Category: Invisible Braces

FAQs about invisible braces answered

Looking for a way to straighten your teeth as an adult with the utmost discretion?clapham-invisible-braces

When you come to Clapham South Dental, our team can fit you up with one of the most popular orthodontic tools to straighten your smile, removable invisible braces Clapham.

Here, some of the most common FAQs that we receive about removable invisible braces Clapham or Invisalign are answered. So read on and enjoy!

Is Invisalign better than using regular braces?

Invisible braces Clapham, using Invisalign, have been heralded by many patients as being more visually discreet.

But while this is a useful feature, it does not necessarily make them better; if you have a complex misalignment, for example, we may want to use a fitted brace to help with the realignment which could also be invisible as in the case of a lingual brace.

Does having Invisalign fitted hurt?

As this aligner is removable, it doesn’t have to be fitted!

But what does have to happen is our team needs to get an accurate image of your dental positions as a starting point. And to do this, we will need to take an image of the inside of your mouth using our intraoral scanner.

Just as it sounds, this pen-like device is placed into your mouth and scans your teeth, recording their images onto our computer. This is painless, fast and provides a more accurate image to start your aligner treatment with.

Do I have to change my diet?

If you had a friend at school who wore a fitted brace, you may recall that they had to cut out certain foods from their diet, mainly things like corn on the cob and toffee. This is advised by dentists to prevent the food from getting stuck in the archwires and to ensure that the brackets do not become damaged.

Luckily, as Invisalign is removable, you will not have to change your diet and, as your teeth straighten, you may find it easier to eat a wider variety of foods overall.

Can I choose when I wear the aligners?

Yes and no.

For this aligner to be effective, you will need to keep it in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day. And while we cannot dictate when you remove it, it is best advised to do so when eating, drinking anything besides water and when you are brushing your teeth. This will prevent it from becoming stained or damaged.

But if during usage you discover that you are finding it tougher to keep the aligners in for the required time, then please talk to our team so we can switch the aligner for a fitted option. We do offer visually discreet clear braces too, which are more suited to people who struggle with removable options.

How long do they require to straighten my teeth?

On average, Invisalign takes between 3-6 months to straighten teeth.

However, this is somewhat variable and depends on the severity of the misalignment being treated, the frequency with which you wear your aligners and of course, if you maintain regular communication with our team.

So, to keep Invisalign on schedule, wear them for at least 22 hours a day, send our team selfies each week (or when required) and be sure not to miss any appointments.

What are common questions asked about invisible braces?

There are mainly two broad reasons to straighten teeth: aesthetic goals and an extensive array of health-focused benefits from optimal dental health to confidence-boosting mental health. Orthodontic treatment such as invisible braces Clapham can help you achieve all of the above without the need to announce one’s orthodontic goals to the world. Invisible braces Clapham available at our Clapham South Dental Centre makes it possible to keep straightening teeth a private affair.invisible-braces-clapham

While the idea of invisible braces Clapham sounds fantastic, as there is more than one type available, it can be a bit confusing for patients to decide which system to use. We offer select choices from transparent Invisalign aligner trays to barely visible Incognito fixed braces.

Our friendly dental practitioners, who have many years of experience in supervising patients’ orthodontic treatment plans, are on hand to discuss all suitable devices, how they work and what is to be expected with each. We have collated pressing questions that our patients want to be answered and here are some of them.

Are transparent braces good at straightening teeth?

Transparent braces have been used to great effect for many orthodontic conditions that are mild to moderate in nature while severe orthodontic conditions may benefit best from fixed appliances. Patients, particularly those whose treatment plan involves correcting misalignment issues with the front six to eight teeth, see desirable results in a relatively quick time.

What is the process of cleaning transparent braces?

The answer to this question brings up another wonderful advantage of choosing discreet braces. The process of cleaning the braces and mouth will differ, depending on whether a patient is on a fixed invisible device or a removable aligners plan. For the former, we advise that a patient rinse their mouth out with water first before brushing. A soft-bristled toothbrush will work best.

