Can I get invisible braces?

At Clapham South Dental Center, we have seen the growth in the invisible braces in Clapham over the last few years. Why is this and what makes them so popular?invisible-braces-in-clapham

Don’t think that the growth has anything to do with fads or fashion. The reason why we provide aligners is simply that they are an effective and useful orthodontic tool that meets the needs of the patient, striking a balance between effective orthodontics and everyday usability.

Invisible braces in Clapham make for more intelligent use of the forces that are applied to the patient’s teeth. This allows for orthodontics to be carried out in a considerate and more tolerable way than the standard brace, where regular adjustments are commonplace throughout the industry.

Aligners are thin and lightweight forms for wearing in public and they are often simply unnoticed. This does have its drawbacks; standard metal braces generate much more brute force and when it comes to changing the position of molars (particularly in cases involving rearrangement of the jaw), a simple clear aligner is not going to be capable of affecting tooth positions. And in the case of altering your jaws, position headgear may be required in exceedingly complex presentations.

For cosmetic orthodontic treatment and minor misalignment, clear aligners are considered an effective and useful treatment option. One of the most important advantages of receiving your aligners via a local dentist like ours is that you will also receive guidance on treatment. This would be less effective if attempted with online brands.

As they offer one potential treatment to all cases they receive, they have an interest in promoting that treatment method and getting you to shell out money for an aligner that may not work. We do not have that incentive and want to help you get the smile you want.

Hybrid treatments

A standard metal brace is more effective on a wider range of conditions than aligners. And a trend of hybrid treatments is becoming common. The wearing of a regular brace before graduating on to a series of aligners attempts to bring together the best of both, with the brace doing the heavy lifting while the aligner carries out the majority of the cosmetic treatment allowing the patient to get out of their braces much faster. This also reduces the chances of requiring retainers.

Adult orthodontics

Adults are engaging in orthodontics more than ever before and they seem to have a trend towards the clear aligners over the standard brace. This is hardly surprising, given stereotypes that come along with braces but there is another factor due to the funding structure of the NHS. Orthodontic care given below the age of 18 is free at the point of service, whereas aligners are slightly cheaper if you have to pay at the point of service for your care. And so, there is a temptation towards adopting aligners wherever possible over metal braces.

If you have any query about invisible braces in Clapham, we would be happy to help answer your questions. You can get in contact with the clinic by email address on the website or by phone.