Are you thinking about getting clear braces in Clapham?

Clear braces have become very popular in recent years with more and more people opting for them over other methods of straightening. But are clear braces for everyone and what are the fundamental differences between clear braces in Clapham and metal braces? When you visit your dentist they will be able to explain which plan will be right for you but in the meantime.clear-braces-clapham

Let’s compare clear braces to metal ones

Firstly, what are clear braces? The phrase clear braces actually refer to two types of braces: either they are made from a clear, rigid plastic that fits around your teeth in perfectly moulded trays or from a ceramic bracket that is blended to the colour of your teeth.

The major benefit of both these styles is it makes the process of straightening far less visually invasive so if you’ve chosen to straighten as an adult this can be a more socially subtle path to take. With metal braces they are only offered in grey or silver, if you would like to opt for the ceramic option braces can be made in any colour. Traditional metal braces are made up of metal brackets that are placed on top of your teeth using a special dental cement they are then bound together with wires and small rubber bands.

There is also a level of comfort wearing aligners that doesn’t come with metal braces. They are removable so you don’t need to worry about eating and food becoming trapped, and as the plastic is flush to the teeth there is no rubbing on the gums.

Comparing oral hygiene in braces

Clear braces in Clapham adjust teeth to be perfectly straight and result in a better teeth alignment. When teeth are perfectly straight it means they are easier to clean and less likely to build up tartar and plaque. When the teeth line has overlaps or crooked teeth it provides perfect areas for germs to build up which can lead to gum disease.

Braces apart from the clear aligner style are well known for triggering problems with your dental hygiene. They can cause inflammation and make maintaining a thorough cleaning difficult as brushing and flossing can become really difficult to do well. Metal braces can also rub against the skin in your mouth leading to sores.

What are the benefits of metal braces?

Metal braces are great at correcting lots of different types of alignment issues and there have been new technological developments such as heat-activated wires which can lead to even quicker changes.

Although they are not completely pain-free they are second-least painful compared to other options. With the teeth moving quicker it also means the discomfort can subside quicker.

They are less costly than clear braces in Clapham – when thinking about braces it could come down to cost and the benefit of metal braces is they are far less costly than aligners but have the same level of results.

When you visit your dentist at Clapham South Dental Center your dentist will be able to talk through the best option for you.