How do invisible braces treat rotated teeth? A step-by-step approach

As a dental practice, we understand the importance of a confident and beautiful smile. One common issue that can affect the appearance of a smile is rotated teeth. But, have no fear, Clapham South Dental Centre are here to help! Clear aligners are a great option for those looking to straighten rotated teeth and improve the appearance of their smile. The treatment process is relatively straightforward and, with the help of a dentist, can produce great results. clear-braces-in-clapham

First, what causes rotated teeth?

Rotated teeth refer to teeth that have turned or twisted out of their normal position. This can occur in any part of the mouth, but is most commonly seen in the front teeth. Rotated teeth can affect both the appearance and function of the mouth, making it difficult to bite and chew food properly.

There are several causes of rotated teeth. One of the most common causes is genetics, as some people are simply predisposed to having rotated teeth. It can also be caused by several other reasons such as crowding of the teeth, trauma or injury to the teeth or jaw, or thumb sucking or prolonged use of a pacifier during childhood. Other reasons for this condition may be early or late loss of baby teeth, habits such as tongue thrusting or mouth breathing, a misaligned bite, or orthodontic treatment that was not performed properly or not maintained.

Step 1: Consultation

The first step in the treatment using clear braces Clapham is to schedule a consultation with our dental practice. During this appointment, we will examine your mouth and take X-rays to assess the current position of your rotated teeth. We will then discuss with you the best treatment plan for your individual needs, also we will discuss the duration of the treatment and any potential side effects.

Step 2: Custom-made trays

Next, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create customised trays. These trays are specifically designed to fit your teeth and will be used to gradually shift them into the desired position. The trays are made of a clear, invisible material that is comfortable to wear and will not affect your speech.

Step 3: Wearing the trays

Once the clear braces Clapham trays have been created, you’ll need to wear them for a certain amount of time each day. The exact amount of time will depend on the complexity of your rotated teeth and the desired outcome. On average, treatment takes around 6-18 months, but some patients may see results even sooner.

Step 4: Adjustment appointments

Throughout the treatment process, you’ll need to schedule regular adjustment appointments with our dentist. These appointments are necessary to ensure that the aligners are still fitting properly and that your teeth are shifting in the desired direction. The dentist will make any necessary adjustments to the trays to ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned.

Step 5: Removal of trays

Finally, once the desired position of your rotated teeth has been achieved, the trays will be removed. Our dentist will then fit you with a retainer, which will help to keep your teeth in their new positions. The retainer will need to be worn for a certain period of time, usually a few months, to ensure that the teeth do not move back to their original position.

Hopefully this guide has provided helpful insight into the process of getting clear braces Clapham, but if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch today.