need to find out what is involved with each one, in order to be able to make an informed decision about the right way forward for you. Invisible braces Clapham should be an exciting prospect that you will be motivated by and chomping at the brace to get started with!


One of our treatment options is Invisalign. This involves bespoke plastic aligners that are removable and are worn over the teeth. They are barely visible due to the plastic being transparent, so only your teeth should be seen. The aligners push the teeth into position and you will need to change your aligners every couple of weeks. We will provide you with sets to last 6 weeks, before you come in for a check-up. You won’t have to wear your aligners whilst eating or cleaning your teeth and gums, and there should still be time to have them out for other reasons, such as playing sports. You could find you gain results in as little as 6 to 18 months, and there are special ranges for teens and very mild alignment issues.


Incognito is a brand of lingual brace and while they have brackets and wires, these are placed on the backs of your teeth, so when you smile, nobody can see your braces. What more do we need to say?! They are discreet, convenient and well worth considering if you do require fixed braces.

Damon braces

Another option for fixed braces is Damon braces. We attach these to the front of your teeth, but the brackets are clear and the wires are enamel coloured, which means that they are very discreet. Damon braces have patented slide technology, which allows the wires to move freely, reducing any friction that could be caused between the wires, brackets and teeth. Damon smiles are known for being wider and very attractive with the results that this treatment achieves.

So, if you want a wonderful smile, don’t delay! We’re here ready to explore the treatment options of invisible braces Clapham with you and to get you a smile you can be proud of.