For a patient on the latter treatment plan, as the aligner trays are removed before cleaning teeth, they simply need to brush and floss as usual. Once this is done, the aligner trays must be sterilised before they are inserted back onto the teeth.

What is the topmost reason to choose transparent braces?

It all comes down to the fact that these types of braces are invisible. This makes them a good choice for adults whose careers are in the public domain and who want to straighten their teeth. These types of orthodontic devices are also the right option for those who will be attending special events soon but do not want to put off straightening their teeth any longer.

Another reason to consider is the fact that transparent braces reduce the risk of damage to the enamel. These braces are easily removed from the teeth and, as there is no bonding material used in attaching them, they come off easily leaving the enamel intact.

With our great choice in clear orthodontic solutions, at Clapham South Dental Centre, teeth straightening can be convenient and comfortable. So, why not find not more by arranging for a consultation today?

Have you been looking for invisible braces in Clapham?

One of the most common dental issues amongst adults in the UK is that of misaligned or crooked teeth. This may seem like a surprising fact, considering the advances in treatment due to modern dental technology and techniques have led to treatment being easier to access than ever before.invisible-braces-clapham

For those living with misaligned teeth, the dental issues they face can become difficult for them to manage and this can have a lasting impact on their lives. If teeth are aligned correctly the benefits are easy to measure, as having aligned teeth helps to promote and enhance good oral health, as well as making other forms of damage less likely to occur.

We understand that many potential patients for tooth alignment treatment may have refused to engage with treatment in the past due to the look of the wire and metal braces, however, this has changed. We at Clapham South Dental Centre want to help promote modern tooth alignment treatment by telling you about invisible braces Clapham.

A new way of thinking about alignment treatment

The advances being made in the field of dental and orthodontic treatment have led to a new way of thinking about the devices used. It was recognised that there was a need to create tools that would lead patients to engage with treatment, as then they would have the fears and inhibitions they held in the past, being laid to rest. This led to the creation of invisible braces, which cannot be seen by others when in place. These can either be fixed or removable; lingual braces are fitted to the backs of teeth to make them discreet whereas Invisalign aligners are removable and of clear plastic.

By offering these invisible braces Clapham we hope that we can play our small part in the fight to improve the oral health and hygiene of the wider area.

No need to live with the issues caused by misaligned teeth

It is widely understood that those who exist with misaligned teeth live with various dental issues, some of which can have a dramatically negative effect on their teeth and oral hygiene. Having the teeth aligned correctly can help to ease or eliminate these issues, which not only leads to improvements in oral health, but can also have a positive effect on the general health of the body.

There is a heightened risk of tooth decay and gum disease in those living with misaligned teeth, this is due to the fact that they can be difficult to keep clean with brushing and flossing. This can lead to the need for dental treatments such as fillings, which patients may find unpleasant, being employed to avoid future damage.

Many who live with misaligned teeth also report a feeling of weakness in the bite, making chewing and eating food feel like a difficult act. This can lead to food choices being limited, as some may feel the need to avoid harder foods.

Having the teeth aligned correctly can address these and other common dental issues, resulting in patients gaining a higher standard of oral health and enjoying a better quality of life.

No need to live with misaligned teeth

If you are someone living with misaligned teeth, there is no need to, as a modern solution is available to you. The receptionist at Clapham South Dental Centre is waiting for you and will help you gain all the information you need about invisible braces Clapham.

Can I get invisible braces?

At Clapham South Dental Center, we have seen the growth in the invisible braces in Clapham over the last few years. Why is this and what makes them so popular?invisible-braces-in-clapham

Don’t think that the growth has anything to do with fads or fashion. The reason why we provide aligners is simply that they are an effective and useful orthodontic tool that meets the needs of the patient, striking a balance between effective orthodontics and everyday usability.

