Category: Clear Braces

Feel your teeth could be straighter?

Even though you think it could help, does the thought of braces put you off? It’s understandable you might feel that way, but braces have come a long way in their development and there are options that provide far more comfort and ease than before. Depending on the condition of your teeth and what you need, there are both metal and clear brace options available.

Clear Braces in ClaphamAbout braces

Did you realise that there are a few different types of clear braces in Clapham available to use? They’re all in slightly different forms providing help with solving the issue, whether it’s overlapping or teeth that need straightening.

Who can wear clear braces?

As well as children, adults in need of having their teeth adjusted or realigned can get clear braces in Clapham. They aren’t only offered to children and, more commonly, adults are turning to clear braces in Clapham as a way of improving problems experienced in later life.

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we have a team of experienced dentists available to take you through the process of getting clear braces in Clapham and offering a type of brace to suit your preferences.

What are clear braces?

As the name suggests, clear braces are made of almost transparent material so that they’re much less noticeable to other people. These can include fixed braces that remain on your teeth as well as removeable braces.

About clear aligners

Invisalign are made up of custom-made plastic aligners that fit over your teeth. These are made from dental impressions taken of your teeth.

These aligners must be changed every 7-10 days, with the teeth adjusting gradually over time. Clear aligners provide a comfortable and lightweight option for people who don’t want to opt for metal braces.

How long to wear braces for

Overall, braces need to be worn over a relatively long period of time; between 9-18 months for the problem to be resolved. With a removable clear brace, this needs to be worn for most of the day, taking it out at mealtimes.

Cost of clear braces

The prices can vary with braces in general. With us, prices start from £125 a month, with an interest-free period of 12 months.

Do you really need clear braces in Clapham?

Sometimes you might find yourself wanting a change. You might look in the mirror at your teeth and wonder if there is anything you can do to make the adjustments that you want. You might be almost at the point of contacting us at Clapham South Dental Centre to ask about clear braces in Clapham and then you ask yourself – ‘do I really need this?’. That’s the nature of our inner chatter. We might be almost at the point of deciding then something holds us back. What will take you across the threshold when it comes to improving the appearance of your teeth?

Clear Braces in ClaphamIt’s not just about need

It would be a dull world if all of our decisions were motivated by need alone. Do we need to have lovely meals, for example, or a beautiful new piece of clothing?

While some desires may seem frivolous, we don’t think that’s the case when it comes to clear braces in Clapham. Cosmetic dentistry can make a significant improvement to your smile. This leads to higher self-esteem, more smiles and happiness all of which are essential for an enjoyable life.

Why clear braces in Clapham?

One of the reasons why you might hold off making the decision to go ahead might be because you are concerned about the look of your braces. If you don’t really need the treatment, why change your appearance for the duration of your procedure? When it comes to clear braces, the impact on your teeth is limited by the fact that the equipment is designed to blend in with the surface colours in your mouth.

The health of your teeth

The primary benefit of any treatment with clear braces is usually cosmetic. Fortunately, you may also get some health benefits thrown in. Typically, straight teeth are easier to clean. This means that your standard of dental hygiene will naturally be higher. Also, for the duration of your treatment, you’ll be getting far more frequent dental checks to keep an eye on your teeth. We’ll also check they are in top condition before we start treatment. If you are the type of person who needs a practical reason to go ahead, you have these.

Get the all clear on teeth straightening

What’s one of the most important requirements for teeth straightening among adults, apart from straighter teeth, of course?

Clear Braces in ClaphamIt’s being able to still look like a sensible adult as you go about your business. Unfortunately, wearing metal braces has a strong association with being a teenager and many adults would rather stick with their misaligned teeth than spend several months reliving their teenage years.

That’s why clear braces in Clapham from us at Clapham South Dental Centre are a great solution for many of our adult patients. Clear braces in Clapham allow adults to maintain their professional and responsible image as they fix their misaligned teeth.

There are 2 types of clear braces in Clapham: fixed and removable.

Fixed clear braces in Clapham

These look like traditional metal braces, but they have brackets made out of clear ceramic, and just one slim, tooth-coloured wire strung between them. These braces pull the front 6-8 teeth into alignment. They work best on mild to moderate misalignments.

