Category: Invisalign

Invisalign for moms in Clapham

If you’re a mom of young children then you know that regular visits to the dentist for old school orthodontics are out of the question. At Clapham South Dental Care we totally understand this, but we also understand that if you do want to straighten your teeth for whatever reason, you want to be able to do it quickly and quietly and without the risk of cuts if you get bashed in the mouth by your toddler. With Invisalign in Clapham, all this and more is possible and the best part is, your treatment can be controlled by you at home after your initial appointment, so you won’t need to come in regularly for changes.invisalign-in-clapham

How does Invisalign work?

At a consultation appointment for Invisalign, you will be able to discuss with your dentist your smile goals and what exactly you hope to gain from orthodontic treatment. We will take photos and X-rays of your teeth to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this treatment. Once this has been confirmed we can take a completely painless 3D scan of your mouth and teeth, the information gathered by this technology is uploaded into a computer where a 3D model is created of your smile. We can use this model to create a simulation of how your teeth will shift over time and show you what the results will be before treatment even begins.

Once you are happy with the plan we create for your orthodontic care we send this information off to a lab which then creates your first set of clear aligners. These aligners will be sent to you in a pack and you will need to change them yourself.

The benefits for busy moms

At home control – we know that you barely have enough time for yourself during the day when you’re taking care of small children, let alone make regular trips to the dentist and this is the beauty of Invisalign. Once your 3D scan has been taken and your custom aligners are created we will send them to you in a neatly packaged box with instructions on how and when to wear them. Usually, aligners need to be changed every 1-2 weeks as your teeth shift into place so it’s handy to have the next aligner nearby.

Safer than other appliances – a miss thrown building block or an unintentional toddler punch to the face happens more often than we would care to admit, but imagine how much worse it would be if you had a set of sharp metal tracks glued to your teeth. With Invisalign in Clapham, your teeth will remain smooth and metal-free so that playtime won’t end up in you needing stitches.

Removable – your oral care is important to us and we want you to be able to take care of your teeth easily without having to worry about cleaning in the little places between wires and brackets. With removable aligners, it’s easy to both eat the foods you love and keep your teeth properly clean.

Fixing crooked teeth with Invisalign in Clapham

Have you recently or ever covered your mouth with your hand when smiling? Do you feel a lack of confidence because your teeth are crooked and you don’t want to spend years having uncomfortable and unsightly metal braces in your mouth? At Clapham South Dental Centre, we want to change that and help give you the smile you deserve so that you can smile at the world with a new and transformed set of teeth with Invisalign in Clapham

Why choose Invisalign?invisalign-in-clapham

Invisalign is the most advanced system when it comes to orthodontics which has been giving more and more people straighter smiles in less time than it takes for traditional braces to work and with less discomfort. Traditional braces use metal brackets, which are glued to the front of the teeth, which often cause cuts and mild scarring on the inside of the cheeks. A metal wire is threaded through these brackets and is set at a different tension each month in order to pull the teeth into position. This treatment can take up to three years and for many adults that is three years too many to be looking like a middle school teen.

With Invisalign in Clapham, you get all of the benefits of braces with far fewer issues than you would experience with traditional metal braces. Results have been seen in as little as 4 months while the average case usually takes under 9 months and the best part is, the treatment is just about invisible. Clear aligners are used to gently push the teeth into position over time and no one will even be aware that you are undergoing treatment, the pushing of the teeth is said to be much more gentle than the pulling with wires under tension and the ease of comfort makes life under treatment more enjoyable.

Because the system is removable, Invisalign aligners can fit into any lifestyle, whether it be corporate and professional or active and sporty. This also means you can take them out to enjoy whichever foods you would normally eat and you can ensure that they and your teeth are properly cleaned.

What does it fix?

Not only does Invisalign in Clapham fix overcrowded teeth but it can also fix any gaps you may have as well as correct malocclusions (problems with the bite) like an overbite, underbite, and crossbite.

How it works

With new and advanced 3D imaging technology, we will take a scan of your mouth, this is completely painless and not nearly as uncomfortable as using a mould to cast the shape of your teeth. This digital scan is imported onto a computer which shows a 3D model of your teeth and jaw, the computer also analyses this model to create a simulation of how your teeth will move over time and calculate how long treatment can be expected to take. This information is then sent to a lab where a set of custom clear aligners are created for you. You will receive the full set of aligners for the course of the treatment which you can change yourself at home every 1-2 weeks so there will be no need to constantly visit your dentist for adjustments.