Invisible braces in Clapham make for more intelligent use of the forces that are applied to the patient’s teeth. This allows for orthodontics to be carried out in a considerate and more tolerable way than the standard brace, where regular adjustments are commonplace throughout the industry.

Aligners are thin and lightweight forms for wearing in public and they are often simply unnoticed. This does have its drawbacks; standard metal braces generate much more brute force and when it comes to changing the position of molars (particularly in cases involving rearrangement of the jaw), a simple clear aligner is not going to be capable of affecting tooth positions. And in the case of altering your jaws, position headgear may be required in exceedingly complex presentations.

For cosmetic orthodontic treatment and minor misalignment, clear aligners are considered an effective and useful treatment option. One of the most important advantages of receiving your aligners via a local dentist like ours is that you will also receive guidance on treatment. This would be less effective if attempted with online brands.

As they offer one potential treatment to all cases they receive, they have an interest in promoting that treatment method and getting you to shell out money for an aligner that may not work. We do not have that incentive and want to help you get the smile you want.

Hybrid treatments

A standard metal brace is more effective on a wider range of conditions than aligners. And a trend of hybrid treatments is becoming common. The wearing of a regular brace before graduating on to a series of aligners attempts to bring together the best of both, with the brace doing the heavy lifting while the aligner carries out the majority of the cosmetic treatment allowing the patient to get out of their braces much faster. This also reduces the chances of requiring retainers.

Adult orthodontics

Adults are engaging in orthodontics more than ever before and they seem to have a trend towards the clear aligners over the standard brace. This is hardly surprising, given stereotypes that come along with braces but there is another factor due to the funding structure of the NHS. Orthodontic care given below the age of 18 is free at the point of service, whereas aligners are slightly cheaper if you have to pay at the point of service for your care. And so, there is a temptation towards adopting aligners wherever possible over metal braces.

If you have any query about invisible braces in Clapham, we would be happy to help answer your questions. You can get in contact with the clinic by email address on the website or by phone.

Invisible braces; what are they and how do they work? An introductory guide from Clapham South

Are you looking for a way to straighten your teeth, without needing to worry about the physical appearance of metal braces?invisible-braces-in-clapham

Depending on the severity of your misalignment, and your age (you must be over 18), we may have the solution for you. In the last 30 years, invisible aligners known as Invisalign have trickled their way down into common dental practices, offering adult patients an alternative solution to straightening their teeth. And as you can guess from the name, this aligner is made from a clear plastic that slots over our teeth and is removable, so it is more like a sports guard than an orthodontic appliance.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we are happy to be able to offer our patients invisible braces in Clapham like Invisalign and can assess if they are the correct brace for you. We can also offer financing options, to help you spread the cost of any orthodontic treatments, thus reducing the concerns that you may have about paying for such treatments. Great stuff!

Have some questions about invisible braces in Clapham? Here, our team answers 5 common queries that we have been asked by patients, so enjoy!

What they are made from

Invisible braces in Clapham, or Invisalign if you prefer, are made from a patented thermoplastic known as SmartTrack, which was created solely for orthodontic purposes.

It is tough but malleable, and it is clear, earning the aligner its name and popularity among adults and teenagers.

How they move teeth

Invisible aligners or braces like Invisalign do not rely on tightening. They are 3D printed to the form of your teeth and as your treatment progresses, the aligners gradually change shape with your teeth. They use pressure points to gently push your teeth and when each aligner has completed its task, it will feel loose, allowing you to remove it and put the next aligner in the sequence in.

Disorders they can treat

Invisible aligners and braces can treat many orthodontic issues; everything from overcrowding to overbites can be corrected depending on their severity.

If we decide that you need to have corrective work performed on your molars or your bite meshing, we will usually advise you to wear a traditional orthodontic brace.


Most invisible aligners are designed to be worn for around 2 weeks, but the results that they create can last a lifetime.