Removable clear braces in Clapham

These braces don’t have brackets and wires. Instead, they look like invisible mouth guards that go over the teeth. Pressure points inside press on the teeth to gently push them into alignment. Whereas the wires on traditional braces are tightened every few weeks to keep up the pressure, treatment with aligners is progressed by wearing a series of devices, each with slightly different pressure points. The average treatment time for removable clear braces is around one year.

These aligners are transparent and removable, making meal times as easy as ever, and teeth brushing is simple too.

Removable braces work best on mild to moderate alignment issues. They don’t work well on teeth that have not descended properly as these need a pulling pressure to bring them into place.

For severe misalignments

You will probably need to start off with traditional metal braces and then move onto clear braces in Clapham part way through your treatment.

To find out more, come into Clapham South Dental Centre for a consultation. You can use our online form or ring us up for an appointment.

Clear braces in Clapham – some interesting facts

If you can’t wait to straighten your teeth, but feel uncomfortable at the prospect of wearing metal braces for months or even years, then you needn’t worry. With clear braces, you can align your teeth and smile at the same time. Keep reading to find out how’s this possible.

Clear Braces in ClaphamAt Clapham South Dental Centre, we offer clear braces that are either tooth-coloured or can be removed occasionally, compared to metal brackets and wires which are constantly attached to the teeth. Clear braces in Clapham are designed to deliver results efficiently and, above all, discreetly.

Exclusive benefits of clear braces in Clapham

Most people opt for clear braces, because they don’t want to wear metal braces. Clear braces are almost invisible, but that’s not their only benefit.

Some types of clear braces are designed to straighten teeth more quickly than traditional braces, starting from as little as 6 months (i.e. Six Month Smiles braces). More importantly, clear teeth-straightening solutions such as Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces because they put less pressure on the teeth and are less likely to harm your gums, since they are made of plastic. Finally, Invisalign aligners are not attached to the teeth – you can remove them any time you want to brush your teeth or eat your food.

Can I have clear braces?

Sadly, clear braces cannot fix all types of teeth-straightening problems. As long as your teeth are moderately misaligned and you don’t have any serious bite problems, then you can benefit from clear braces in Clapham. Otherwise, your dentist may recommend an alternative teeth-straightening method. It’s not unusual for patients to switch from metal braces to clear braces once their teeth do not require substantial movement.

Do clear braces hurt?

Clear braces do not hurt because they usually put less pressure on the teeth. Moreover, Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic and they cannot hurt the inside of your mouth, no matter how hard you try.

Learn more about our range of braces

At Clapham South Dental Centre, we strive to offer our patients discreet and affordable teeth-straightening solutions. If you would like to schedule a consultation for clear braces in Clapham, get in touch.

Clear braces in Clapham – your questions answered

If you have decided that braces are the only way to improve your smile, you may wish to consider clear braces. Unlike regular braces, clear braces are very discreet and can be even be removed.

At Clapham South Dental Centre we firmly believe that your lifestyle shouldn’t change because of teeth-straightening treatment and for this reason we offer clear braces in Clapham. These braces can either be fixed or removable and are very effective at addressing various dental problems – from mild and moderate misalignment to bite issues (i.e. underbites, crossbites, overbites).

Clear Braces in ClaphamWhy is straightening your teeth important?

No matter how you decide to straighten your teeth, teeth-straightening treatment can prevent gum disease, cavities, tooth loss, jaw problems and abnormal wear to your tooth enamel. Moreover, teeth straightening with clear braces in Clapham can restore your speaking and chewing ability. No more lisps or digestion problems because of crooked teeth.

How long do I have to wear clear braces?

In general, treatment with braces can usually last from 18 to 24 months, with the average treatment with clear braces in Clapham taking up to 18 months. Treatment with the Inman Aligner, however, will only take a few weeks. Length of treatment depends on the severity of your problem, the proposed treatment plan, your age as well as other factors which are not identical for each patient.

Are clear braces painful?

Clear braces are very comfortable to wear and you won’t feel any discomfort, especially if you opt for Invisalign. However, some patients may feel slight discomfort for a few days after having their braces initially fitted, but this will go away soon.

What should I expect on the first visit to the dentist for clear braces?