Want to learn more about Invisalign? 5 need-to-know facts from Clapham South Dental

As odd as it may seem to combine an aesthetic benefit to a brace or aligner, in modern dentistry, this is now almost considered the gold standard.invisalign-in-clapham

Indeed, as cosmetic dental work and orthodontic treatments merge, more people than ever are asking their dentists about realigning their smiles with either a clear or invisible aligner. As the name suggests, both of these options are designed to look as discreet as possible, while also moving your teeth into a more desirable position. Perfect!

If you are one of the many people who feel that their smile could use a bit of a cosmetic makeover in relation to misalignment, you will be glad to learn that there are many braces which may help. As you may have guessed, each brand of clear or invisible aligner provides its own benefits and is more suited for correcting certain conditions.

Our team at Clapham South Dental have the knowledge and the experience to help you choose the brace that you are most likely to benefit from. One of our most popular aligners, Invisalign in Clapham, has helped many of our patients to get the smile that they have always wanted and so, in this article, we will be focusing on this particular invisible aligner.

But, while Invisalign in Clapham may sound like it is too good to be true, we have compiled the following facts about this brace, so you can assess its suitability to you and your lifestyle. Enjoy!

Adapting can be tough

Invisalign in Clapham is designed to slot over your teeth and is made from a clear, plastic tray.

Adapting to this foreign object in your mouth can be tough; you may experience soreness on your tongue and inner cheeks during those first few weeks. If you do, our team can offer you a dental wax to alleviate the friction.

There may be a lisp!

As is the way with having something in your mouth, you may notice that your speech patterns change temporarily. While many patients are able to go back to their original speech patterns quickly, there may be a period of lisping!

Removable braces are great and bad

This brace is removable and while this is great, it can also be bad. You have to be disciplined when weaning this brace, as failure to wear it for 22 hours each day can result in your progress slowing. If you are a bit unreliable, this brace may not be the right choice for you!

You will need a mini-toothbrush!

As you can remove this brace to eat, you will need to carry a mini-toothbrush with you to clean your teeth before putting it back in. If you don’t, you could increase the risk of decay and gum disease by pushing the unremoved bacteria against your teeth.

The results are worth it!

The results make all of this worth it! As this brace can straighten your teeth in 6 months, these potential downsides are short term and the results are striking!

Need help getting used to your Invisalign braces? Some tips to help you adapt easily

While many people shudder at the thought of having metal braces fitted, thanks to advances in dentistry many patients are now able to wear clear or invisible aligners. As the names suggest, these are more visually discreet than regular braces, but can treat a wide range of orthodontic problems. Brilliant!invisalign-in-clapham

Despite this, many patients experience the inevitable issues that come with wearing a removable brace; some of these include problems with speech, while others may find their newly-acquired braces a bit insecure at first. However, these are often temporary, but can prove a bit challenging in those first two weeks.

Luckily, we can help!

When you come to Clapham South Dental Centre for Invisalign in Clapham, our team can offer you targeted, personalised advice to help you get the most out of this invisible aligner. Our team has helped thousands of people to improve their smiles using this brace and now, we can help you too!

So, what are some of our team’s tips for getting through the first 2 weeks of wearing an invisible brace? Read on to find out!

Wear for the allotted time!

When you come to us for Invisalign in Clapham, our team will set you a wear time per day. As this brace is removable, it is important that you stick to this time, as failing to do so could extend the overall treatment time.

Typically, the wear time for Invisalign in Clapham is 22 hours per day, but our team will always ensure that you know your exact required time before treatment.

Put them in the case!

When you are fitted with your new braces, our team will provide you with a carry case to keep them in during meals. Make sure you use this case, as simply placing them in your bag when you are out for a meal could lead to damage and increases the risk of you misplacing them.

Carry a toothbrush

When you finish a meal, you will need to brush your teeth before putting your invisible braces back in. So, always carry a toothbrush.

This will prevent food being pressed against your gums, which may lead to plaque and decay; your teeth will thank you in the long run!

Water only

As other drinks like coffee or tea could stain your retainers (and your teeth), it is best to stick to water when you wear an invisible brace. Of course, this has the added bonus of keeping you hydrated!

Protect your tongue

During the first week of wearing an invisible brace, you are likely to notice sores appearing on the sides of your tongue due to the rubbing.

While this can be a minor nuisance for some patients, it can be extremely uncomfortable for others. If you find yourself in the latter group, ask our team for dental wax, which when applied to your brace will soften the sharp edges. It is also worth investing in a peroxide-based mouthwash to minimise the chance of your sore spots getting infected.