Be sure to follow our team’s post-aligner or brace advice, such as the wearing of a retainer to ensure that your straighter smile lasts for the rest of your life.


A common issue that prevents people from undertaking clear or invisible aligners in the first instance is the occurrence of things like tooth decay and gum disease; once this has been corrected, you will be able to proceed with orthodontics.

As is generally advised with dentistry, it is wise to avoid smoking and drinking excessively while wearing orthodontic appliances, as this can speed up the formation of periodontal issues and recession of the gums.

Straighten your teeth discreetly with invisible braces

A lot of people do not get the chance to straighten their teeth as a teenager, and at Clapham South Dental Centre we understand that as an adult having unsightly metal brackets attached to the front surfaces of your teeth is not always an appealing option, with some adults preferring to keep their teeth as they are. However, there are now alternatives for you to choose from that are incredibly difficult to notice. The possibility of getting invisible braces in Clapham has changed the way that adults feel about straightening their teeth, and the range of appliances that we offer at Clapham South Dental Centre means that you can opt for a straightening treatment that compliments your lifestyle instead of hindering it.invisible-braces-in-clapham

We have more than one appliance for you to choose from

Once you have decided that you wish to have invisible braces in Clapham one of our dental professionals will explain all of the different appliances that are available to you. Whilst all of them remain difficult to spot by other people because of their invisible nature, some of the appliances are fixed to the surfaces of your teeth and others are completely removable. This means that you should take some time deciding which treatment is most suited to your lifestyle. Some appliances will not be suitable if your teeth need moving drastically, so having severely crooked or gapped teeth may limit your options slightly, but this is something that your practitioner will discuss with you.

A removable appliance for minor issues

In the circumstances where your situation is not too severe, Invisalign is often a popular choice as the appliance itself does not need to be permanently fixed to your teeth whilst you are undergoing treatment. Instead, it is completely removable, meaning that brushing your teeth, eating food and drinking certain drinks is just as easy as it usually is and you do not need to worry about having any stain marks left on your teeth after you stop wearing your appliance. This treatment generally takes between six and twelve months to complete but is only suitable for minor problems as it focuses mainly on straightening your six or eight front teeth. It is very difficult to spot if someone is undergoing Invisalign treatment as the aligners are made of completely clear plastic and fit closely over your own teeth.

Go incognito and straighten your teeth secretly

Amongst your options when getting invisible braces in Clapham is Incognito braces. These differ from Invisalign in the way that they are permanently attached to the surfaces of your teeth, but they cannot be seen as it is the inside surfaces of your teeth that they attach to. They are capable of sorting out nearly all types of misalignment, making them a popular choice for those people who are trying to straighten severely crooked teeth. Generally speaking, treatment time can vary between twelve months and twenty-four, but this is something that will always vary depending on your individual circumstances.

Which invisible braces do we offer?

At our practice, we are proud to offer a few different types of Clapham invisible braces to suit your needs. We understand that you may not want to draw extra attention to your teeth whilst straightening them, which is why these braces are a great choice.invisible-braces-clapham

Cfast braces

This type of teeth straightening treatment focuses on your front teeth, which is great for cosmetic reasons. As only the front teeth are moved, that treatment takes less time but can still have effective results. The average treatment time for Cfast braces is only 5 months, which is great if you are looking for a quicker way to straighten your smile.

As well as the quick treatment time, these braces are also less visible to other people thanks to the tooth coloured wires and clear brackets used. This is great if you don’t want to draw added attention to your mouth during the process. These braces will also not affect the way you speak or how you eat your food, which our patients love.

Incognito braces

These types of invisible braces in Clapham are similar to traditional fixed braces, but they are attached to the back of your teeth instead of the front. This can really help if you are wishing to have a more discreet way of straightening your smile. Other people wouldn’t even know you have your braces on as the front of your teeth will look normal. The treatment time for these braces can vary massively depending on your needs, but in most cases it is usually 12-18 months, but can be done in as little as 6 months.

