Ways to make braces treatment easier

What would make you more likely to get your teeth straightened? Would it be knowing that you can eat whatever you like and won’t have to spend ages in front of a mirror picking food out of your braces? Would it be knowing that you can undergo treatment and no-one else need know about it? Would it be both?

Invisible Braces in ClaphamAt Clapham South Dental Centre, we have found that many people are happy to get their teeth realigned once they know that modern invisible braces in Clapham are available to do the job.

Invisible braces in Clapham mean that patients can go about their daily lives without having to fend off stares and personal questions. This can be especially important for people who work with the public, or need to have an air of authority in their work. Can you imagine taking a parking ticket off someone in braces, for example?

Hidden braces

We offer invisible braces in Clapham that are fixed to the tongue side of the teeth. These are great braces for people with more complex alignment issues. Each bracket is made specifically for the curvature of each tooth. These braces cannot be seen, and so straightening remains private.

Clear aligners

We also offer removable clear aligners. These look more like mouth guards than traditional braces. Once you have been measured for them, you receive a series of 3D printed aligners. Inside each one are precision placed pressure points. The position of these change as you work your way through the series and your teeth move in response to the pressure. You usually wear each aligner for 7-10 days before moving onto the next.

The aligners come out every time you consume anything other than water. You brush your teeth before putting them back. As long as you wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day, your treatment will stay on track.

One device aligners

We also have aligners that sandwich the front teeth between 2 clear plastic aligner bows. These are also removable for eating and cleaning. Plus, they double up as a retainer.

Treatment times vary depending on your alignment issues. Come on in for a consultation.