Invisalign in Clapham for the discerning man

Emphasis on beauty standards is often targeted more towards the fairer sex, but we at Clapham South Dental Centre know that men are just as concerned about their appearance as their female counterparts. With Invisalign in Clapham, for those of you with discerning tastes and who care for the face that they show the world, there is no better way to perfect your smile. Whether you’re entering the dating scene or the corporate world for the first time, we know you want to feel confident about the first impression you give to new people and that you would most probably want to make any changes with discretion.invisalign-clapham

A new focus on male grooming

For the last 2 decades or so, male grooming has reached new heights, from skincare to injectables, more men are taking their aesthetic goals further than ever before, and none of the ladies are complaining about it. So what else are men finding they need to enhance regarding their personal appearance? The answer is their teeth; psychology suggests that people with straight teeth and a nice smile are considered to be more attractive, have better success in their love lives and careers, and are even perceived to have better hygiene. Now while we agree that this is not always the case, the unconscious perceptions that people have when they first meet you are inescapable, leading more and more men to seek a solution to fix their smiles.

There is however still a level of secrecy men like to keep when it comes to their personal grooming, in fact, it could be argued that women are far more open about what it takes to stay beautiful than men are. Men prefer it to look like they didn’t even try and some men may like people to think they have a ‘just rolled out of bed’ perfection, without having made any effort, and this is where Invisalign in Clapham can help you.

Clear aligners keeping it hush

With a clear aligner, you can go about your day and life while going through tooth aligning treatment without anyone the wiser, this treatment is practically invisible and is very easy to fit seamlessly into all of your activities.

At your first consultation for a clear aligner, a 3D digital scan will be taken of your mouth, this can immediately be seen on a computer which then calculates how your teeth will shift over time and how long you will need treatment for. Then this calculation is sent to a laboratory and a set of clear aligners are custom made for you with the use of 3D printing technology.

You will be sent the full set of aligners that need to be changed every 1-2 weeks, as they gently push your teeth into position. Each aligner is completely removable for eating and cleaning and because they are changed so often, they never discolour. With Invisalign in Clapham, you can take control of your smile and appearance and help boost your confidence, all with complete discretion while you go about your normal life and activities in comfort.

What can Invisalign in Clapham do for me?

Have you been wanting to get your crooked teeth seen to for a while, but life just got in the way and now you’re a young adult with a smile you’re embarrassed about? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one, millions of young working professionals missed the boat in their youth when it came to getting their teeth straightened. With Invisalign in Clapham these problems are easily resolved, because we at Clapham South Dental Centre understand that fixing teeth, with little to no visible indication that it’s happening, is very important to those feeling the pressure of living in an image-focused world.invisalign-clapham

Straightening your teeth

Traditional braces are a daunting prospect for adults and most would not even consider it an option, because it takes too long and is rather unsightly, we understand. With social media picking up each and every smile, and recognising your face, you don’t want to be tagged sporting a metal grin like a prepubescent primary school child. This is where Invisalign in Clapham shines, the secret is in the name, it’s invisible and it aligns your teeth to a pleasing aesthetic and greater overall dental health, it truly is that simple and the best part is it can take less than a year.

Having straighter teeth can ensure correct cleaning, it makes brushing and flossing much easier when your teeth aren’t crooked or overlapping, as the build-up of plaque and bacteria is diminished and reduces the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. The long term results of having straight teeth are beneficial not only for health, but the potential for success; having an aesthetically pleasing smile can give an immediate boost in confidence.

The psychology of straight teeth

According to a study done by the Kelton Research for Alignment Technology (2012), the confidence in one’s self when having a straight and pleasing smile is incontrovertible, but it is also beneficial to how others feel about you. They noted that a person with straight teeth is perceived as someone who is able to get more dates, is smarter and has more professional success than those with crooked teeth. This is of course not necessarily true, but it is how people perceive one another on a biological level and first impressions are important.

The process

Invisalign in Clapham requires a visit to your dentist who will take a 3D digital scan of your teeth and a computer will work out how your teeth will shift and align over time. A laboratory then creates invisible customised aligners that will fit over your teeth to move them in small increments over time, these aligners will be changed every 1-2 weeks in the comfort of your home, with a visit to your dentist every 6-8 weeks to check up on how things are going.

This treatment can address moderate alignment issues and bite problems whether it be overbite, crossbite, or underbite. There are different types of aligners for different problems and your dentist will be able to advise you on the best option for your situation.

Improving your smile with Invisalign in Clapham

Invisalign in Clapham is a viable treatment option for those who want to improve the look of their smile. This treatment uses a series of clear aligners to gradually move your teeth into a better position, it is convenient and achieves brilliant results. Many people are unhappy with the appearance of their smile, this could be for a number of different reasons. Many people’s smiles are simply not straight and look uneven. The proportion of your teeth and your smile’s width can also be an issue. Gaps between the teeth can be another problem that people become unhappy about. The overall appearance of the face as a result of the structure of the mouth is also something that people can be unsatisfied with. The colour of teeth alongside gum health is something that people also consider. Invisalign can be used to improve many of these areas and so, can have a positive impact on your self-esteem concerning your appearance.invisalign-clapham

What is the procedure?