This is a great option if you are not only wanting to straighten your smile, but improve your oral health. As opposed to our Cfast braces that are mentioned above, which focus on your front teeth, incognito braces encompass all of your teeth and bring them into the correct position.


This treatment is great if you do not want a treatment that involves surgery, as it simply consists of clear, plastic aligners that you change from the comfort of your own home. We will take accurate scans of your teeth and use them to show you what the end result will look like, as well as using them to create your custom aligners. We will give you several sets aligners which you will change every 1-2 weeks, receiving a new set every 4-6 weeks. These aligners will gradually move your teeth into a straighter position over time.

Our patients love the ease of these Clapham invisible braces, as they have the ability to change their aligners from the comfort of their own home. This is useful if you are someone who gets nervous having treatments done at the practice. The appearance of these aligners when they are in is also a great benefit, due to the clear, plastic material used, other people will never even know that you have them in.

The orthodontics you’ll never notice

We all like to be appreciated for the work that we do, but when your job is to provide invisible braces Clapham, going unnoticed is the sign of a job well done. As popular as clear aligners have become in our community, the odds are that unless you are using them, you will not have even noticed that they are there. Discretion is key!invisible-braces-clapham

How do aligners compare to braces?

So, clear aligners and the braces are both effective invisible braces Clapham that rely on the dynamic mobility of teeth to rearrange them and produce a well-fitting closed bite and to look appealing.

But that’s about it when it comes to what they have in common. The traditional metal brace has individual brackets or anchor points which are adhered to each tooth with dental cement or resin adhesive. These anchor points are linked to each other with an archwire, sometimes an adjustable rubber band is used to assist with the movement. This can take up to an hour to fit and once in place, it allows the orthodontist to ‘adjust’ the braces by tightening parts of it to apply pressure to the teeth, altering their position or orientation. The brace is worn for the entirety of the treatment and adjustments occur every 6 months.


Aligners, on the other hand, are removable at will and the fitting process involves making a 3D digital model of your teeth. This can be done by scanning a plaster cast of a dental mould or taking it directly with a 3D scan of your mouth. The designing and manufacturing of the aligners occur outside of the clinics and they should be available for collection within 4 weeks of the fitting. The designing steps are the most time-intensive, so replacements for lost or damaged aligners can be rushed through faster if required.

Each of the aligner invisible braces Clapham are only worn for 2 weeks allowing them to be light, thin and comfortable. They are not suitable for moving molars or complex cases where palate extension may be required to resolve overcrowding. When an aligner is new, it will feel tight as it is pushing on your teeth; at the end of its role in your treatment, it will feel looser as your teeth will have taken on their new positions. This is when you would change to the next aligner in the sequence.

The sequence of aligners behaves in a similar way to the adjustment made by an orthodontist using a brace. The smaller 2 weekly changes are much more comfortable compared to the 6-month brace tightening. The application of force allows the aligner to achieve good clinical results with a minimum of inconvenience.

A 3rd option – ceramic braces

There is a third option for those who have orthodontic issues which are considered too complex for clear aligners but do not wish to wear a regular metal brace. The ceramic brace is a polymer cross glass-ceramic brace; its archwire is much thinner than a traditional brace, but it share s all its main features and is suitable for treatment on a wider range of conditions.

Eating with invisible braces

Invisible braces have allowed people to improve their smile in a discreet and relatively rapid manner in recent years, but what are they exactly and what do they involve?invisible-braces-in-clapham

Composed of trays of clear plastic aligners that fit over the teeth, these kinds of braces have been a popular choice since they first became available in the late 1980s. They are designed to be worn for most of the time like other kinds of braces; though they have the advantage of being removable for convenience. They are particularly popular with adult orthodontic patients because they are barely noticeable, which is ideal for those who don’t want it to be obvious that they are having this kind of treatment done.

