Clear braces: get your smile sorted without being in the limelight

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a celebrity, you’ve probably imagined getting lots of attention, signing autographs and posing for photos with delighted fans. The thought of people giving you lots of attention because you have misaligned teeth may not be part of that dream. If this is your reality, however, feeling that people notice your crossbite, over or underbite, crowded or gapped teeth, then there are plenty of discreet treatment options at Clapham South Dental Centre, where we can help you to get a beautiful A-lister smile. One of our clear braces Clapham options is Invisalign. Invisalign is a system made up of removable aligners that are virtually invisible, when they are being worn. The aligners are made of transparent plastic, so other people should only notice your teeth as you are wearing them. clear-braces-clapham

How do the aligners work?

Aligners are different to other clear braces Clapham in that they don’t need to be fixed to the teeth. In fact, the aligners may be removed for up to 2 hours daily. When they are being worn over the teeth, they apply a gentle force to push the teeth into the desired position. We will provide you with batches of aligners to last for 6 weeks, and you will need to change your aligners every couple of weeks, before coming to see our dentist for a check-up.

How long will it take to see results?

We have various ranges of Invisalign aligners: Invisalign Lite is for mild alignment issues and can get results in as little as 6 months. Invisalign Teen has special features designed purely for young people, and Invisalign is for adults. These treatments typically get results in just 6 to 18 months.

Bespoke for you

Invisalign’s aligners are made to measure your mouth precisely, because we use iTero technology to digitally scan your mouth and obtain the measurements to have your aligners created for you in the Invisalign laboratory. This should allow your aligners to fit comfortably in your mouth and sit on the gum line.

Convenience and practicality

The great thing about Invisalign, aside from the fact that the aligners are virtually invisible, is that you can remove them when you are eating and cleaning your teeth. This means that you won’t need to adapt your diet to avoid damaging your aligners, and you won’t have to try and clean around them, enabling you to continue with your oral hygiene routine. Invisalign offers discretion, convenience and comfort for these reasons. You could also find that your self-esteem improves, when you achieve your great smile, as well as discovering that you have an improvement in your ability to chew and speak clearly. If you have experienced any jaw pain as a result of your misalignment, this may also be eased as well.

So, if you are looking for discreet treatment options that will achieve the star quality smile, come and visit our friendly team at Clapham South Dental Centre. We look forward to exploring clear braces Clapham with you.