If you decide that Invisalign in Clapham could be the correct dental work option for you then there are a series of steps involved in the procedure. The first step determines your suitability, unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from this process and it is important that we determine your suitability early on in the process. We will use the Case Assessment to determine this, which uses a set of photos. The second step is taken once it has been determined that you are suitable for the treatment, this involves preparation work. This is done through x-rays, scans, and impressions of the teeth. Using the information collected we will create a digital treatment plan. This allows us to show you what your end results could look like. The third step involves the aligners. You will be instructed on the order to wear this series of aligners. You will be expected to change out the aligner every 1-2 weeks. You can wear your aligners all day, however, they are removable which allows you to maintain a high level of oral hygiene as well as enjoying your usual diet. The final step involves being invited back to the practice every 4-6 weeks. We will monitor your progress and keep you up to date with the correct aligners. At the end of the treatment, you will need to wear a retainer in order to maintain your smile.

What are the benefits of this treatment?

If you decide that Invisalign in Clapham is the correct choice for you, there are a series of benefits that you could gain. With the use of this treatment, you can reduce your risk of gum disease. Issues with bite can also be corrected, this includes open, over and cross bites. Issues with overcrowded teeth can also be alleviated. This treatment is fast and relatively painless. Many patients are happy with the convenient and comfortable nature of this treatment. This treatment is mostly invisible to other people, so you can undergo the treatment without others knowing you are. The aligners are removable allowing you to properly clean them at the same time as not having to alter your diet. The main benefit of this treatment is the self-confidence it gives you.

Have you heard of the health benefits of Invisalign braces? The top four from Clapham South Dental Centre

There are many issues to be had with teeth that are misaligned; they are harder to brush, they get food stuck in them easily and, of course, they impact on your smile and confidence.invisalign-braces-clapham

Even if you have had crooked teeth all your life, it can feel like a huge step to approach a dentist to do something about it; after all, cosmetic dental options are new to many people and of course, what is new may be considered with trepidation.

But before you decide that any cosmetic dental work is purely, well, cosmetic, there are many health benefits to be had too. Unlike other cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, realigning your teeth can have great benefits for your health too.

At Clapham South Dental, our team is able to offer our suitable patients a range of adult orthodontic options, including Invisalign in Clapham. This world-famous brace is removable, fast-acting and is perfect to fit around your busy adult life. It can help correct a variety of orthodontic issues, such as crowding, protrusions, and even overbites! Perfect!

But are there any health benefits of undertaking treatment with Invisalign in Clapham? Read on to find out!

No more headaches!

It has been known for a while in dentistry that if you have misaligned teeth, you are more likely to suffer from both headaches and migraines. Inconvenient to say the least!

The reason for this is simple; teeth that do not fit together well are more prone to being ground together as we sleep. This, in turn, causes tired, sore muscles in the jaw, which impacts on the neck and head. Ergo, you will have a headache when you wake up.

As Invisalign in Clapham realigns your teeth, the nocturnal grinding will reduce and with it, so will the headaches and migraines. Perfect!

Better digestion

We have already mentioned that teeth that do not sit together are more likely to grind against each other in an uncomfortable fashion; this also occurs when we chew food.

However, a set of misaligned teeth are not able to grind and chew food correctly, meaning that once it is swallowed, our bodies find it harder to absorb the nutrients. We also have more issues with digestion, like heartburn, acid reflux and bloating.

Realigning your teeth with an invisible brace prevents incorrect chewing and enables for more comfortable and effective digestion of food.

Improved oral hygiene

Crooked, gapped and crowded teeth are harder to clean effectively.

Teeth that are not clean are more prone to both gum disease and tooth decay, simply because pockets of bacteria in the mouth are missed.

Straightening your smile will reduce your risk of both oral decay and periodontal disease, meaning your mouth will look great and be healthier too.

Temporomandibular joint disorder

A fairly rare disorder that can be helped and partially corrected with an invisible brace is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

This disorder causes pain, clicking and even bone erosion in the jaw and is caused by misalignment of the teeth or excessive crowding.

These are just a few reasons to consider Invisalign at our practice.