Here at Clapham South Dental Centre, we are always happy to answer any questions our patients might have about this or any of the other treatments we offer. One of the most commonly asked queries is ‘how can I eat with these braces?’ Here, we explain how you can continue to enjoy food while getting your teeth straightened in this manner.

Don’t wear them when eating or drinking

If you’re undergoing treatment with aligners, it’s fine to drink cold water while wearing them. This won’t do any harm, and it’s a good idea for the general health to ensure that the body is well hydrated throughout the day. However, if the patient is having anything else to drink; such as tea, coffee, fruit juice or even a glass of wine, the braces should be removed beforehand. This is because drinks other than water can cause the aligners to become stained, which could damage them as well as potentially giving them an unsightly appearance.

The trays should also be taken out before eating any meals or snacks. This is to prevent bits of the food becoming trapped within the aligners. If this was to happen, they could become damaged and also compromise the patient’s oral health when worn – potentially encouraging the growth of bacteria and plaque.

Keep aligners clean

After enjoying a meal or snack, we advise our patients to give the trays a good rinse with warm water before putting them back in. It’s also a good idea to floss or use interdental brushes and give the teeth a good clean before replacing the aligners. Completing these steps will mean that the braces will remain almost invisible and the patient’s mouth is fresh and bacteria free.

Get organised

In order for this kind of treatment to be most effective, patients should wear the trays for around 22 hours each day. This means planning meal and snack times so that the braces can be worn as much as possible.

We offer invisible braces in Clapham to many of our patients. Find out more about this treatment and the other available treatment options we have, which should be able to improve your smile! We assess our patients on an individual basis, which means they can be confident of getting the right kind of help to improve their smile.

The invisible brace

Invisible Braces in Clapham are not often seen but are more common than the iconic metal braces. It’s pretty clear why! Their translucent materials are far more conducive to our modern world where all the basic needs of dentistry are met and we can indulge in the aesthetics.


The rise in popularity of subtle orthodontics has been pushed for by adult patients, but whose availability has been widely adopted by our patients of all ages.

So, are they as good as metal braces?

The ‘invisible brace’ is a bit of an ambiguous term used to describe both ceramic braces and clear aligners, and to discuss which is best we need to differentiate between them.

Also, the appropriateness and therefore the effectiveness of a particular treatment is dependent on the individual patient. One of the primary roles of our dental team Dr Ali Aussia, Dr Rachael Ibbotson and Dr Mohsin Ghor is to lay out the best options in an unbiased and clear way, so you can make an informed decision about your own care.

The Invisible Braces in Clapham are an orthodontic treatment that utilises a series of 3D printed aligners, which are worn over the teeth to straighten them over time. They are popular and considered effective on mild to moderately misaligned teeth, where minimal twisting and molar movement is required.

The ceramic brace is very similar in the way it works to metal braces, with archwire and tooth anchors. But they are made from a composite mixture of ceramic and polymers. They used to be brittle and were only recommended for adults, but with a better blend of materials, they have reached a toughness parity with the metal brace.

What’s it like to have an invisible brace?

Well, the discovery you may experience is very different depending on the treatment option. Aligners give a more consistent pressure than a metal brace, but the trade-off is a longer treatment time on average. The ceramic option will be more similar to the traditional brace.

Where they both shine is in their aesthetics, as there is a world of difference between the feeling of wearing a standard compared to an invisible brace in public. Most of our patients reporting that they forget they’re wearing them during the day unless they are eating.

What’s harder to look after- a ceramic brace or an aligner?

The anchor point of ceramic braces is not conducive to their removal and refitting outside of dental surgery. So you must cautiously eat in them and thoroughly clean them afterwards. Interdental brushes can be very helpful here in getting any bits under the wire. Aligners can be removed at will, but to be effective you need to wear them as much as possible and brush before refitting, to stop food particles becoming trapped against your teeth.

It’s generally accepted that Invisible Braces in Clapham are far easier to keep clean. Of the two, the aligners can be removed on the fly to give a public address or presentation.