When you come in for your consultation appointment, we will examine your teeth carefully and determine whether you are a good candidate for clear braces in Clapham. This can be achieved with the help of x-rays and other diagnostic tools. We have great experience with clear braces and we can’t wait to help you transform your smile. To find out more about clear braces in Clapham, call us today.

Why we love working with clear braces

Some people firmly believe that you have to suffer in order to get good things in life. The pervasive underlying message is that anything that comes easy, can’t be as worthwhile as something that comes through hardship. When it comes to your dental treatment, we don’t agree with this idea.

Clear Braces in ClaphamAt Clapham South Dental Centre, we want to make any dental treatment that you have easier, more comfortable, faster, less costly and so on. If we could straighten your teeth with no effort from you at all, we would. However, while we’re still working on that, we have a compromise that we are happy to offer our patients – clear braces in Clapham.

Working with traditional braces still has value but modern methods, like clear braces in Clapham, address many of the issues that many people have concerns about.


Clear braces in Clapham are low profile and gentle. You will still be able to feel that they are there, but it shouldn’t feel like you have a big mouthful of metal. They are typically focused on your front teeth only.


Due to the narrow focus of clear braces in Clapham, most people can get their teeth realigned in a relatively short space of time compared with traditional methods. This means that you can get your smile straightened now in preparation for a holiday or big event next year without having to worry about wearing braces in all the photos.


Perhaps one of the biggest developments in braces in recent years is the focus on the appearance of the equipment. Companies who develop braces realised that more people would take advantage of the benefits of realignment if they could be reassured about the impact that braces have on the appearance. While clear braces are still visible against the teeth, they are much less obtrusive than old-style methods. This is down to the clear and tooth-coloured materials that are used to construct them.

Whatever your concerns about wearing braces, come and talk to us at Clapham South Dental Centre. We can talk you through any issues and offer you reassurance in a clear and jargon-free way.

Want to learn more about the benefits of clear braces in Clapham?

We all want perfectly straight teeth, although sometimes, mainly because of genetics, we are left with flawed smiles. Nonetheless, the great thing about recent advances in dentistry is that we can achieve a beautiful and perfectly aligned smile without wearing metal brackets and wires.

If you want to learn more about clear braces in Clapham, at Clapham South Dental Centre we are happy to answer your questions and guide you through the different types of teeth-straightening treatments available in our practice. Clear braces can be either fixed or removable and allow you to achieve the beautiful smile you have always wanted without having to deal with metal.

Clear Braces in ClaphamClear braces will improve your oral hygiene

If your oral health is seriously compromised by your crooked teeth, then you should give clear braces in Clapham a try. Whether you opt for removable aligners such as Invisalign or fixed clear braces such as Damon, your teeth will straighten over time and your oral hygiene problems will become a thing of the past.

They will also improve your oral health

Clear braces in Clapham are more than just aesthetics – they also come with certain oral health benefits. Straight teeth are healthy teeth both in form as well as function. If you straighten your teeth as soon as you spot your teeth alignment problems, chances are that you won’t have to worry about more complex dental problems in the future. Last but not least, clear braces in Clapham are beneficial for your gums. Gums fit tighter to the teeth when the teeth don’t overlap, reducing the risk for inflammation and gum disease. Tighter gums can be achieved with the help of clear braces in Clapham.

No more traumatic wear

When your teeth are not aligned properly and your bite is not normal, then they are both subjected to irregular wear. This traumatic wear can cause chips, breaks or even problems to your jawbone. Again, the risk for this problem will go away as soon as you straighten your teeth with clear braces.

Contact us

If you are an adult in need of clear braces in Cheltenham, we will be happy to speak to you about your options.

Clear braces can align your teeth discreetly

Your smile is a big part of your personality, and if you’re not happy with it then it is worth putting some time and money into fixing it. Clear braces in Clapham can help improve your smile in a discreet way. A number of different clear braces systems are available, and at Clapham South Dental Centre we can help you choose the right system for you.

Clear Braces in ClaphamClear braces in Clapham can make your teeth healthier

While you may have decided to correct your teeth for aesthetic reasons, there is also a medical advantage to straightening your teeth. Crooked teeth mean corners that are hard to clean, allowing plaque to build up and risking decay.