Do Invisalign braces hurt? Your questions answered by Clapham South Dental Centre

There are many ways in the modern world to improve your appearance if you want to; you can buy new clothes, get a haircut and….get your teeth straightened? Really?

invisalign-claphamYes, really, Unlike 20, or even 10 years ago, more adults than ever are benefiting from cosmetic and orthodontic procedures, through the use of invisible braces.

Made from a malleable and clear plastic, invisible braces are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth, straightening them painlessly and gradually, without drawing unwanted stares from strangers, colleagues or family members.

When you come to Clapham South Dental for invisible braces, like Invisalign in Clapham, our team can help you make your straighter smile a reality. Experienced at using the computer programs linked to these braces and thoroughly knowledgeable about required aftercare, our team will make sure that your new smile is something to, well, smile about!

But, how does Invisalign in Clapham work; is there a trick that isn’t being mentioned? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and some of our other FAQs.

How do these invisible braces work?

Different from traditional braces that use force to move your teeth into their new position, Invisalign in Clapham uses a customised set of clear trays, to gently push your teeth into the desired location. Using a combination of shaped aligners and gently opposing metal coils, these braces work at an accelerated rate to move your teeth and are very comfortable to wear.

Using the 3D scan technology, our team will take an in-depth image of your mouth, to predict the shape that these aligners will need to be and how many you will require to get that straighter smile.

How long will I need to wear them for?

This will depend on your unique clinical situation.

However, on average, our team has found that the majority of those fitted with these braces wear them for around 6 months but, depending on the severity of your misalignment, spacing or crowding, you may complete the treatment in 3 months or even 12; it can be quite variable!

Will they hurt?

Once you put the first tray into your mouth, you may feel slight tightness or pressure on your teeth; this is completely normal and is part of the process.

Generally speaking, as invisible braces do not pull your teeth, there should be minimal (if any) discomfort when wearing the aligners.

Can I have them if I have crowns or bridges?

As crowns are bonded to your teeth, they should not be a factor in the use of invisible braces but, ultimately, our team will decide if they are likely to impact on the success of the brace.

As bridges are fixed in position, they will probably impinge on the effectiveness of the aligner and so, alternative treatments may be required.

What about the aftercare?

Once your teeth are straightened, our team will provide you with a retainer, to prevent your teeth from relapsing back into their old positions. That is the only aftercare required for this aligner; brilliant!

‘Invisalign is painful’ The truth behind the myths surrounding this brace by Clapham South Dental

If you are an adult or teenager who wants to improve the straightness of your smile, you may feel a bit stuck.

invisalign-claphamYou have, of course, heard about these new cosmetic braces which promise to straighten your smile within six months but you have also read that they may not be suitable for your unique clinical situation.

As dentistry has changed over the years, dental teams are becoming less reliant on traditional orthodontic methods, and have begun to explore more discreet and fast-acting alternatives to help as many people as possible get the smile that they deserve.

So, what’s the truth?

At Clapham South Dental Centre, our dentists will help you choose your most appropriate aligner, to get you that straighter smile that we feel everyone deserves. One of our most popular methods of helping our patients involves treatment with Invisalign in Clapham, a simple but effective brace that can change both your smile and your confidence!

But isn’t Invisalign in Clapham the brace that can only help moderate misalignments? Read on to find out the facts behind the myths that surround this talked about brace.

Myth 1- Invisible braces are painful

While pain is a subjective experience, our dental team at Clapham South has never been told by our patients that Invisalign in Clapham is painful.

It is true that you can expect a degree of pressure while your teeth move due to this brace but in comparison to the pressure that is caused by traditional, orthodontic braces, this will be minimal. Also, as invisible braces do not have metal wires or brackets, there will be no discomfort associated with the aligner rubbing against the inside of your mouth.

Myth 2- Invisible braces can only help minor misalignment issues

When they first hit the dental market, invisible braces had a limited range of action.

Today, however, our dentists are able to treat more complicated cases of misalignment and protrusion, resulting in you getting a straighter smile with less hassle.

Myth 3- I will have to change my diet to use this brace

As this brace is removable, you will not have to alter your diet or dental hygiene in any way.

Of course, to ensure that your teeth stay in top condition and avoid staining throughout treatment, always make sure that this brace is clean and that you brush your teeth after every meal or snack, to prevent plaque being pushed against your teeth and gums.

Myth 4- The results of this brace don’t last

If you adhere to the aftercare of this brace (typically a retainer), the results of this brace can last the rest of your life!

If you become worried that your teeth are reverting to their former positions, come in and see our team as soon as possible.

Myth 5- The same brace is available online and it is cheaper

To undertake correct treatment with any cosmetic brace, you need to see a trained dentist and should avoid purchasing aligners off of the internet whether it appears to be cheaper or not.