It is obvious that misaligned teeth aren’t going to get better on their own, but you may not be aware that if left to their own devices, they may get worse. Each time you bite down, you put pressure on any crooked teeth, which can force them more out of line and make your bite fail to meet properly. Investing in clear braces in Clapham can set you up for healthier teeth in the future.

Get the smile you want quickly

As clear braces are mostly focussed on cosmetic correction, they often only adjust the front 6 teeth at the top and bottom. This means they can work much quicker than traditional braces. The speed at which they work means that there is less cost involved for you, plus our finance options mean you can spread the cost over a year.

When adjusting the front teeth only, there is a lot less force required than with traditional braces. This means you aren’t likely to feel the discomfort associated with severe tightening.

Reliable correction with unnoticeable braces

By choosing clear braces in Clapham, you can rest assured that many people won’t even notice you are wearing them. With clear brackets and tooth-coloured wire, they will only be noticeable to anyone who gets quite close to you. And because they work so quickly, there is less time for them to be noticed.

If you have a special event coming up and want to look your absolute best, why not improve your smile with clear braces in Clapham?

A clear view even with braces

It can be strangely fascinating to see a grown adult with metal braces all over their teeth. Have you ever found yourself unable to stop staring at someone who is clearly long out of full-time education and yet is wearing the full train track look? Don’t you wish you could look away? Don’t you wish you could ask them what could be so horribly wrong with their teeth that even now they still have braces on? Have they been wearing braces for 15 years instead of the usual 2?

Clear Braces in ClaphamImagine now being that poor person. You can bet your boots that you’re not the only person who can’t stop staring at them, wanting to know their story. And if you are in need of braces yourself, imagining being that person is enough to put you off. Thankfully, with clear braces in Clapham at Clapham South Dental centre you never have to be that person. Instead, you can glide through your treatment knowing that your clear braces in Clapham, blend in with your teeth and people have to get pretty close to you to spot them. And when they do, they will see subtle, attractive braces that look more like mouth jewellery than a straightening device.

How clear braces in Clapham work

You can choose between fixed and removable braces. The fixed braces work on the front 6-8 teeth only. These teeth have only one root and are therefore easier to move. With smaller forces required, the brackets are smaller (and made of clear ceramic) and the wires are finer too (and coated in a tooth-coloured material). These braces work best on mild to moderate misalignment issues and take only a few months to do so.

Our removable clear braces look more like mouth guards. Made of very thin, transparent plastic, they pretty much become invisible when you put them on over your teeth. You take them out for eating and cleaning but you must wear them for at least 22 hours a day to stay on schedule with treatment. The average treatment time for these aligners is one year.

Both kinds of clear braces in Clapham require you to wear a retainer for an indefinite period after straightening is completed.

The clear path to straight teeth

So, you have decided to get your teeth straightened. You’ve been thinking about it for years and you’ve put it off because you don’t want to look like a nerdy teenager with clunky chunks of metal and wire all over your teeth. However, despite that you know that straight teeth are easier to keep clean and tend to last longer than wonky ones so you are going to do it anyway.

If you come to us at Clapham South Dental Centre, you can probably avoid all that embarrassment of looking like a baddy from a James Bond movie, with clear braces in Clapham.

Clear Braces in ClaphamYou didn’t know about clear braces in Clapham? Well that’s hardly surprising. They are clear so that people can’t see them when they are on your teeth. This means that during casual interactions in day-to-day life, you can easily miss the fact that someone is wearing clear braces in Clapham.

Fixed clear braces in Clapham

These are like traditional metal braces but they are much smaller. The brackets are constructed using clear ceramic and they are strung through with a fine wire that is coated with a tooth-coloured material. Generally speaking, these braces are designed for moving the front 6-8 teeth, which are the ones people see the most of when you are talking or smiling. These teeth have only one root so the forces needed to move them are gentler, which is why the braces can be smaller. Treatment times can be only a few months, especially if the movements needed are small.

Removable clear braces in Clapham

These look like mouth guards, but the plastic is very thin and they hug the teeth like a second skin. The movement is achieved not by tightening a wire but by using a series of aligners, each with a slightly different set of pressure points inside them. You work your way through the series and by the end, your teeth are lovely and straight.


Everyone needs to wear a retainer after treatment is complete. This is because the bone is not yet set hard and the teeth could wander around if not held in place.